安装之前 ( Before you Install )

You will need


You will also be required to register with Microsoft at the end of the process. If you have a Hotmail or Windows Live account already then use that. If not then you will need to sign up (it is free) for one.

在该过程结束时,还需要您向Microsoft注册。 如果您已经有Hotmail或Windows Live帐户,则使用它。 如果没有,那么您将需要注册(免费)一个。

You'll need a reasonably fast Internet connection to the PC where you are going to install Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. Dial-up will take too long for a download that's nearly 80MB without MDSN or over 300 MB with it.

您将需要相当快速的Internet连接到要安装Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition的PC。 对于没有MDSN的下载,如果下载将近80MB,或者下载超过300 MB,则拨号将花费很长时间。

开始下载 ( Starting the Download )

Visual Express Downloadvcsetup.exe

Visual Express下载vcsetup.exe

It will give you the option of submitting anonymously to help Microsoft improve the experience. I have no problems with this but it's your choice.

它将为您提供匿名提交的选项,以帮助Microsoft改善体验。 我对此没有任何问题,但这是您的选择。

On the next page : Instructions for the download and install.

在下一页 :下载和安装说明。

下载Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition ( Download Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition )

You may get asked to install prerequisites if your PC doesn't have the .NET 3.5 framework and MSDN, or 68Mb for just the C++ Part. You might want to do this early in the morning for faster download speed. It gets slower during the day.

如果您的PC没有.NET 3.5 框架和MSDN或仅用于C ++ Part的68Mb,则可能会要求您安装必备软件。 您可能希望在清晨这样做,以加快下载速度。 白天变慢。

You won't need the Platform SDK now but you might find it useful in the future.

您现在不再需要Platform SDK,但将来可能会发现它很有用。

You'll have to agree to the usual license terms of course.


On the next page : Install MSDN Express Library

下一页 :安装MSDN Express库

运行并注册 ( Run and Register )

You'll get the option of installing the MSDN Express library. If you are also installing Visual C# 2008 Express then you only need the MSDN Express library to be downloaded once.

您将选择安装MSDN Express库。 如果还要安装Visual C#2008 Express,则只需下载一次MSDN Express库。

You will need the MSDN for the integrated help etc. Don't even think of not downloading at least one copy! There is an amazing amount of help, examples and samples in the MSDN library that make it well worth the big download.

您将需要MSDN来获得集成帮助等。甚至不要认为不要下载至少一个副本! MSDN库中提供了大量帮助,示例和示例,因此值得进行大量下载。

Now Click the Next button.


On the next page : Preparing to Download

下一页 :准备下载

准备下载 ( Preparing to Download )

You're almost ready to download and install. This is one of the slower bits particularly if you have selected MSDN and/or the SDK. You'll probably have time to prepare a meal never mind a coffee break!

您几乎可以下载并安装了。 这是较慢的位之一,特别是如果您选择了MSDN和/或SDK。 您可能有时间准备一顿饭,不用担心喝咖啡休息时间!

Check you have enough disk space free. As a general rule, Windows works best with at least 10-20% of the disk free and the occasional defragment. If you don't defrag now and then and if you delete and copy or create new files fairly frequently (such as this download) then files will be spread far and wide across your hard disk making it longer (and slower) to retrieve them. It's also reckoned to wear out disks quicker but that's difficult to quantify. Think of it as like a service for your car to keep it running well.

检查您是否有足够的可用磁盘空间。 通常,Windows的最佳状态是至少有10-20%的可用磁盘空间并偶尔进行碎片整理。 如果您不时进行碎片整理,并且相当频繁地删除和复制或创建新文件(例如此下载文件),则文件将在硬盘上分散散布,从而使检索文件的时间更长(更慢)。 据估计,磁盘磨损更快,但这很难量化。 可以将其视为您的汽车保持良好运行的服务。

Now click the Install button.


On the next page : Watching the Download

下一页 :观看下载

观看下载和安装 ( Watching the Download and Install )

This step will take a while depending on your internet connection speed and PC speed. But it will finish eventually and you will be able to play with Visual C++ 2008 Express.

