谷歌云端硬盘 转存


Google has announced that Google Drive and Google Photos will be separating in July. Google says, “the connection between these services is confusing,” so it’s making some changes to “simplify the experience.” Here’s what that means for you.

谷歌宣布 ,谷歌驱动器和谷歌照片将在七月分开。 Google说:“这些服务之间的联系令人困惑,”因此,它正在进行一些更改以“简化体验”。 这对您意味着什么。

Google Drive和照片如何连接? (How Were Google Drive and Photos Connected?)

Currently, Google Drive and Google Photos are linked together. From within Google Drive, you can select a “Google Photos” folder to browse all your photos and videos. The Google Backup and Sync tool for Windows and Mac can sync these photos to your computer, just as it can sync your other Google Drive files.

目前,Google云端硬盘和Google相册已链接在一起。 在Google云端硬盘中,您可以选择“ Google相册”文件夹来浏览所有照片和视频。 适用于Windows和Mac的Google备份和同步工具可以将这些照片同步到您的计算机,就像它可以同步其他Google云端硬盘文件一样。

And, from within Google Photos, you’ll also see photos you store in other folders in Google Drive.


These interfaces are linked together. If you delete a photo from within Google Drive, it also vanishes from Google Photos. If you delete a photo from within Google Photos, it will also be removed from your Google Drive.

这些接口链接在一起。 如果您从Google云端硬盘中删除照片,该照片也会从Google相册中消失。 如果您从Google相册中删除照片,该照片也将从您的Google云端硬盘中删除。

Google says it’s heard feedback that this connection is confusing, so it’s making some changes.


有什么变化? (What’s Changing?)

Starting sometime in July 2019, this connection is being removed. New photos (and videos) added to Google Photos will not appear in the Google Photos folder in Google Drive. According to Google’s announcement, any existing photos and videos you have in your Google Photos folder will continue to remain there in Google Drive—but no new ones will be automatically added.

从2019年7月某个时候开始,此连接将被删除。 添加到Google相册的新照片(和视频)不会显示在Google云端硬盘的Google相册文件夹中。 根据Google的公告,您在Google相册文件夹中拥有的所有现有照片和视频将继续保留在Google云端硬盘中,但不会自动添加任何新的照片和视频。

New photos and videos stored in Google Drive won’t automatically be shown in Google Photos, either.


If you delete photos or videos from Google Drive or Google Photos, they won’t be automatically removed from the other service. Google says, “this change is designed to help prevent accidental deletion of items across products.”

如果您从Google云端硬盘或Google相册删除照片或视频,它们不会自动从其他服务中删除。 Google说:“这项更改旨在帮助防止意外删除产品中的商品。”

In other words, the automatic link between the two services is being removed. Photos and videos will exist only in one place. Google is already showing a notification saying your “Google Photos folder is changing.”

换句话说,两个服务之间的自动链接将被删除。 照片和视频只会存在于一个地方。 Google已经显示一条通知,告知您“ Google相册文件夹正在更改”。

我的照片和视频会怎样? (What Happens to My Photos and Videos?)

Nothing’s changing for existing photos and videos. If you currently have photos on Google Drive, those photos will still be shown in Google Photos in the future. If you currently have photos in Google Photos, they’ll still be shown in the Google Drive folder in the future.

现有的照片和视频没有任何变化。 如果您当前在Google云端硬盘上有照片,那么将来这些照片仍会显示在Google相册中。 如果您当前在“ Google相册”中有照片,将来它们仍会显示在Google云端硬盘文件夹中。

However, any new photos uploaded to Google Photos won’t appear in Google Drive, and any new photos uploaded to Google Drive won’t appear in Google Photos.


如何将照片从驱动器移动到照片? (How Can I Move Photos From Drive to Photos?)

Google is adding an “Upload from Drive” feature to Google Photos. When you head to the Google Photos website, you can select “Upload from Drive” to upload photos and videos from your Google Drive account to Google Photos.

Google向Google相册添加了“从云端硬盘上传”功能。 当您访问Google相册网站时,可以选择“从云端硬盘上传”以将照片和视频从您的Google云端硬盘帐户上传到Google相册。

After they’re uploaded, these photos and videos won’t be linked—in other words, if you upload a photo from Drive to Photos and then delete it on one service, it won’t be removed on the other.


This also means that, if you upload a 50 MB video from Drive to Photos and leave it in both locations, it will take 100 MB of your Google account’s storage quota.

这也意味着,如果您将来自云端硬盘的50 MB视频上传到“照片”,然后将其保留在两个位置,则将占用Google帐户100 MB的存储配额。

我仍然可以将Google Photos同步到我的PC或Mac吗? (Can I Still Sync Google Photos to My PC or Mac?)

Currently, this integration means you can automatically download (sync) any photos and videos added to Google Photos to your PC or Mac. It all happens via the normal Google Backup and Sync application that syncs Google Drive files—just select the Google Photos and everything syncs.

目前,这种集成意味着您可以将添加到Google相册的所有照片和视频自动下载(同步)到PC或Mac。 这一切都是通过普通的Google备份和同步应用程序完成的 ,该应用程序同步Google云端硬盘文件-只需选择Google相册即可同步所有内容。

Is this feature going away? It looks like it might. Google’s statement says that “You’ll still be able to use Backup and Sync on Windows or macOS to upload to both services in High Quality or Original Quality.”

这个功能会消失吗? 看起来可能如此。 Google的声明说:“您仍然可以在Windows或macOS上使用备份和同步功能 ,以高质量或原始质量上传到这两种服务。”

In other words, Google says you’ll still be able to upload photos and videos from your PC automatically—but doesn’t mention downloading photos and videos to your PC. We’ll have to see exactly what Google does in July, but it looks like this feature is going away.

换句话说,Google表示您仍然可以从PC自动上传照片和视频,但没有提及将照片和视频下载到PC。 我们必须确切地了解Google在7月的工作,但是这项功能似乎即将消失。

If you need to sync photos to your PC, you might be better off switching to Dropbox or OneDrive on your phone. Those services can automatically upload photos you take, and then you can sync them to your PC like any other folder.

如果您需要将照片同步到PC,最好在手机上切换到Dropbox或OneDrive 。 这些服务可以自动上传您拍摄的照片,然后您可以像其他任何文件夹一样将它们同步到PC。

我可以自动将照片上传到Google云端硬盘吗? (Can I Automatically Upload Photos to Google Drive?)

The Google Photos application for Android and iPhone will still automatically upload photos, if you like—but only to Google Photos. You can no longer automatically upload them and have them placed in Google Drive—at least with Google’s own applications.

如果您愿意,Android和iPhone的Google相册应用仍会自动上传照片,但仅上传到Google相册。 您不再可以自动上传它们并将它们放置在Google云端硬盘中,至少不能与Google自己的应用程序一起放置。

As Android Police notes, the Android app Autosync for Google Drive could help fill the hole. It will let you automatically synchronize files and folders (including photos) with your Google Drive folder. They’ll then sync to your PC. It’s two-way sync, too, if you like—you can delete photos or other files in the synced Google Drive folder, and Autosync will delete them in their original location on your Android phone.

正如Android Police所指出的那样, 针对Google云端硬盘的Android应用自动同步可以帮助填补这一空白。 它将使您自动将文件和文件夹(包括照片)与Google云端硬盘文件夹同步。 然后,他们将同步到您的PC。 如果您愿意的话,它也是双向同步的-您可以删除已同步的Google云端硬盘文件夹中的照片或其他文件,然后自动同步会在您的Android手机上的原始位置删除它们。


谷歌云端硬盘 转存

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