
by William Kwan


非中国开发者如何利用微信的1.1B每月活跃用户 (How non-Chinese developers can leverage WeChat’s 1.1B monthly active users)

Over a million WeChat Mini-Programs have been published since the platform launched two years ago. By comparison, it took the App Store a decade to reach two million apps.

自两年前该平台启动以来,已经发布了超过一百万个微信小程序。 相比之下,App Store花了十年的时间才达到200万个应用程序。

The average WeChat user spends 66 minutes a day on WeChat. Mini-Programs emulate the experience of a lightweight mobile app, without requiring the user to leave WeChat or wait for a long download. This expedites onboarding, both online (Mini-Programs are predominantly accessed through social sharing) and offline (typically done through QR codes).

微信用户平均每天在微信上花费66分钟 。 小型程序可模拟轻量级移动应用程序的体验,而无需用户离开微信或等待长时间下载。 这样既可以在线(主要通过社交共享访问迷你程序),也可以离线(通常通过QR码完成)来加快注册速度。

This idea that you can get more users by circumventing the download process has been thrown around in the Western tech scene. Around the same time the Mini-Program platform launched, we rode the hype train for Messenger Chatbots. Android Instant found a few niche use cases, but never caught on.

可以通过规避下载过程来吸引更多用户的想法在西方技术界已广为流传。 在迷你程序平台启动的大约同一时间,我们乘坐了Messenger Messenger机器人的炒作。 Android Instant发现了一些利基用例,但从未流行。

As a Canadian software developer with Chinese heritage, I don’t think we should adopt this all-in-one user experience over here. Mobile-optimized websites and native mobile apps already cover all the important use cases.

作为具有中国传统的加拿大软件开发人员,我认为我们不应该在这里采用这种多合一的用户体验。 针对移动设备进行优化的网站和本地移动应用程序已经涵盖了所有重要的用例。

But in China, WeChat has been the monolithic app for everything years before there were Mini-Programs. Everything from hailing a cab to paying for a meal, to connecting with nearby strangers is done from WeChat. Mini-Programs are the natural evolution, creating a semi-open platform in a country where the government has historically blocked foreign competitors.

但是在中国,微信在微型程序出现之前就已经成为所有应用程序中的独占应用。 从上车打车到吃饭,再到与附近的陌生人联系,一切都由微信完成。 小型计划是自然发展的过程,它在一个政府历来封锁外国竞争对手的国家中创建了一个半开放式平台。

Iconic Western brands in China have already started switching from native apps to Mini-Programs. Fast food chains like McDonald’s and KFC let you order food and claim coupons in their Mini-Program. Luxury brands like Gucci and Burberry are creating games and promotions to market their products.

中国的标志性西方品牌已经开始从本机应用程序切换到小程序。 麦当劳(McDonald's)和肯德基(KFC)等快餐连锁店可让您在其迷你计划中订购食物并领取优惠券。 古驰(Gucci)和巴宝莉(Burberry)等奢侈品牌正在制作游戏和促销活动以推销其产品。

Many Mini-Programs are built to complement local Chinese businesses such as stores, restaurants, and hotels. For technology-focused Mini-Programs, games are leading category. Several game engines offer Mini-Program support, including Cocos.

建立了许多小型程序来补充当地的中国企业,例如商店,饭店和酒店。 对于以技术为中心的小型程序,游戏是领先的类别。 包括Cocos在内的多个游戏引擎都提供了Mini-Program支持。

But the platform is also a breeding ground for tech startups. The most notable is Pinduoduo, the group buying app which went public in the US in July 2018 with a $23.8B valuation and is currently seeking to raise another $1.5B just six months later.

但是该平台还是技术创业公司的温床。 最著名的是Pinduoduo,这是团购应用程序,于2018年7月在美国上市,估值为$ 23.8B,目前正寻求在六个月后再筹集$ 1.5B。

I’ve been working on a Mini-Program lately, and since I never learned how to read Chinese (despite a childhood of my parents’ bickering), overcoming the language and cultural barriers are really difficult. Not only is much of WeChat’s documentation Chinese-only, but Chinese software has different standards for the user experience. Simply translating an app intended for the Western market doesn’t work.

我最近一直在从事一个小型程序的开发,而且由于我从未学会过阅读中文的知识(尽管我的父母曾有过争吵的童年),因此克服语言和文化障碍真的很困难。 微信的文档不仅只有中文,而且中文软件对用户体验有不同的标准。 仅仅翻译面向西方市场的应用程序是行不通的。

Furthermore, there are technical challenges involved:


  • Mini-Programs are limited to 10 MB in size to ensure fast download迷你程序的大小限制为10 MB,以确保快速下载
  • Hardware access is limited to what WeChat provides through their API (notably, you can’t use NFC)硬件访问仅限于微信通过其API提供的功能(尤其是您不能使用NFC)
  • Links to websites aren’t allowed (Tencent wants users on WeChat, and WeChat only)不允许链接到网站(腾讯希望用户使用微信,并且仅限微信)

In spite of the obstacles, this opportunity is too large to ignore. The Chinese are the world’s most active social media users, and they already love high-quality Western products, similar to how we admire Japanese manufacturing. “Made in China” is an ironically bad way to promote a product in China. Western tech startups could use this to their advantage, but almost none of them are adopting a China-first strategy.

尽管有障碍,但这个机会太大了,不容忽视。 中国人是世界上最活跃的社交媒体用户,他们已经喜欢高品质的西方产品,类似于我们欣赏日本制造业的方式。 具有讽刺意味的是,“中国制造”是在中国推广产品的一种不好的方式。 西方科技初创企业可以利用这一优势,但几乎没有一家企业采用中国优先战略。

If you want to be one of the few courageous developers to give the Chinese market a shot, I made this tutorial to teach you how to make your first Mini-Program. If you’re familiar with full stack JavaScript web development, you’ll pick up the tech stack quickly. It consists of a JavaScript client and server, a modified version of HTML/CSS, and a JSON database.

如果您想成为少数勇于开拓中国市场的勇敢开发人员之一,我制作了本教程,教您如何制作自己的第一个迷你程序。 如果您熟悉全栈JavaScript Web开发,那么您将快速掌握技术栈。 它由JavaScript客户端和服务器,HTML / CSS的修改版以及JSON数据库组成。

If you found the tutorial helpful, I’d love to create more content like this and build a community for English-speaking WeChat developers. Feel free to ask any WeChat development questions in the comments and I’ll try my best to help you out!

如果您认为本教程有帮助,我很乐意创建更多类似的内容,并为讲英语的微信开发人员建立一个社区。 随时在评论中询问任何微信开发问题,我会尽力帮助您!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-non-chinese-developers-can-leverage-wechats-1-1b-monthly-active-users-285083836bb9/



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