
版本:libpcap-1.4.0 和 tcpdump-4.4.0




1. make distclean
2. ./configure --host=arm-hisiv300-linux --with-pcap=linux
3. make 
4. object file: libpcap.a /



sh4-linux / arm-hisiv200-linux:
1. make distclean
2. ./configure --host=arm-hisiv300-linux LDFLAGS=-static
3. make 
4. object file: tcpdump
arm-hisvi300-linux-strip tcpdump




checking for local pcap library... ./../libpcap-1.4.0/libpcap.a
checking for pcap-config... ./../libpcap-1.4.0/pcap-config
checking for pcap_loop... no
configure: error: Report this to, and include the
config.log file in your report.  If you have downloaded libpcap from, and built it yourself, please also include the config.log
file from the libpcap source directory, the Makefile from the libpcap
source directory, and the output of the make process for libpcap, as
this could be a problem with the libpcap that was built, and we will
not be able to determine why this is happening, and thus will not be
able to fix it, without that information, as we have not been able to
reproduce this problem ourselves.
注释:// #define PCAP_SUPPORT_CANUSB 1


版本:libpcap-1.9.0 和 tcpdump-4.9.2
checking for local pcap library... ../libpcap-1.9.0/libpcap.a
checking for pcap-config... ../libpcap-1.9.0/pcap-config
checking for pcap_loop... no
configure: error: This is a bug, please follow the guidelines in CONTRIBUTING and include the
config.log file in your report.  If you have downloaded libpcap from, and built it yourself, please also include the config.log
file from the libpcap source directory, the Makefile from the libpcap
  urce directory, and the output of the make process for libpcap, as
this could be a problem with the libpcap that was built, and we will
not be able to determine why this is happening, and thus will not be
able to fix it, without that information, as we have not been able to
libpcap-1.9.0 和 tcpdump-4.9.2
vi config.sub
机器类型:去掉aarch64 | aarch64_be \


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