import java.nio.charset.Charset; //导入方法依赖的package包/类


* Constructs MysqlCharset object


* @param charsetName

* MySQL charset name

* @param mblen

* Max number of bytes per character

* @param priority

* MysqlCharset with highest lever of this param will be used for Java encoding --> Mysql charsets conversion.

* @param javaEncodings

* List of Java encodings corresponding to this MySQL charset; the first name in list is the default for mysql --> java data conversion


public MysqlCharset(String charsetName, int mblen, int priority, String[] javaEncodings) {

this.charsetName = charsetName;

this.mblen = mblen;

this.priority = priority;

for (int i = 0; i < javaEncodings.length; i++) {

String encoding = javaEncodings[i];

try {

Charset cs = Charset.forName(encoding);


Set als = cs.aliases();

Iterator ali = als.iterator();

while (ali.hasNext()) {



} catch (Exception e) {

// if there is no support of this charset in JVM it's still possible to use our converter for 1-byte charsets

if (mblen == 1) {





if (this.javaEncodingsUc.size() == 0) {

if (mblen > 1) {


} else {





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