
  • 前言
  • 1,关于Tdengine背景
  • 2,使用直接使用docker尝鲜
  • 3,总结





背景:2019年,陶建辉创办的“涛思数据”宣布将其时序数据库产品“TDengine”开源,这一举动曾着实让行业惊讶:一款面向物联网、车联网、工业互联网以及其他典型时序数据处理场景的时序数据库(Time-Series Database)究竟能在GitHub上获得多大关注?核心代码的开放会让一家初创企业获得更多机会,还是反被制约?然而上线3个月,Star数量上万,并连续获得三轮融资,这使涛思数据的战略逐渐受到认可。





$ docker run -itd \-p 6030-6041:6030-6041 \-p 6030-6041:6030-6041/udp \tdengine/tdengine


[09/07 09:43:40.210544] INFO: taos client version: enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop[09/07 09:47:29.304734] INFO: create database: <CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test precision 'ms';>
[09/07 09:47:31.314766] INFO: stable meters does not exist, will create one
[09/07 09:47:31.316766] INFO: create stable: <CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.meters (ts TIMESTAMP,current float,voltage int,phase float) TAGS (groupid int,location binary(16))>
[09/07 09:47:31.324614] INFO: generate stable<meters> columns data with lenOfCols<80> * prepared_rand<10000>
[09/07 09:47:31.334906] INFO: generate stable<meters> tags data with lenOfTags<54> * childTblCount<10000>
[09/07 09:47:31.338802] INFO: start creating 10000 table(s) with 8 thread(s)
[09/07 09:47:31.340590] INFO: thread[0] start creating table from 0 to 1249
[09/07 09:47:31.341547] INFO: thread[1] start creating table from 1250 to 2499
[09/07 09:47:31.342576] INFO: thread[2] start creating table from 2500 to 3749
[09/07 09:47:31.343289] INFO: thread[3] start creating table from 3750 to 4999
[09/07 09:47:31.344594] INFO: thread[4] start creating table from 5000 to 6249
[09/07 09:47:31.345317] INFO: thread[5] start creating table from 6250 to 7499
[09/07 09:47:31.346115] INFO: thread[6] start creating table from 7500 to 8749
[09/07 09:47:31.350073] INFO: thread[7] start creating table from 8750 to 9999
[09/07 09:47:33.166145] INFO: Spent 1.8280 seconds to create 10000 table(s) with 8 thread(s), already exist 0 table(s), actual 10000 table(s) pre created, 0 table(s) will be auto createdPress enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop[09/07 09:48:25.825688] INFO: record per request (30000) is larger than insert rows (10000) in progressive mode, which will be set to 10000
[09/07 09:48:25.840859] INFO: Estimate memory usage: 11.74MBPress enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop[09/07 09:48:35.176099] INFO: thread[0] start progressive inserting into table from 0 to 1249
[09/07 09:48:35.176250] INFO: thread[1] start progressive inserting into table from 1250 to 2499
[09/07 09:48:35.176307] INFO: thread[2] start progressive inserting into table from 2500 to 3749
[09/07 09:48:35.176597] INFO: thread[4] start progressive inserting into table from 5000 to 6249
[09/07 09:48:35.176876] INFO: thread[6] start progressive inserting into table from 7500 to 8749
[09/07 09:48:35.176939] INFO: thread[7] start progressive inserting into table from 8750 to 9999
[09/07 09:48:35.178943] INFO: thread[5] start progressive inserting into table from 6250 to 7499
[09/07 09:48:35.182180] INFO: thread[3] start progressive inserting into table from 3750 to 4999[09/07 09:49:05.349983] INFO: thread[4] has currently inserted rows: 4370000
[09/07 09:49:05.360251] INFO: thread[6] has currently inserted rows: 4500000
[09/07 09:49:05.364481] INFO: thread[0] has currently inserted rows: 4620000
[09/07 09:49:05.370841] INFO: thread[5] has currently inserted rows: 4380000
[09/07 09:49:05.378918] INFO: thread[7] has currently inserted rows: 4510000
[09/07 09:49:05.393132] INFO: thread[2] has currently inserted rows: 4440000
[09/07 09:49:05.400107] INFO: thread[3] has currently inserted rows: 4360000
[09/07 09:49:05.401223] INFO: thread[1] has currently inserted rows: 4470000
[09/07 09:49:35.434374] INFO: thread[1] has currently inserted rows: 8970000
[09/07 09:49:35.440311] INFO: thread[7] has currently inserted rows: 8900000
[09/07 09:49:35.445450] INFO: thread[4] has currently inserted rows: 8880000
[09/07 09:49:35.452617] INFO: thread[5] has currently inserted rows: 8890000
[09/07 09:49:35.452651] INFO: thread[3] has currently inserted rows: 8690000
[09/07 09:49:35.456406] INFO: thread[0] has currently inserted rows: 9030000
[09/07 09:49:35.467113] INFO: thread[6] has currently inserted rows: 8810000
[09/07 09:49:35.493582] INFO: thread[2] has currently inserted rows: 8710000
[09/07 09:49:59.716787] INFO: thread[6] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 151074.78 records/second
[09/07 09:50:00.189079] INFO: thread[0] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 150185.50 records/second
[09/07 09:50:00.213614] INFO: thread[1] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 150167.37 records/second
[09/07 09:50:00.676656] INFO: thread[5] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 149337.44 records/second
[09/07 09:50:00.883392] INFO: thread[4] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 148994.40 records/second
[09/07 09:50:01.317899] INFO: thread[3] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 148216.44 records/second
[09/07 09:50:01.371287] INFO: thread[7] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 148093.75 records/second
[09/07 09:50:01.409091] INFO: thread[2] completed total inserted rows: 12500000, 148080.71 records/second
[09/07 09:50:01.414528] INFO: Spent 86.232537 seconds to insert rows: 100000000 with 8 thread(s) into test 1159655.08 records/second
[09/07 09:50:01.414588] INFO: insert delay, min: 1.79ms, avg: 67.00ms, p90: 300.71ms, p95: 322.98ms, p99: 343.11ms, max: 419.40ms

