CMTS Internal Forwarding Model

The CMTS internal forwarding model consists of two types of sub-components:
• CMTS Forwarders which forward packets with layer 2 bridging or layer 3 routing; and
• MAC Domains which manage and forward data to and from cable modems reached by a set of downstream and
upstream channels.

A CMTS Forwarder is responsible for forwarding packets between a Network Side Interface and the MAC

In DOCSIS 3.0 the MAC Domain is not considered to forward data packets from its upstream to its own
downstream channels;

all upstream data packets are considered to be delivered to a CMTS Forwarder. DOCSIS 3.0
leaves most details of CMTS Forwarder operation to CMTS vendor-specific implementation. DOCSIS versions 1.0,
1.1, and 2.0 required that the CMTS permit IPv4 communication across the NSI port to CPE host(s) attached to
CMs, along with IPv4 management of the CMTS and CMs themselves. DOCSIS 3.0 adds the requirement to
manage CMs with IPv6, as well as to provide IPv6 connectivity across an NSI port to CPE IPv6 hosts.

DOCSIS does not specify whether the CMTS implements layer 2 or layer 3 forwarding of the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, or
prevent one protocol from being bridged and the other protocol from being routed. In addition, the DOCSIS Layer 2
Virtual Private Networking specification [DOCSIS L2VPN] standardizes transparent layer 2 forwarding between
NSI ports and CM CPE interfaces, and requires the implementation of an "L2VPN" CMTS Forwarder that is
distinct from the "non-L2VPN" CMTS Forwarders for IPv4/IPv6 bridging or routing.

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