


Convertion Tools-->To Cad -->Export To CAD





Output Type

The CAD platform and file version of the output files. This value overrides any output_type values contained in the keyname column or alias column CADFile_type. Types include DGN_V8, DWG_R14, DWG_R2000, DWG_R2004, DWG_R2005, DWG_R2007, DWG_R2010, DXF_R14, DXF_R2000, DXF_R2004, DXF_R2005, DXF_R2007, and DXF_R2010.

Output File

The path of the desired output CAD drawing file. This name overrides any drawing name information included in the input features columns or alias columns named DrawingPathName.

Ignore Paths in Tables (optional)

Allows the function to ignore or use the paths in the DrawingPathName. This allows the function to output CAD entities to specific drawings or ignore this and add to one CAD file.

  • Checked—Ignores the paths in the document entity fields and allows the output of all entities to a single CAD file. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Allows the paths in the document entity fields to be used and have each entity's path used so that each CAD part will be written to a separate file.

Append to Existing Files (optional)

Allows the output to append to an existing CAD file. This lets you add information to a CAD file on disk.

  • Checked—Allows the output file content to be added to an existing output CAD file. The existing CAD file content will not be lost.
  • Unchecked—The output file content will overwrite the existing CAD file content. This is the default.

Seed File (optional)

An existing CAD drawing whose contents and document and layer properties will be used for all new output CAD files. The CAD platform and format version of the seed file overrides the value specified by the Output_Type parameter. If appending to existing CAD files, the seed drawing is ignored.

3.2 线图层转CAD


3.3 面转CAD


3.4 CAD合并

格式转换窗口中有一个Append to Existing Files选项,选中这个选项将点线面图层合并到第一个CAD文件里面。转面图层的时候也直接转成面了。CAD文件中包含点线面图层。


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