
If you want to get more technical with your product management skills, being able to work with flowchart or diagram creator apps is surely on your list.


The following guide aims to save you hours of time you’d otherwise spend researching the best diagramming solution for your project while at the same time perfecting the design of your flowcharts.


As a general rule, a flowchart or diagram is used to communicate requirements, processes, and workflows in a logical way so complex concepts will be a little less complicated.


In product management, workflows are commonly used to describe:


  • User flows
  • Processes and other systems involved in them
  • Dependencies between systems and inputs, outputs, or other conditions

I’ve tested and reviewed several tools for creating flowcharts and workflows over the past few years. Here, I've picked 5 that you must try out to describe your product’s funnels and flows.

在过去的几年中,我已经测试并回顾了几种用于创建流程图和工作流的工具。 在这里,我选择了5个您必须尝试描述产品漏斗和流程的位置。

But first…


为什么图表在产品管理中如此强大? (Why are diagrams so powerful in product management?)

While the whole idea of using flowcharts and diagrams might be overlooked or seem like it’s an unnecessary step, there are several benefits to using diagrams in PM:


  • It simplifies all processes
  • It helps you spot issues or weak points at a glance
  • It allows you to find any duplicate parts of a process
  • It establishes clear funnels
  • It supports your Quality Assurance team during the creation of test scenarios
  • It acts as a roadmap for software architecture

那么,您如何选择最佳的绘图软件呢? (So how do you choose the best diagramming software?)

Creating any kind of diagram is a fairly easy process. Building a successful one, though, takes a bit more research and time.

创建任何类型的图是一个相当简单的过程。 但是,构建一个成功的模型需要花费更多的研究和时间。

That’s why you need to choose a tool that will help you save hours of work while also giving you the predefined requirements you’ll need to build accurate diagrams and keep the process fun.


The key aspects to pay attention to when choosing a flowchart creator software solution are:


  • Availability of ready-made templates
  • Lots of choices for shapes and arrows to work with
  • Extra tools or integrations
  • Exporting options
  • Strong collaboration features
  • Ease of use from the beginning

To make it easier for you to select your next tool for building diagrams, I’ve highlighted all of these aspects for every individual solution across the following reviews.


Next up are my favorite free flowchart creator and workflow diagram app picks you need to take into consideration.


5种免费的流程图创建器和工作流图工具 (5 free flowchart creator and workflow diagram tools)

露西图 (Lucidchart)

Lucidchart should be your top-of-mind solution for creating customer experience maps and systems diagrams in particular. From the very beginning, the tool makes it easy for product managers to select the type of flowcharts they want to create. Matter of fact, the onboarding process and resources available online make it a tool with a fast learning curve.

Lucidchart应该是您特别用于创建客户体验图和系统图的首选解决方案。 从一开始,该工具就使产品经理可以轻松选择他们想要创建的流程图类型。 实际上,入职过程和在线可用资源使其成为具有快速学习曲线的工具。

From the very beginning, you’ll get all possible templates needed for you to create product strategies, create roadmaps and product flows, and even pitch your ideas to stakeholders. With ready-made templates and literally thousands of shapes and arrows to choose from, there are endless opportunities for product managers to create their materials in no time.

从一开始,您将获得创建产品策略,创建路线图和产品流程,甚至将您的想法推荐给利益相关者所需的所有可能的模板。 有了现成的模板以及数以千计的形状和箭头可供选择,产品经理将有无数的机会立即创建其材料。

Also, if you’re like me and like to add a few too many colors, this diagram app comes with a bunch of theme options to help you nail the design of your creations. Bonus points for customization here from non-designers.

此外,如果您像我一样喜欢添加一些颜色,则此图表应用程序附带了许多主题选项,可帮助您确定创作的设计。 来自非设计人员的定制奖励点。

The reason I’ve placed Lucidchart first on this list is that it’s a complete flowchart creator tool. Collaboration options are some of the strongest with comments that can be left on charts just like you would in Google Docs, slides that can be used to present your diagrams, and even sharing and exporting options.

之所以将Lucidchart放在此列表的第一位,是因为它是一个完整的流程图创建器工具。 协作选项最强大,其中的注释可以像在Google文档中一样保留在图表上,可以用于显示图表的幻灯片,甚至共享和导出选项。

If you’d like to take it all one step further, you can choose from dozens of integrations with tools you might already be using like Slack, GitHub, or Salesforce.


