✘  https://google.com/#q=import%2Fno-duplicates  Resolve error: unable to load resolver "node"src\main.js:1:1// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command^
  1  https://google.com/#q=import%2Fno-duplicates✘  https://google.com/#q=import%2Fno-duplicates  Resolve error: unable to load resolver "node"src\router\index.js:1:1import Vue from 'vue'^

Vue 2.xxx 搭建的项目,运行的时候会报错,解决方法

npm install --save-dev eslint-import-resolver-node

Resolve error: unable to load resolver node src\main.js:1:1相关推荐

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  5. Module not found: Error: Can‘t resolve ‘element-ui‘ in ‘D:ui\t-vue1\src‘ error in ./src/main.js

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  6. ERROR in multi ./src/main.js dist/bundle.js

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  8. error in ./src/main.js报错解决

    1.报错场景 我在操作在Vue框架中使用element-ui组件,准备工作已经完成,然后在powershell上运行项目:npm run serve 2.报错详细代码: WAIT Compiling. ...

  9. This dependency was not found: * common/stylus/index.styl in ./src/main.js To install it, you can ru

    有如下错误: This dependency was not found: * common/stylus/index.styl in ./src/main.js To install it, you ...


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