
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np#  CP CR CF1 OP OR OF1  mAP 的函数返回值
def calculate_metrics(labels, preds):mAP = calculate_mAP(labels, preds)pc_top3, rc_top3, f1c_top3, po_top3, ro_top3, f1o_top3 = calculate_top3_metrics(labels, preds) # top-3return {'pc_top3': pc_top3, 'rc_top3': rc_top3, 'f1c_top3': f1c_top3,'po_top3': po_top3, 'ro_top3': ro_top3, 'f1o_top3': f1o_top3, 'mAP': mAP}# top-3排序的标签
def calculate_top3_metrics(labels, preds):no_examples = labels.shape[0]top3 = np.zeros_like(preds)for ind_example in range(no_examples):top_pred_inds = np.argsort(preds[ind_example])[::-1]for k in range(3):top3[ind_example, top_pred_inds[k]] = 1pc_top3, rc_top3, f1c_top3 = prec_rec_f1(labels, top3)po_top3, ro_top3, f1o_top3 = prec_rec_f1(labels.flatten(), top3.flatten())return pc_top3, rc_top3, f1c_top3, po_top3, ro_top3, f1o_top3def prec_rec_f1(labels, pred_labels):eps = np.finfo(np.float32).epstp = labels * pred_labelsif len(labels.shape) == 2:no_tp = np.sum(tp, axis=1) + epsno_pred = np.sum(pred_labels, axis=1) + epsno_pos = np.sum(labels, axis=1) + epselif len(labels.shape) == 1:no_tp = np.sum(tp) + epsno_pred = np.sum(pred_labels) + epsno_pos = np.sum(labels) + epsprec_class = no_tp / no_pred + epsrec_class = no_tp / no_pos + epsf1_class = 2 * prec_class * rec_class / (prec_class + rec_class)return 100 * np.mean(prec_class), 100 * np.mean(rec_class), 100 * np.mean(f1_class)# 计算mAP
def calculate_mAP(labels, preds):no_examples = labels.shape[0]no_classes = labels.shape[1]ap_scores = np.empty((no_classes), dtype=np.float)for ind_class in range(no_classes):ground_truth = labels[:, ind_class]out = preds[:, ind_class]sorted_inds = np.argsort(out)[::-1] # in descending ordertp = ground_truth[sorted_inds]fp = 1 - ground_truth[sorted_inds]tp = np.cumsum(tp)fp = np.cumsum(fp)rec = tp / np.sum(ground_truth)prec = tp / (fp + tp)rec = np.insert(rec, 0, 0)rec = np.append(rec, 1)prec = np.insert(prec, 0, 0)prec = np.append(prec, 0)for ind in range(no_examples, -1, -1):prec[ind] = max(prec[ind], prec[ind + 1])inds = np.where(rec[1:] != rec[:-1])[0] + 1ap_scores[ind_class] = np.sum((rec[inds] - rec[inds - 1]) * prec[inds])return 100 * np.mean(ap_scores)


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