







module top_module (input clk,input reset,   // Synchronous active-high resetinput w,output z
);parameter A = 3'd0, B = 3'd1, C = 3'd2;parameter D = 3'd3, E = 3'd4, F = 3'd5;reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;always @(*) begincase(current_state)A:      next_state = w ? B : A;B:      next_state = w ? C : D;C:      next_state = w ? E : D;D:      next_state = w ? F : A;E:      next_state = w ? E : D;F:      next_state = w ? C : D;default:next_state = A;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincurrent_state <= A;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendassign z = (current_state == E) | (current_state == F);endmodule

Q2b:One-hot FSM equations



module top_module (input [5:0] y,input w,output Y1,output Y3
);assign Y1 = y[0] & w;assign Y3 = (y[1] | y[2] | y[4] | y[5]) & ~w;endmodule




module top_module (input clk,input resetn,    // active-low synchronous resetinput [3:1] r,   // requestoutput [3:1] g   // grant
);parameter A = 2'd0, B = 2'd1;parameter C = 2'd2, D = 2'd3;reg [1:0] current_state, next_state;always @(*) begincase(current_state)A:beginif(r[1] == 1'b1) beginnext_state = B;endelse if(r[2] == 1'b1) beginnext_state = C;endelse if(r[3] == 1'b1) beginnext_state = D;endelse beginnext_state = A;endendB:       next_state = r[1] ? B : A;C:       next_state = r[2] ? C : A;D:       next_state = r[3] ? D : A;default: next_state = A;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(~resetn) begincurrent_state <= A;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendassign g[1] = current_state == B;assign g[2] = current_state == C;assign g[3] = current_state == D;endmodule

Q2b:Another FSM



module top_module (input clk,input resetn,    // active-low synchronous resetinput x,input y,output f,output g
); parameter IDLE = 4'd0, FOUT = 4'd1, S1 = 4'd2;parameter S2 = 4'd3, S3 = 4'd4, S4 = 4'd5;parameter S5 = 4'd6, ALL_ONE = 4'd7, ALL_ZERO = 4'd8;reg [3:0] current_state, next_state;always @(*) begincase(current_state)IDLE:       next_state = FOUT;FOUT:       next_state = S1;S1:         next_state = x ? S2 : S1;S2:         next_state = x ? S2 : S3;S3:         next_state = x ? S4 : S1;S4:         next_state = y ? ALL_ONE : S5;S5:         next_state = y ? ALL_ONE : ALL_ZERO;ALL_ONE:    next_state = ALL_ONE;ALL_ZERO:   next_state = ALL_ZERO;default:    next_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(~resetn) begincurrent_state <= IDLE;endelse begincurrent_state <= next_state;endendassign f = current_state == FOUT;assign g = current_state == S4 | current_state == S5 | current_state == ALL_ONE;endmodule





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