插图 引用 同一行两个插图

“Hi, my name is Ludmila and I’m a UX/UI designer”

“嗨,我叫Ludmila,我是UX / UI设计师”

“Hi, Ludmila”




Not anonymously at all, I’ve been doing UX/UI design for more than 6 years. At the same time, I had a passion for drawing and painting for… all my life.

完全不是匿名的,我从事UX / UI设计已经超过6年了。 同时,我一生都对绘画充满热情

The composition of fruits and a cup on the table.
My first steps in flat illustration—a picture I drew when I was 7 [maybe] years old. I still love it :)
我的第一步是平面插图,这是我7岁(也许)时画的照片。 我仍然喜欢它:)

In the digital sphere, no surprise, I was interested in the graphics right from the beginning of my work. The first thing I’ve noticed is that almost every screen or page has the tiny graphic element—the icon.

在数字领域,毫不奇怪,我从一开始就对图形感兴趣。 我注意到的第一件事是,几乎每个屏幕或页面都具有微小的图形元素- 图标

The next thing you meet in every product, app, or service is the logo—a simple yet memorable piece of branding.


But when it comes to illustrations… that the whole new universe to discover and find out its specifics in design!


插图如何在数字世界中使用 (How illustrations are used in the digital world)

Here are some ways of incorporating graphics into the DNA of your product.


App design


A screen of the app with the search fields. The suggested route is next to it.
Concept of the app where you can find the railway tickets概念
  • Onboarding screens
  • Empty states
  • Placeholders
  • Cover images
  • The element of animated transition
  • AppStore, Google Play screenshots
    AppStore,Google Play屏幕截图

Web design


Web page with a search of the location, dates and numbers of adults filters.
Concept of the travel service概念
  • Main visual element to represent the product or service idea
  • Secondary elements to showcase the features
  • Cover images of articles, chapters, etc.

两种插图 (Two types of illustrations)

What makes an illustration stand out? You might say the answer is easy to guess, it’s the style! Or the colors.

是什么使插图脱颖而出? 您可能会说答案很容易猜到,这就是样式 ! 还是颜色

I will add it’s the meaning, an idea behind it.

我将添加其含义, 即其背后的想法

But here I would divide illustrations into two types. The first is a decorative element where you see a familiar subject—a capture of life or a certain thing as it is, sort of—a digital art form.

但是在这里,我将插图分为两种类型。 第一个是装饰性元素,您可以在其中看到一个熟悉的主题(一种对生活或某种事物的捕捉, 一种数字艺术形式)

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1. You might not regularly see a toucan on a daily basis but here the whole picture depicts the real-life moment—a toucan is in his usual habitat. 2. The second pic is showing a landscape with boats—a kind of traditional maritime subject.
1.您可能不会每天定期看到巨嘴鸟,但是这里的整个图景描绘了现实生活中的时刻-一只巨嘴鸟生活在他平常的栖息地。 第二张照片显示的是一艘船的风景,这是传统的海上主题。

The second one is a metaphor—a story where elements can be shown in the unusual surroundings or their combination should bring us a certain idea.

第二个是隐喻 -一个故事,其中的元素可以在不寻常的环境中显示出来,或者它们的组合应该带给我们某种想法。

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1. An open gate in a shape book with the dark sky and the shining galaxy is a bait for the main hero who’s on his way to reach it. 2. The contrast between the schemes of the real constructions and paper-made plane.
1.形状书中开着的门,黑暗的天空和闪闪发光的星系,是正在前进的主要英雄的诱饵。 2.实际结构方案与纸飞机方案之间的对比。

Both types of illustrations require a groundwork—first, a search on how to present the idea. Next, a search for the composition of the elements.

两种类型的插图都需要基础,首先是寻找如何表达该想法的方法 。 接下来,搜索元素的组成。

When it comes to the metaphor illustration, a search of the concept might take a longer time. At the same time, choosing the metaphor an illustrator can reach an outstanding result—not only illustration is one of a kind but also, there is a unique way the idea is presented.

说到隐喻插图 ,对概念的搜索可能需要更长的时间。 同时,通过选择插图画家的隐喻可以获得出色的结果-不仅插图是其中的一种,而且还有一种独特的表达想法的方式。

If the metaphor illustration may take a longer time, does it mean that an “art form” illustration is simpler to achieve and it’ll take less time?


I don’t think so. When your task is to capture a certain moment or hero without additional metaphor meaning, you have to be sure the result will capture the attention. And this can be achieved by high-quality work that require years of experience.

