
Computer mice have been around in one form or another for the better part of 50 years (or longer, based on your definition of invention), and for most of that time they’ve been paired with mouse pads. But modern optical and laser mice can track on just about any surface, unless you’re somehow using your computer on a sand bed. So do those nerdy-looking pads even serve a purpose anymore?

电脑鼠标以一种或另一种形式出现已经有50多年的时间了(根据您对发明的定义,甚至更长),并且在大多数时间里,它们已经与鼠标垫配对了。 但是,现代光学和激光鼠标几乎可以在任何表面上进行跟踪,除非您以某种方式在沙床上使用计算机。 那么,那些看上去很书呆子的护垫是否还能达到目的?

Yes, actually. A mouse pad isn’t technically necessary these days, but there are some obvious and serious benefits of using one, even if you’re not spending a lot of money on a fancy “gamer” model.

是的,实际上。 如今,从技术上讲,鼠标垫不是必需的,但是即使您不花很多钱在花哨的“游戏”模型上,使用鼠标垫也有一些明显而严肃的好处。

鼠标垫何时开始消失? (When Did Mouse Pads Start to Disappear?)

Some computer users used to simply roll their ancient ball-driven mice along a desktop, presumably using their other hand to shove spears at woolly mammoths. But before the advent of optical mice, mouse pads served some very important functions: not only did they offer a smooth and predictable tracking area, they helped keep the tracking ball clean of dirt, skin oils, and other gunk.

某些计算机用户过去只是将古老的球形鼠标沿桌面滚动,大概是用另一只手将长矛推向羊毛猛ma象。 但是在光学鼠标问世之前,鼠标垫起着非常重要的作用:它们不仅提供了一个平滑且可预测的跟踪区域,而且还帮助保持了跟踪球上的污垢,皮肤油脂和其他油脂。

An old-fashioned mechanical mouse ball mechanism. Note the horizontal and vertical rollers.
老式的机械鼠标球机制。 注意水平和垂直滚筒。

Microsoft and Logitech later introduced consumer-grade optical mice, which ditched the physical roller mechanism for a tiny and low-powered optical sensor and LED combo, around the turn of the century. These offered more consistent tracking on almost any surface (as long as it wasn’t reflective or transparent, like glass) without the possibility of dirt and oil buildup on a conventional ball. A few years later, laser-equipped mice erased even those limitations, and now you can get an inexpensive mouse that will track on more or less any surface.

微软和罗技随后推出了消费级光学鼠标,该鼠标在世纪之交的时候就放弃了物理滚轮机制,从而实现了微型,低功耗的光学传感器和LED组合。 它们可以在几乎任何表面(只要它不是反射性或透明性,如玻璃)上提供更一致的跟踪,而不会在常规球上积聚污垢和油脂。 几年后,配备激光的鼠标甚至消除了这些限制,现在您可以获得一只便宜的鼠标,可以在任何表面上或多或少地跟踪。

Microsoft’s Intellimouse Optical, believed to be the first commercial optical mouse, circa 1999.
微软的Intellimouse Optical鼠标被认为是大约1999年的第一款商用光学鼠标。

Consequently, mouse pads began to fall out of fashion. Since optical and laser mice don’t actually contact the surface that they’re tracking (except for the feet of the mouse, which isn’t part of the tracking mechanism), there’s no operational downside to using your desk, or your lap, or the spare pizza box you really should have thrown away after last night’s raid. Goodbye to the desktop equivalent of the pocket protector, right?

因此,鼠标垫开始过时。 由于光学鼠标和激光鼠标实际上并未接触要跟踪的表面(鼠标脚除外,这不是跟踪机制的一部分),因此使用办公桌或膝盖不会有任何操作不利之处,或昨晚突袭后您本应扔掉的备用比萨盒。 再见了相当于口袋保护套的台式机吧?

鼠标垫适合您的办公桌和鼠标 (Mouse Pads Are Good for Your Desk and Your Mouse)

Mouse pads still serve several important functions. For starters, they keep your desk from looking like a piece of driftwood. The repeated motions of the rubber or plastic feet of your mouse against the surface of your desk will wear away the finish on most pressed wood, particle board, leather, and even polished hardwood if it’s not maintained. Mouse Pads will protect the finish of your desk, keeping it from wearing out over your usual mousing spot. It’s much cheaper to replace a mouse pad than replace your desktop surface.

