






  • 1 机械
  • 2 低通滤波器
  • 3 的方差减少
  • 4 样品高斯矩阵
  • 5 实现
  • 6 常见的用途
  • 7 参见
  • 8 注释和参考文献
  • 9 外部链接



















这是一个样本矩阵,通过采样高斯滤波器内核产生(与σ= 0.84089642)在每个像素的中点,然后归一化。注意的中心元件(在[ 0,0 ])有最大的价值,减少对称的中心距离的增加。

0.00000067 0.00002292 0.00019117 0.00038771 0.00019117 0.00002292 0.00000067
0.00002292 0.00078634 0.00655965 0.01330373 0.00655965 0.00078633 0.00002292
0.00019117 0.00655965 0.05472157 0.11098164 0.05472157 0.00655965 0.00019117
0.00038771 0.01330373 0.11098164 0.22508352 0.11098164 0.01330373 0.00038771
0.00019117 0.00655965 0.05472157 0.11098164 0.05472157 0.00655965 0.00019117
0.00002292 0.00078633 0.00655965 0.01330373 0.00655965 0.00078633 0.00002292
0.00000067 0.00002292 0.00019117 0.00038771 0.00019117 0.00002292 0.00000067










  • 图像噪声
  • 高斯滤波器
  • 高斯金字塔
  • 无限脉冲响应(IIR)
  • 尺度空间的实现
  • 中值滤波
  • GNU Octave fspecial函数


  1. Jump up^ 夏皮罗,L. G.饲养员,G. C:“计算机视觉”,137页,150。清华大学出版社,2001
  2. Jump up^ 马克·尼克松和阿尔伯托·阿瓜多。特征提取和图像处理。学术出版社,2008,p. 88。
  3. Jump up^ 埃里克莱因哈德。高动态范围成像采集,显示,和基于图像的照明。摩根著,2006,页233–234。
  4. Jump up^ 费舍尔,帕金斯,沃克和wolfart(2003)。“空间滤波器的拉普拉斯高斯”。检索2010-09-13。


  • 一个可分离高斯模糊滤镜GLSL实现。
  • 的例子高斯模糊(低通滤波)应用于木刻,蚀刻为了消除图像对比的细节。
  • Mathematicagaussianfilter功能

Gaussian blur

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The effects of a small and a large Gaussian blur

Gaussian blur (also known as Gaussian smoothing) is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function. It is a widely used effect in graphics software, typically to reduce image noise and reduce detail. The visual effect of this blurring technique is a smooth blur resembling that of viewing the image through a translucent screen, distinctly different from thebokeh effect produced by an out-of-focus lens or the shadow of an object under usual illumination. Gaussian smoothing is also used as a pre-processing stage in computer vision algorithms in order to enhance image structures at different scales—see scale space representation and scale space implementation.

Mathematically, applying a Gaussian blur to an image is the same as convolving the image with a Gaussian function. This is also known as a two-dimensional Weierstrass transform. By contrast, convolving by a circle (i.e., a circular box blur) would more accurately reproduce the bokeh effect. Since the Fourier transform of a Gaussian is another Gaussian, applying a Gaussian blur has the effect of reducing the image's high-frequency components; a Gaussian blur is thus a low pass filter.



  • 1 Mechanics
  • 2 Low-pass filter
  • 3 Variance reduction
  • 4 Sample Gaussian matrix
  • 5 Implementation
  • 6 Common uses
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes and references
  • 9 External links


Gaussian blur can be used in order to obtain a smooth grayscale digital image of a halftone print

The Gaussian blur is a type of image-blurring filter that uses a Gaussian function (which also expresses the normal distribution in statistics) for calculating the transformation to apply to each pixel in the image. The equation of a Gaussian function in one dimension is

in two dimensions, it is the product of two such Gaussians, one in each dimension:


where x is the distance from the origin in the horizontal axis, y is the distance from the origin in the vertical axis, and σ is thestandard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. When applied in two dimensions, this formula produces a surface whosecontours are concentric circles with a Gaussian distribution from the center point. Values from this distribution are used to build aconvolution matrix which is applied to the original image. Each pixel's new value is set to a weighted average of that pixel's neighborhood. The original pixel's value receives the heaviest weight (having the highest Gaussian value) and neighboring pixels receive smaller weights as their distance to the original pixel increases. This results in a blur that preserves boundaries and edges better than other, more uniform blurring filters; see also scale space implementation.

In theory, the Gaussian function at every point on the image will be non-zero, meaning that the entire image would need to be included in the calculations for each pixel. In practice, when computing a discrete approximation of the Gaussian function, pixels at a distance of more than 3σ are small enough to be considered effectively zero. Thus contributions from pixels outside that range can be ignored. Typically, an image processing program need only calculate a matrix with dimensions  × (where  is the ceiling function) to ensure a result sufficiently close to that obtained by the entire gaussian distribution.

In addition to being circularly symmetric, the Gaussian blur can be applied to a two-dimensional image as two independent one-dimensional calculations, and so is termed separable filter. That is, the effect of applying the two-dimensional matrix can also be achieved by applying a series of single-dimensional Gaussian matrices in the horizontal direction, then repeating the process in the vertical direction. In computational terms, this is a useful property, since the calculation can be performed in  time (where h is height and w is width; see Big O notation), as opposed to  for a non-separable kernel.

