
汇编选集大工20春专业英语(计算机英语)在线作业123(答案)大工20春专业英语(计算机英语)在线作业1试卷总分:100得分:100一、答案来源:奥学网(www.aoxuewang.net) (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)1.The first generation computers were huge,slow,expensive,and often undependable.答案:正确2.The transistor computer did not last as long as the vacuum tube computer lasted, but it was less important in the advancement of computer technology.答案:错误3.Transistors were a tremendous breakthrough in advancing the computer.答案:4.However what really triggered the tremendous growth of computers and its significant impact on our lives is the invention of the microprocessor.答案:5.It wasnt until the 1980s that people began buying computer for personal use.答案:6.A computer can be broken down into three distinct categories, namely output,input and CPU.答案:7.The term output consists of all components that display words and graphics so that a person can see them.答案:8.The keyboard is classified as a form of output.答案:9.Mouse belongs to input.答案:10.CPU is the soul of a computer.答案:二、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)11.The ENIAC used thousands of( ),which took up a lot of space and gave off a great deal of heat just like light bulbs do.A.vacuum tubesB.integrated circuitsC.chipsD.switches答案:12.In 1947 three scientists, John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain working at( )invented the transistor computer.A.BaiduB.MicrosoftC.AT&Ts Bell LabsD.Yahoo答案:13.Most electronic devices today use some form of( )placed on printed circuit boards.A.triggerB.kitC.microprocessorD.integrated circuits答案:14.The fourth generation computers can be characterized by both the jump to monolithic integrated circuits and the invention of( ).A.microprocessorB.transistorC.chipD.circuit答案:15.The( )led to the invention of personal computers,or microcomputers.A.microprocessorB.transistorC.chipD.circuit答案:16.The software and hardware components of a computer( ).A.function independentlyB.can never be coordinatedC.rely on each other and support each otherD.none of the above答案:17.Accessing data from a floppy disk is called( )data.A.printingB.readingC.writingD.listening答案:18.A location in RAM memory is accessed by its( )A.contentsB.addressC.storage unitD.storage capacity答案:19.RAM is a( )storage.A.permanentB.flashC.temporaryD.expansion答案:20.Computers can only recognize( )signals.A.analogB.infrared rayC.lightD.digital答案:


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