
In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing Exception Handling in Kotlin.


什么是例外? (What are Exceptions?)

Exceptions are something that can break your program. That makes Exception Handling an essential part of any Programming Language. Using Exception handling you can handle errors and prevent runtime crashes that can stop your program. Instead, using Exception Handling you can handle failed conditions gracefully and continue with your program flow.

异常可能会破坏您的程序。 这使得异常处理成为所有编程语言的重要组成部分。 使用异常处理,您可以处理错误并防止可能导致程序停止的运行时崩溃。 相反,使用异常处理可以优雅地处理失败的条件并继续执行程序流程。

Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions in JavaJava中的已检查与未检查异常
Checked Exceptions are typically set on methods and are checked at compile time.
Checked Exception通常在方法上设置,并在编译时进行检查。
On the contrary, Unchecked exceptions derive from RuntimeExceptions and are checked at runtime.

Kotlin例外 (Kotlin Exceptions)

All Exceptions descend from the Throwable class.
To throw an exception we use the throw keyword.


throw Exception("Oops. Something went wrong")

In Kotlin there are no checked exceptions. That means there is no throws keyword.

在Kotlin中,没有检查过的异常。 这意味着没有throws关键字。

最终尝试捕获 (try-catch-finally)

To handle exceptions we use the try-catch block. The piece of code that has a possibility to give an exception is set inside the try block. The exception is caught inside the catch block. Irrespective of what happens, the finally block is always run.
The finally blocks is optional. It’s generally used to release any resources that were used in the try-catch.
Typically a try can have multiple catches. Only the first matching catch would be run. Hence it’s recommended to stack the catches in the order: Specific Exception to General Exception.

为了处理异常,我们使用try-catch块。 在try块中设置了可能给出异常的代码段。 异常捕获在catch块内。 无论发生什么情况,finally块始终运行。
finally块是可选的。 通常用于释放try-catch中使用的任何资源。
通常,一次尝试可以有多个收获。 只运行第一个匹配的捕获。 因此,建议按以下顺序堆叠捕获:特定异常到通用异常。

fun main(args: Array<String>) {try {var a = 0var x = 7 / aval v = "Journaldev.com"v.toInt()} catch (e: ArithmeticException) {println("Arthimetic Exception")} catch (e: Exception) {println("Exception occured. To print stacktrace use e")} finally {println("Finally. It's over")}
//Arthimetic Exceptions

Once an exception in the try block is found, it’ll not execute anything else in that try block.
We can even use a try with a finally.


try{throw Exception("Hi. how are you?")}finally {println("Finally. Good.")}

With a try, at least one catch or finally block must be present.
throw is an expression which would print the stack trace as well.


尝试是一种表达 (Try is an expression)

The value executed in a try-catch block can be returned and stored in a variable.


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var x= "Androidly.net"
var a = try { x.toInt() } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { "This is a string" }
x = "5"
a = try { x.toInt() } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { "This is a string" }

In the above code, we’re able to set the variable a with two different type of values.
If the try statement doesn’t execute the value of catch is set.
Irrespective of which is set, the finally statement is never set as the expression.

无论设置了哪个, finally语句都不会设置为表达式。

失败功能 (fail function)

This is a shorthand for catching exceptions as shown below.


import kotlin.test.failclass User {var name: String? = ""}fun main(args: Array<String>) {var user = User()user.name = nullval n: String = user.name ?: fail("No name found")print(5)

If the fail statement is executed the program won’t run after it’s printed.


Implicitly the fail statement contains a throw keyword.
The fail function looks like this:


fun fail(message: String): Nothing {throw IllegalArgumentException(message)

Nothing is a special return type which throw returns.


In the above example, the fail function prints the stack trace too which we don’t always want.
We can override the fail function to just print the message.


class User {var name: String? = ""
fun main(args: Array<String>) {var user = User()user.name = nullval n: String = user.name ?: fail("No name found")println(n)print(10)}
fun fail(message: String): Nothing {val throwable = Throwable(message)Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler { t, e -> System.err.println(e.message) }throw throwable
No name found

将内联函数与异常处理一起使用 (Using Inline Functions with exception handling)

We’ve discussed Inline Functions in Kotlin here.
Why use Inline Functions?
They cause no overhead.

我们已经在讨论Kotlin内联函数在这里 。

Now, we’ve seen that try-catch blocks can get messy and verbose.
Let’s use an inline function to make it concise since that’s where the strength of Kotlin code lies in.


fun main(args: Array<String>) {simpleTryCatch {var x = 0var y = 7var z = y / x}simpleTryCatch {var x = "Androidly"var number = x.toInt()}
}inline fun simpleTryCatch(action: () -> Unit) {try {action()} catch (t: Throwable) {println("Caught something. ${t.message}")}

This brings an end to this Kotlin tutorial on Exception handling.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/20444/kotlin-exception-handling



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