You can also check out my video tutorial on using the tool so you won’t have to find your way around Lucidchart yourself.




  • Free plan available
  • Easy to learn
  • Lots of templates and elements to choose from
  • Strong collaboration features



  • Limited space for free accounts
  • No desktop app

Draw.io (Draw.io)

Draw.io is a top choice for many PMs since the tool’s free, so you might have already been using it for several other business processes. Since the tool belongs to Google the interface is similar to other Google Apps like Docs and Slides that you’re probably working with anyway.

由于该工具是免费的,因此Draw.io是许多PM的首选,因此您可能已经在其他几个业务流程中使用了它。 由于该工具属于Google,因此其界面类似于您可能仍在使用的其他Google Apps(如“文档”和“幻灯片”)。

Compared to Lucidchart, Draw.io might be harder to use for non-designers since there are no theme colors to choose from if you want to make your diagrams eye-appealing.


Whenever you want to create a new diagram, you’ll get to choose from a series of templates ordered by their structure. There are no specifics for product management.

每当您要创建新图时,都可以从按其结构排序的一系列模板中进行选择。 没有产品管理的细节。

The flowchart tool does save itself through lots of elements you can use on your workspace. I advise you to use the search bar to find a specific item or element faster.

流程图工具确实通过您可以在工作空间中使用的许多元素来保存自己。 建议您使用搜索栏更快地找到特定的项目或元素。

Since the tool is so simple that even a child could use it, Draw.io is missing the advanced functionalities and collaboration features that would otherwise allow you to communicate with your team directly on the document. To do this, you’ll need to integrate it with a tool like Confluence or Quip.

由于该工具非常简单,甚至一个孩子都可以使用,因此Draw.io缺少高级功能和协作功能,否则这些功能和协作功能将使您无法直接在文档上与团队进行交流。 为此,您需要将其与Confluence或Quip等工具集成。



  • Free to use
  • Clear interface which makes it easy to get accustomed to



  • Limited templates
  • No collaboration options
  • No mobile apps
  • Few integrations

创造地 (Creately)

Creately is only a free workflow diagram app if you can accept the fact that all of your design will be public and you’re limited to 5 documents. Team plans start at $12 which is a fairly decent price considering you’re getting all the features with it.

如果您可以接受所有设计都是公开的事实,并且限于5个文档,那么Creately仅是一个免费的工作流图应用程序。 考虑到您将获得所有功能,团队计划的起价为12美元,这是一个相当不错的价格。

I specifically found their onboarding process handy since it introduces you to the tool so you won’t start and have no idea what to do next.


In many ways, the tool is similar to Lucidchart. You’ve got lots of templates to choose from, all of which are ordered by their purpose. Then you’ve got your elements which are some of the most beautiful I’ve seen, along with other styles and theme options to help product managers who aren’t that skilled at design too.

在许多方面,该工具类似于Lucidchart。 您有很多模板可供选择,所有模板均按其用途排序。 然后,您将获得一些我见过的最漂亮的元素,以及其他样式和主题选项,以帮助那些也不擅长设计的产品经理。

One thing people struggle with while using Lucidchart is file organization, a feature that Creately nails by turning their tool into an alternate file storage app. The tool also eases the process of working with several elements by integrating Google search so you can find images to use without leaving the app.

人们在使用Lucidchart时遇到的一件事是文件组织,该功能通过将其工具转换为备用文件存储应用程序来实现。 该工具还通过集成Google搜索来简化使用多个元素的过程,因此您无需离开应用程序即可查找要使用的图像。

In terms of collaboration, Creately works similarly to a prototyping tool, allowing people to leave comments on the exact element they have feedback to offer on. Collaboration is done in real-time via the online or desktop version of the app.

在协作方面,Creately与原型工具的工作原理类似,使人们可以对要提供反馈的确切元素发表评论。 协作是通过应用程序的在线或桌面版本实时完成的。



  • Lots of templates to pick from
  • Theme options
  • Communication options
  • File organization option
  • Works offline too
  • Easy to learn



  • The free option only allows you to create public content
  • Some features are still under development but will be released soon

异想天开 (Whimsical)

Whimsical is a user-friendly visual communication tool that’s commonly used to create wireframes but has separate options for putting together flowcharts, mind maps, and sticky notes.