我不这么认为。 当您的任务是捕获某个时刻或英雄而又没有其他隐喻含义时,您必须确保结果会引起注意。 而这可以通过需要多年经验的高质量工作来实现。

为什么插图是产品的重要组成部分 (Why Illustration is a Vital Part of Your Product)

You might say the illustration isn’t an essential element of the product. Numerous apps and websites don’t have them and talking about UX/UI design we, designers, put usability and functionality in the first place.

您可能会说插图不是产品的必要元素。 许多应用程序和网站都没有它们,而谈论UX / UI设计时,我们(设计师)首先将可用性和功能放在首位。

Sure, that’s how it happens quite often.


The illustration for the service is like a premium subscription for a user—enhanced experience with an emotional component.


The illustration can make your product flourish. Be unique. Remarkable. One of a kind.

插图可以使您的产品蓬勃发展。 独一无二。 卓越。 其中的一种。

That’s why embed illustrations in a product is a vital thing. It breathes life into it. And gives you wiiings.

因此,在产品中嵌入插图至关重要。 它为它注入生命。 并给你哭泣

Take a look at the simple example most of us see every day—Google search.


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1. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 91st birthday 2. Dominican Republic elections 2016
1.加布里埃尔·加西亚·马克斯(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)诞辰91周年2. 2016年多米尼加共和国选举

Instead of seeing Google logo each time, our experience has got a sudden emotional interpretation, so-called Google Doodle. It still reflects “Google” word but also, depicts a relevant to our location story—the anniversary of a famous person, an important day in our current history or a message to pay attention to.

我们的体验不是每次都看到Google徽标,而是突然的情感诠释 ,即所谓的Google Doodle。 它仍然反映了“ Google”一词,但也描述了与我们的位置故事相关的信息-名人的周年纪念日,当前历史上重要的一天或要注意的信息。

In my opinion, Google Doodles is a genius thing. Not only it subtly emphasizes that service provides people information as the end product. It also showcases the creative solution that makes the brand remarkable.

我认为Google Doodles是个天才。 它不仅巧妙地强调了服务将人们的信息作为最终产品。 它还展示了使该品牌脱颖而出的创意解决方案。

Another way to add emotion into the existing design is to bring a mascot.


Team page with bunnies illustration and CTA button. The home screen with search, info and bunnies.
Hopper website and app screenshots

Take a look at Hopper. Having a bunny in their logo, they also add cute illustrations of bunnies both on the web and app. They appear in different chapters and, even more, a happy bunny is placed next to the result for the current lowest price on the flight—the core functionality of the service.

看一下料斗。 他们的徽标中有一个兔子,他们还在网络和应用程序上添加了可爱的兔子插图。 它们出现在不同的章节中,甚至更高兴地在结果旁边放置一个兔子,以当前航班的最低价格(服务的核心功能)。

That’s the consistent story of the brand and the emotional connection with the user. Together with UX steps, it brings a sort of gamification into the flow.

那就是品牌的一贯故事,以及与用户的情感联系。 与UX步骤一起,它为流程带来了一种游戏化。

设计师如何提高插图技巧? (How a designer can improve illustration skills?)

Practice-practice-practice is definitely the answer but here’s the hint.


Participate in daily challenges, for example, Inktober. Yes, its initial idea is to draw with ink on paper but who said you should always follow the rules? Be creative and choose your way and program, after all. In my case, I used Procreate.

参加日常挑战,例如Inktober。 是的,其最初的想法是在纸上绘画,但是谁说您应该始终遵守这些规则? 毕竟要有创造力,选择自己的方式和程序。 就我而言,我使用了Procreate。

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The concept for the Storyteller app I made after using the pictures as the cover images for the themes.概念 。

Having a list of random words, some of which sound rather bizarre I would say, you have a task. It gives you an opportunity to concentrate purely on illustration not on inventing the assignment.

有了一个随机单词的列表, 其中有些听起来很奇怪,我要说的是 ,您有一项任务。 它使您有机会完全专注于插图而不是发明任务。

Also, as it’s a daily challenge that lasts for a month, it means that you probably have to dedicate time to drawing each day. That’s why you’re learning to concentrate and get the result as fast as possible.

另外,由于这是一个持续一个月的日常挑战,因此,您可能不得不花时间在每一天进行绘画。 这就是为什么您要学习集中精力并尽快获得结果。

And now, it’s time to take a pencil and start to draw.


Thank you for reading!


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/why-illustration-is-a-vital-part-of-your-product-d17839025199

插图 引用 同一行两个插图



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