
“Point, point, life of student!” 
This is a ballad(歌谣)well known in colleges, and you must care about your score in this exam too. How many points can you get? Now, I told you the rules which are used in this course. 
There are 5 problems in this final exam. And I will give you 100 points if you can solve all 5 problems; of course, it is fairly difficulty for many of you. If you can solve 4 problems, you can also get a high score 95 or 90 (you can get the former(前者) only when your rank is in the first half of all students who solve 4 problems). Analogically(以此类推), you can get 85、80、75、70、65、60. But you will not pass this exam if you solve nothing problem, and I will mark your score with 50. 
Note, only 1 student will get the score 95 when 3 students have solved 4 problems. 
I wish you all can pass the exam! 
Come on! 


Input contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains an integer N (1<=N<=100, the number of students) in a line first, and then N lines follow. Each line contains P (0<=P<=5 number of problems that have been solved) and T(consumed time). You can assume that all data are different when 0<p. 
A test case starting with a negative integer terminates the input and this test case should not to be processed. 


Output the scores of N students in N lines for each case, and there is a blank line after each case. 

Sample Input

5 06:30:17
4 07:31:27
4 08:12:12
4 05:23:13
5 06:30:17

Sample Output





#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
{int x;char s[10];
int main()
{int n;while(scanf("%d",&n),n!=-1){for(int i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%d %s",&a[i].x,a[i].s);int t[5]={0};for(int i=4;i>0;i--)//做出相同题数的人的个数 {for(int j=0;j<n;j++){if(a[j].x==i) t[i]++;}}for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(a[i].x==5) printf("100\n");else if (a[i].x==0) printf("50\n");else{int k=0;for(int j=0;j<n;j++){if(a[j].x==a[i].x&&strcmp(a[j].s,a[i].s)<0)
//相同题数用时短的人数> 做出相同题数的总人数一半 printf("%d\n",100-(5-a[i].x)*10);else printf("%d\n",100-(5-a[i].x)*10+5);}}printf("\n");}return 0;



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