While the tool is highly visual, there aren’t that many template options to choose from. This is because the app is centered around creating basic wireframes and flowcharts for internal use only. Shapes and connectors are also limited, but there are hundreds of icons to go for if you want to add some extra color to a mind map or flowchart.

虽然该工具具有很高的可视性,但没有太多可供选择的模板选项。 这是因为该应用程序集中在创建仅供内部使用的基本线框和流程图。 形状和连接器也受到限制,但是如果要向思维导图或流程图中添加一些其他颜色,则可以使用数百个图标。

On to the benefits of using the tool: collaborating on each project takes fewer than two steps, with comments being placed on every single element you want to leave immediate feedback on. All work is easy to share, export, and even embed.

使用该工具的好处:在每个项目上进行协作只需不到两个步骤,并且对每个要留下即时反馈的元素都添加了注释。 所有工作都易于共享,导出甚至嵌入。

Ever been annoyed by losing your past versions for a product development flowchart you were supposed to show to your stakeholders? Whimsical is one of the few tools that has a fully-featured file versioning option that records every single change you’re making on a chart so you can restore better versions.

曾经因为要向利益相关者展示产品开发流程图而丢失过去的版本而感到恼火吗? 异想天开是具有全功能文件版本控制选项的少数工具之一,该功能可以记录您在图表上所做的每个更改,以便您可以恢复更好的版本。



  • Strong design options
  • Easy to learn
  • Sharing and exporting options
  • Lots of icons to add to your creation
  • File versioning
  • Free version available



  • Limited template options

坎瓦 (Canva)

Canva is not really a common option since it’s usually used by marketing and social media teams who need highly-visual content to display publicly. If you’re also looking to create a flowchart to present on your social networks, in your pitch deck, or to any other stakeholders, it’s definitely worth giving it a try.

Canva并不是一个普遍的选择,因为需要高度可视化的内容才能公开展示的营销和社交媒体团队通常会使用它。 如果您还想创建一个流程图,以呈现在您的社交网络,广告投放平台或其他任何利益相关者手中,那么绝对值得尝试一下。

Not only is it easy to use, but the fact that it’s a general app instead of being tailored only to building diagrams also means it has thousands of elements and icons you can choose from. Illustrations, arrows of all kinds, customizable charts, you name it. Even videos.

它不仅易于使用,而且它是通用应用程序,而不是仅为构建图表而量身定制,这也意味着它具有成千上万的元素和图标供您选择。 您可以为插图,各种箭头,可自定义的图表命名。 甚至是视频。

As for the sharing options, they’re top-notch. You can export your content into any file type you want, resize your workspace to share it on multiple platforms, and use the presentation mode, complete with notes for presenters.

至于共享选项,它们是一流的。 您可以将内容导出为所需的任何文件类型,调整工作空间的大小以在多个平台上共享它,并使用演示模式以及演示者注释。

Once you invite your team into the tool, you’ll be able to leave comments on your designs to keep everyone on the same page.




  • Free option
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Versatile
  • Focused on great design
  • Lots and lots of options for elements
  • Collaboration options



  • Limited template options for product management

还没决定吗 (Haven’t decided yet?)

Start by creating a list of your own requirements. Are you in need of strong templates so you don’t have to build everything from scratch? Or maybe you can give up on lots of elements as long as collaboration options are on point.

首先创建自己的需求列表。 您是否需要强大的模板,因此不必从头开始构建所有内容? 或者,只要可以选择协作选项,您就可以放弃很多要素。

Based on your own needs and goals, go over the above list to pick an option that works best for you and give it a try. Each option has its own unique features that distinguish it from the others:

根据您自己的需求和目标,在上方列表中选择最适合您的选项,然后尝试一下。 每个选项都有其独特的功能,将其与其他选项区分开:

  • Lucidchart - lots of template options for PM
  • Draw.io - super easy to use
  • Creately - most features in one tool
  • Whimsical - clear interface for internal use
  • Canva - focused on design

If you have any other tips on helping product managers choose their next flowchart creator workflow diagram app, let me know.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/flow-chart-creator-and-workflow-diagram-apps/



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