此步骤将花费一些时间,具体取决于您的Internet连接速度和PC速度。 但是它将最终完成,您将可以使用Visual C ++ 2008 Express。

This would be a good time to register a hotmail account with Microsoft if you haven't got one. It's a bit of a pain if you haven't got one but at least it's free and doesn't take too long too sign up. You need this so you can login to it when you register at the end. It's free but without it, Visual C++ 2008 Express will only give you a 30 day trial.

如果您还没有的话,这是一个向Microsoft注册Hotmail帐户的好时机。 如果您还没有,那会很痛苦,但是至少它是免费的,而且注册时间不会太长。 您需要它,以便在最后注册时可以登录。 它是免费的,但是如果没有它,Visual C ++ 2008 Express只会为您提供30天的试用期。

On the next page : Running VC++ for the first time

下一页:第一次运行VC ++

首次运行Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition ( Running Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition for the First Time )

After downloading and Installing, run Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. This will try to connect to the internet to check for updates and new downloads. When you run it the first-time, it will take a few minutes registering components and configuring itself to run and you'll see the dialog appear while it's busy.

下载并安装后,运行Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition。 这将尝试连接到互联网以检查更新和新下载。 首次运行时,将花费几分钟时间注册组件并对其进行配置以使其运行,并且您会看到对话框在繁忙时出现。

You now have 30 days to register to get a registration key. The key will be emailed to you within a few minutes. Once you have it, run Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, hit Help and Register Product then enter your registration code.

您现在有30天的注册时间以获得注册密钥。 密钥将在几分钟内通过电子邮件发送给您。 拥有后,运行Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition,点击“帮助”并注册产品,然后输入您的注册码。

On the next page : Compile and run your first C++ application.

在下一页 :编译并运行您的第一个C ++应用程序。

编译示例应用程序“ Hello World” ( Compiling a Sample Application "Hello World" )

Do a File New Project it should look like the screen above then on the New Project Screen (Shown on the next page) select Win32 and Win32 Console Application on the right hand Window. Enter a name like ex1 in the Name: box.

执行一个文件新项目,它应该看起来像上面的屏幕,然后在“新项目”屏幕(下一页显示)上,在右侧窗口中选择Win32和Win32 Console Application。 在“名称:”框中输入类似ex1的名称。

Choose a location or go with the default and press Ok.


On the next page : Type in the Hello World Application

在下一页 :键入Hello World应用程序

输入Hello World应用程序 ( Type in the Hello World Application )

This is the source of the first application.


 // ex1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {    std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;    return 0; }

On the next page : Compile the program and run it.

在下一页 :编译程序并运行。

编译并运行Hello World应用程序 ( Compile and run the Hello World Application )

Now press the F7 key to compile it or click on the Build Menu and click Build Ex1. That will take a few seconds and you should see

现在按F7键进行编译,或单击“构建”菜单,然后单击“构建Ex1”。 这将需要几秒钟,您应该会看到

 ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

After a successful compilation, click on the line that says return 0 and press the F9 key. It should put a small circular arrow in the margin. That's a breakpoint. Now press F5 and the program should run until it hits the line where you pressed F9.

成功编译后,单击返回return 0的行,然后按F9键。 它应该在边缘放置一个小的圆形箭头。 那是一个断点。 现在按F5键,程序将运行,直到到达按F9键的行。

You should be able to click the black box where the output of the application goes and see the Hello World message in the top left corner. On the next page you'll see a screen dump of this.

您应该能够单击应用程序输出所在的黑框,并在左上角看到Hello World消息。 在下一页上,您将看到此内容的屏幕转储。

Now select Visual C++ again, and press F5 again. The program will run to completion and the output window will vanish. If we hadn't created a break point you wouldn't have seen the output.

现在,再次选择Visual C ++,然后再次按F5 。 程序将运行完成,并且输出窗口将消失。 如果我们没有创建一个断点,您将不会看到输出。

That completes the installation. Now why not have a look at the C and C++ Tutorials.

这样就完成了安装。 现在,为什么不看看C和C ++教程。

  • Link to C++ Programming Tutorials.

    链接到C ++编程教程。

  • Link to C Programming Tutorials.


屏幕输出转储 ( Screen Dump of Output )

  • Link to C++ Programming Tutorials.

    链接到C ++编程教程。

  • Link to C Programming Tutorials.


翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/installing-visual-candand-2008-express-edition-958387

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