Applying multiple, successive gaussian blurs to an image has the same effect as applying a single, larger gaussian blur, whose radius is the square root of the sum of the squares of the blur radii that were actually applied. For example, applying successive gaussian blurs with radii of 6 and 8 gives the same results as applying a single gaussian blur of radius 10, since . Because of this relationship, processing time cannot be saved by simulating a gaussian blur with successive, smaller blurs — the time required will be at least as great as performing the single large blur.

Two downscaled images of the Flag of the Commonwealth of Nations. Before downscaling, a Gaussian blur was applied to the bottom image but not to the top image. The blur makes the image less sharp, but prevents the formation of Moiré pattern aliasing artifacts.

Gaussian blurring is commonly used when reducing the size of an image. When downsampling an image, it is common to apply a low-pass filter to the image prior to resampling. This is to ensure that spurious high-frequency information does not appear in the downsampled image (aliasing). Gaussian blurs have nice properties, such as having no sharp edges, and thus do not introduce ringing into the filtered image.

Low-pass filter[edit]

This section requires expansion.(March 2009)

Gaussian blur is a low-pass filter, attenuating high frequency signals.

Its amplitude Bode plot (the log scale in the frequency domain) is a parabola.

Variance reduction[edit]

How much does a Gaussian filter with standard deviation  smooth the picture, with other words, how much does it reduce the standard deviation of pixel values in the picture? Assume the grayscale pixel values have a standard deviation , then after applying the filter the reduced standard deviation  can be approximated as


Sample Gaussian matrix[edit]

This is a sample matrix, produced by sampling the Gaussian filter kernel (with σ = 0.84089642) at the midpoints of each pixel and then normalizing. Note that the center element (at [0, 0]) has the largest value, decreasing symmetrically as distance from the center increases.

0.00000067 0.00002292 0.00019117 0.00038771 0.00019117 0.00002292 0.00000067
0.00002292 0.00078634 0.00655965 0.01330373 0.00655965 0.00078633 0.00002292
0.00019117 0.00655965 0.05472157 0.11098164 0.05472157 0.00655965 0.00019117
0.00038771 0.01330373 0.11098164 0.22508352 0.11098164 0.01330373 0.00038771
0.00019117 0.00655965 0.05472157 0.11098164 0.05472157 0.00655965 0.00019117
0.00002292 0.00078633 0.00655965 0.01330373 0.00655965 0.00078633 0.00002292
0.00000067 0.00002292 0.00019117 0.00038771 0.00019117 0.00002292 0.00000067

Note that 0.22508352 (the central one) is 1177 times larger than 0.00019117 which is just outside 3σ.


A Gaussian blur effect is typically generated by convolving an image with a kernel of Gaussian values. In practice, it is best to take advantage of the Gaussian blur’s separable property by dividing the process into two passes. In the first pass, a one-dimensional kernel is used to blur the image in only the horizontal or vertical direction. In the second pass, another one-dimensional kernel is used to blur in the remaining direction. The resulting effect is the same as convolving with a two-dimensional kernel in a single pass, but requires fewer calculations.

Discretisation is typically achieved by sampling the Gaussian filter kernel at discrete points, normally at positions corresponding to the midpoints of each pixel. This reduces the computational cost but, for very small filter kernels, point sampling the Gaussian function with very few samples leads to a large error. In these cases, accuracy is maintained (at a slight computational cost) by integration of the Gaussian function over each pixel's area.[3]

When converting the Gaussian’s continuous values into the discrete values needed for a kernel, the sum of the values will be different from 1. This will cause a darkening or brightening of the image. To remedy this, the values can be normalized by dividing each term in the kernel by the sum of all terms in the kernel.

Common uses[edit]

This shows how smoothing affects edge detection. With more smoothing, fewer edges are detected

Gaussian smoothing is commonly used with edge detection. Most edge-detection algorithms are sensitive to noise; the 2-D Laplacian filter, built from a discretization of the Laplace operator, is highly sensitive to noisy environments. Using a Gaussian Blur filter before edge detection aims to reduce the level of noise in the image, which improves the result of the following edge-detection algorithm. This approach is commonly referred to as Laplacian of Gaussian, or LoG filtering.[4]

See also[edit]

  • Image noise
  • Gaussian filter
  • Gaussian pyramid
  • Infinite impulse response (IIR)
  • Scale space implementation
  • Median filter
  • GNU Octave fspecial function

Notes and references[edit]

  1. Jump up^ Shapiro, L. G. & Stockman, G. C: "Computer Vision", page 137, 150. Prentice Hall, 2001
  2. Jump up^ Mark S. Nixon and Alberto S. Aguado. Feature Extraction and Image Processing. Academic Press, 2008, p. 88.
  3. Jump up^ Erik Reinhard. High dynamic range imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting. Morgan Kaufmann, 2006, pp. 233–234.
  4. Jump up^ Fisher, Perkins, Walker & Wolfart (2003). "Spatial Filters - Laplacian of Gaussian". Retrieved 2010-09-13.

External links[edit]

  • GLSL implementation of a separable gaussian blur filter.
  • Example for Gaussian blur (low pass filtering) applied to a wood-block print and an etching in order to remove details for picture comparison.
  • Mathematica GaussianFilter function

  • Image processing
  • Gaussian function
  • Image noise reduction techniques

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