Forgive my sudden switch from Technogeekblog to MassivePhotoblog/Social Commentary, but hey, how often does an Oregonian go to Casablanca?  Depends on who you are, I suppose.

原谅我突然从Technogeekblog转到MassivePhotoblog / Social Commentary,但嘿,俄勒冈人多久去一次卡萨布兰卡? 我想取决于你是谁。

The conference starts today, but already we've:


  • Been stopped by the Police as our Petit Taxis tried to break the rules and leave the city limits.  Quite the adventure.  Fined: Dirham 200 当我们的小出租车试图违反规定并离开市区时,被警察拦下。 相当冒险。 罚款:迪拉姆200
  • Almost mised the train back from Marrakech, as we were 40 Dirham short of a ticket and the ATM had never heard of First Tech Credit Union. :) Fortunately we traded USD with a random guy and RAN to the train as it moved away. 差一点就错失了从马拉喀什返回的火车,因为我们缺票了40迪拉姆,而ATM却从未听说过First Tech Credit Union。 :)幸运的是,随着火车开走,我们与一个随机的家伙和RAN进行了美元交易。
  • Went to Chez Ali (like the Excalibur in Vegas) and saw a Horse show, had Couscous and Lamb and Coca Cola Light! ;)

    去了切斯·阿里(像维加斯的神剑),看了一场马戏,吃了蒸粗麦粉,羊肉和可口可乐! ;)

  • I've learned that being able to read French and being able to speak it is as different as two things can be.  Thank Allah for Mo's six months in Paris, and our Quebecwa friends, Sylvain and Diane. 我了解到,能够读法语和说法语与两件事完全不同。 感谢阿拉对莫在巴黎呆的六个月以及我们的魁北克朋友西尔万和黛安表示感谢。
  • The Arabic I took in college helps me read the signs but is useless in getting around.  I'll post later about the differences in Arabic dialects around this hemisphere.  I'm learning lots (one word at a time!) from Malek. 我上大学时使用的阿拉伯语可以帮助我阅读指示牌,但对四处走走毫无用处。 我将在稍后发布有关该半球阿拉伯方言差异的信息。 我从马雷克中学到很多东西(一次只说一个字!)。
  • I've learned that 'La, chookran' can get you out of many situations, as can '我了解到,“ La chookran”可以使您摆脱许多情况,“
  • Malek is an incredibly gracious host, and everyone here has been VERY kind.




A disappointed salesman of Coca Cola returns from his new assignment. A friend asked, "Why weren't you successful with the locals?"
The salesman explained, "When I got posted in Morocco, I was very confident that I will make a good sales pitch as Cola is virtually unknown there. But, I had a problem I didn't know to speak Arabic. So, I planned to convey the message through 3 posters...
First poster, a man crawling through the hot desert sand... totally exhausted and panting. Second, the man is drinking our Cola. And third, our man is now totally refreshed. Then these posters were pasted all over the place"
"That should have worked," said the friend.
The salesman replied, "Well, not only did I not speak Arabic, I also didn't realize that they read from right to left..."
可口可乐的一位失望的销售员从他的新任务中回来了。 一位朋友问:“你为什么在当地人身上不成功?” 推销员解释说:“当我在摩洛哥任职时,我非常有信心说我会做一个很好的销售人员,因为可乐在那儿几乎是默默无闻。但是,我遇到了一个我不懂阿拉伯语的问题。所以,我计划通过3个海报传达信息... 第一张海报,一个人在炎热的沙漠中爬行,……筋疲力尽。 其次,男人正在喝我们的可乐。 第三,我们的男人现在完全焕然一新。 然后将这些海报粘贴到各处” 这位朋友说:“那应该行得通。” 推销员回答:“好吧,我不仅不会说阿拉伯语,而且我也没有意识到他们从右到左阅读...”

Chez Ali...

Chez Ali ...

Folks workin' pretty hard at the airport.


Sunrises are always nicer at 30,000 feet.


I took this in Madrid, but not before I was admonished by El Al.  Turns out they are Gate B22 and don't take kindly to be photographed.  I won't make that mistake again. :)

我在马德里接受了此邀请,但是在El Al告诫我之前没有。 原来它们是B22登机口,不适合拍照。 我不会再犯这个错误了。 :)

Thank goodness we'll have satellite TV. ;)  Gotta have those bare neccesities, a clothesline and 400 channels.

谢天谢地,我们将有卫星电视。 ;)一定要拥有这些必需品,晾衣绳和400个频道。

Tiny photos like this can't do the Mosques here justice.  There isn't a wide enough lens to capture the scope and size of this one.  It's immense.  Massive.

像这样的小照片无法使这里的清真寺公道。 没有足够大的镜头可以捕捉到这个镜头的范围和大小。 这是巨大的。 巨大的。

Every building here is huge in both height and breadth.  Nothing is done on a small scale.  This is the view from our room in Marrakech.

这里的每座建筑物在高度和宽度上都是巨大的。 什么都做不成小规模。 这是从我们马拉喀什房间看到的景色。

The Colors here are bright and pervasive.  Everything is bright, upbeat and clear.

这里的颜色鲜艳而无处不在。 一切都是明亮,乐观和清晰的。

The ceiling in the Les Souk a Marrakech were very interesting.  Some were corregated steel, others were braided dried plants.  They worked pretty well for the most part.

马拉喀什露天市场的天花板非常有趣。 有些是经过校正的钢,有些是编织的干植物。 在大多数情况下,它们工作得很好。



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