鼠标垫仍具有几个重要功能。 对于初学者来说,它们可以防止您的办公桌看起来像一块浮木。 鼠标的橡胶或塑料支脚在桌子表面上反复运动会磨损大多数压制木材,刨花板,皮革甚至抛光的硬木(如果不加以维护)的表面处理。 鼠标垫可以保护您桌子的表面,使它不会在通常的鼠标位置磨损。 更换鼠标垫比更换桌面要便宜得多。

This is what one of our desks looks like after a few years of pad-less mouse usage. Don’t make our mistakes.
这是经过几年无垫鼠标使用后的其中一张办公桌的样子。 不要犯我们的错误。

A high-quality wood desk that’s regularly waxed, or a tempered glass or metal desk, won’t have these problems. But the desk isn’t the only surface you need to think about. Even if your mouse’s tracking function no longer picks up dirt and oils from your skin, your desk does… and it will be transferred to the feet of your mouse as it moves over the surface. A mouse pad won’t completely alleviate this, but it will keep those feet fresh for longer. (Incidentally, if the feet on your mouse itself are worn down to the point that the plastic body is dragging, you can usually buy replacements and stick them on.)

定期打蜡的高品质木桌或钢化玻璃或金属办公桌不会有这些问题。 但是办公桌并不是您需要考虑的唯一表面。 即使鼠标的跟踪功能不再从皮肤上吸收灰尘和油脂,您的办公桌也可以……并且当鼠标在表面上移动时,它将转移到鼠标脚上。 鼠标垫不能完全缓解这种情况,但是可以使脚保持更长的时间。 (顺便说一句,如果鼠标本身的脚磨损到塑料主体被拖着的程度,通常可以购买替换件并将其粘在上面。)

An example of plastic mouse feet in poor condition.

PC游戏更好用垫 (PC Games Are Better With a Good Pad)

Even if you prefer the aesthetics of your workplace free of any kind of mouse pad, you might still want to consider one if you use your desktop for frequent gaming. The consistent tracking of a conventional mouse pad is a huge boon to gamers, especially those who play games with fast movement like shooters or MOBAs. And “gaming” branded mouse pads tend to be oversized, allowing for consistent tracking with big, sweeping motions that would make a $10 puppy-printed pad wimper in fear. Some specialty models will cover a whole desktop, including underneath a keyboard and anything else you happen to be using.

即使您更喜欢工作场所的美感,而无需使用任何类型的鼠标垫,但如果您使用台式机进行频繁的游戏,您可能仍要考虑使用它。 始终如一的传统鼠标垫追踪功能对游戏玩家来说是一个巨大的福音,特别是那些玩快速移动游戏的玩家,例如射击游戏或MOBA。 而且“游戏”品牌的鼠标垫往往尺寸过大,从而能够以大而扫掠的动作进行一致的跟踪,这会使价值10美元的小狗打印的鼠标垫感到恐惧。 一些特殊型号将覆盖整个台式机,包括键盘下方以及您碰巧要使用的其他任何东西。

There’s a speed element, too. Gaming-specific pads are designed to enable quick movements without skipping or dropping refresh cycles on your mouse’s sensor. There’s a lot of variety to be had here—standard cloth pads in various sizes and thickness, hard plastic pads for a super-fast glide, even a few metal pads for something heavy and reliable. Some gaming mice even come with specialized software that allows the user to set up specific profiles for different surfaces.

还有一个速度要素。 特定于游戏的打击垫旨在实现快速移动,而不会跳过或降低鼠标传感器上的刷新周期。 这里有各种各样的选择-各种尺寸和厚度的标准布垫,用于超快速滑行的硬塑料垫,甚至用于重物和可靠物品的一些金属垫。 一些游戏鼠标甚至配备了专门的软件,该软件允许用户为不同的表面设置特定的轮廓。

There are now many gaming mousepads that come with RGB LEDs. Because if something’s worth doing, it’s worth over-doing.
现在有许多带有RGB LED的游戏鼠标垫。 因为如果某件事值得做,那就值得过度做。

So, do you need a mouse pad for your desk? Technically, no. But you should probably use one if you’re in the same place for any extended amount of time. Both your desk and your mouse will thank you.

那么,您的办公桌需要鼠标垫吗? 从技术上讲,没有。 但是,如果您在同一地方停留了更长的时间,则可能应该使用一个。 您的办公桌和鼠标都会感谢您。

Image Credits: Amazon, Corsair, Microsoft, Wikimedia


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304367/do-you-really-need-a-mouse-pad/



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