
This article was written by Sean Tsai, a data warehousing expert and good friend of the How-To Geek

本文由数据仓库专家兼How-To Geek的好朋友Sean Tsai撰写

Have you ever wanted to print every attachment you receive in your Outlook email box? Let’s say you subscribed to a free fax to PDF email service and you want them to be printed out automatically just like an old fashioned fax machine.

您是否曾经想过打印在Outlook电子邮件框中收到的每个附件? 假设您订阅了免费的传真到PDF电子邮件服务,并且希望像老式传真机一样自动将它们打印出来。

Here is a quick way to achieve that if you are comfortable with a little bit of VB (macro) programming.


What we showing here is to create a rule in Outlook and move the incoming fax emails into a separate subfolder. Using VB code we create a macro for you to run a print job against every email in that subfolder so you don’t have to open up the email and print the attachments one by one.

我们在此处显示的是在Outlook中创建规则,并将传入的传真电子邮件移动到单独的子文件夹中。 使用VB代码,我们为您创建了一个宏,可以针对该子文件夹中的每封电子邮件运行打印作业,因此您不必打开电子邮件并一一打印附件。

Step 1


Create a subfolder named “Batch Prints” under “Mailbox – YourName” in Outlook.

在Outlook中的“邮箱– YourName”下创建一个名为“批打印”的子文件夹。

Step 2


Create a rule (from menu Tools/Rules and Alerts) in Outlook that looks like this:


Place the email address from your fax vendor in the field “email@myfaxservice.com”. In the subject line, place the persistent text that is sent from the fax vendor every time (don’t put in the text that will be altered periodically). The 3rd field “Batch Prints” is the subfolder you just created in the first step.

将您的传真供应商的电子邮件地址放在“ email@myfaxservice.com”字段中。 在主题行中,放置每次从传真供应商发送来的永久文本(不要放入会定期更改的文本)。 第三个字段“批打印”是您刚在第一步中创建的子文件夹。

Step 3


Create a VB macro. First bring up the VB editor by going to Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor. You should see the VB editor looks like this:

创建一个VB宏。 首先通过转到“工具/宏/ Visual Basic编辑器”来启动VB编辑器。 您应该看到VB编辑器如下所示:

Step 4


From the left side Project window, right click on the Project1 item and insert a module named Module1:


Step 5


Once the Module1 is created, copy the code below into the window on the right side as shown in the bullet #3.


Public Sub PrintAttachments()
Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
Dim Item As MailItem
Dim Atmt As Attachment
Dim FileName As String
Dim i As Integer
Set Inbox = GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Parent.Folders.Item("Batch Prints")
For Each Item In Inbox.Items
For Each Atmt In Item.Attachments
' all attachments are first saved in the temp folder C:\Temp.  Be sure to create this folder.
FileName = "C:\Temp\" & Atmt.FileName
Atmt.SaveAsFile FileName
' please change the program folder accordingly if the Acrobat Reader is not installed on drive C:
Shell """C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\acrord32.exe"" /h /p """ + FileName + """", vbHide
Item.Delete  'remove this line if you don't want the email to be deleted automatically
Set Inbox = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub PrintAttachments()
Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
Dim Item As MailItem
Dim Atmt As Attachment
Dim FileName As String
Dim i As Integer
Set Inbox = GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Parent.Folders.Item("Batch Prints")
For Each Item In Inbox.Items
For Each Atmt In Item.Attachments
' all attachments are first saved in the temp folder C:\Temp.  Be sure to create this folder.
FileName = "C:\Temp\" & Atmt.FileName
Atmt.SaveAsFile FileName
' please change the program folder accordingly if the Acrobat Reader is not installed on drive C:
Shell """C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\acrord32.exe"" /h /p """ + FileName + """", vbHide
Item.Delete  'remove this line if you don't want the email to be deleted automatically
Set Inbox = Nothing
End Sub

Note that you might need to change the line of code that calls Acrobat to match the path on your system.


Step 6


Now the setup is complete. All the emails from your fax vendor will be moved to your “Batch Prints” when they come in. Please note, in the example, we are expecting all attachments are in PDF format so we use Acrobat acrord32.exe to print every attachment.

现在安装完成。 来自您的传真供应商的所有电子邮件在收到时将被移至“批处理打印”中。请注意,在示例中,我们希望所有附件均为PDF格式,因此我们使用Acrobat acrord32.exe来打印每个附件。

Using the Macro


Now, when you want to print all attachments, simply go to the macro and run the macro PrintAttachments and all attachments will be printed sequentially. Email will be deleted and moved into trash bin once it has printed.

现在,当您要打印所有附件时,只需转到宏并运行宏PrintAttachments,所有附件将被顺序打印。 电子邮件一旦打印,将被删除并移入垃圾箱。

Note: the prints are routed to your default printer so you have to make sure a valid printer driver is setup and selected.


Hope this is useful!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/batch-print-pdf-attachments-in-outlook/



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