CPU 2.6 GHz 六核Intel Core i7
内存 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4

1.8280 seconds to create 10000 table(s) with 8 thread(s)
Spent 86.232537 seconds to insert rows: 10,0000,000 with 8 thread(s) into test 1159655.08 records/second


命令和 mysql 非常像,而且可以使用

Welcome to the TDengine Command Line Interface, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2022 by TDengine, all rights reserved.Server is Community Edition.taos> show databases;name              |
=================================information_schema             |performance_schema             |test                           |
Query OK, 3 rows in database (0.008884s)taos> use test;
Database changed.taos> show tables;table_name           |
=================================d1250                          |d2500                          |d1251                          |d2501                          |d7500                          |...Query OK, 10000 rows in database (0.069536s)taos> select * from d1;ts            |       current        |   voltage   |        phase         |
======================================================================================2017-07-14 02:40:00.000 |             10.00000 |         110 |              0.32222 |2017-07-14 02:40:00.001 |              9.84000 |         114 |              0.32222 |2017-07-14 02:40:00.002 |             10.12000 |         116 |              0.33056 |2017-07-14 02:40:00.003 |             10.04000 |         114 |              0.34167 |2017-07-14 02:40:00.004 |              9.96000 |         112 |              0.33056 |
...Query OK, 10000 rows in database (0.012816s)

还支持JDBC 方式插入:

package com.taos.example;import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;public class RestInsertExample {private static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:TAOS-RS://localhost:6041?user=root&password=taosdata";return DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);}private static List<String> getRawData() {return Arrays.asList("d1001,2018-10-03 14:38:05.000,10.30000,219,0.31000,'California.SanFrancisco',2","d1001,2018-10-03 14:38:15.000,12.60000,218,0.33000,'California.SanFrancisco',2","d1001,2018-10-03 14:38:16.800,12.30000,221,0.31000,'California.SanFrancisco',2","d1002,2018-10-03 14:38:16.650,10.30000,218,0.25000,'California.SanFrancisco',3","d1003,2018-10-03 14:38:05.500,11.80000,221,0.28000,'California.LosAngeles',2","d1003,2018-10-03 14:38:16.600,13.40000,223,0.29000,'California.LosAngeles',2","d1004,2018-10-03 14:38:05.000,10.80000,223,0.29000,'California.LosAngeles',3","d1004,2018-10-03 14:38:06.500,11.50000,221,0.35000,'California.LosAngeles',3");}/*** The generated SQL is: */private static String getSQL() {StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO ");for (String line : getRawData()) {String[] ps = line.split(",");sb.append("power." + ps[0]).append(" USING power.meters TAGS(").append(ps[5]).append(", ") // tag: location.append(ps[6]) // tag: groupId.append(") VALUES(").append('\'').append(ps[1]).append('\'').append(",") // ts.append(ps[2]).append(",") // current.append(ps[3]).append(",") // voltage.append(ps[4]).append(") "); // phase}return sb.toString();}public static void insertData() throws SQLException {try (Connection conn = getConnection()) {try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {stmt.execute("CREATE DATABASE power KEEP 3650");stmt.execute("CREATE STABLE power.meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) " +"TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT)");String sql = getSQL();int rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);System.out.println("rowCount=" + rowCount); // rowCount=8}}}public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {insertData();}

还支持 topic ,流式计算:



Tdengine 还真的是不错的数据库,因为IOT数据结构简单,数据量大。
根据这系统特点 Tdengine 做了很多优化,支持海量数据处理。非常的好。



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