
Sometimes back I wrote an article for Best Core Java Books for beginners. Today I am sharing some of the best design patterns book.

有时候,我写了一篇针对初学者的“ 最佳核心Java书籍”的文章。 今天,我分享一些最佳的设计模式书。

设计模式书 (Design Patterns Book)

These design patterns book is suitable for any developer, whether beginners or experienced. Whether working in Java or some other technologies, these design patterns book will help you in learning design patterns in depth. What problems design patterns solve and how to implement them in a particular scenario.

这些设计模式书适合任何开发人员,无论是初学者还是有经验的人。 无论使用Java还是其他技术,这些设计模式书都将帮助您深入学习设计模式。 设计模式可以解决哪些问题,以及如何在特定情况下实施这些问题。

  1. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
    This is the Bible of Design Patterns, it’s written by four authors – Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides. This book is more commonly known as Gangs of Four Design Patterns aka GoF Design Patterns.

    This design pattern book starts with the introduction to Design Patterns, why do we need it and how to select a design pattern for a particular case. Then it covers all the 23 design patterns in Creational Pattern, Structural Pattern, and Behavioral Pattern. Note that these design patterns examples are not in Java language but if you really want to learn the design pattern concepts, this is the book to read first, without any doubt.

    You can get “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” from below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)

    这是《设计模式圣经》,由四位作者撰写-埃里希·伽玛(Erich Gamma),理查德·赫尔姆(Richard Helm),拉尔夫·约翰逊(Ralph Johnson)和约翰·弗利斯赛德(John Vlissides)。 本书通常被称为“四个设计模式的帮派”(又称为GoF设计模式)。

    这本设计模式书从设计模式简介开始,我们为什么需要它,以及如何为特定案例选择设计模式。 然后涵盖了创建模式,结构模式和行为模式中的所有23种设计模式。 请注意,这些设计模式示例不是使用Java语言编写的,但是如果您真的想学习设计模式的概念,那么毫无疑问,这是本书的第一读。


    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  2. Head First Design Patterns

    Head First series books are always a delight and when it comes to design patterns, it’s not an exception. I really love the simple real-life examples given in this book.

    This book covers all the design patterns with great explanation, what is the problem and how a design pattern solves them.

    You can buy “Head First Design Patterns” book from below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)


    Head First系列书籍总是很令人高兴,并且在设计模式方面也不例外。 我真的很喜欢本书中给出的简单的实际示例。


    您可以从以下商店购买“ Head First Design Patterns”一书。

    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  3. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

    Once you have knowledge of design pattern explained in above two books, this is the book to read. It takes your design patterns knowledge to next level and it’s a good read for senior developers or architect level designers.

    This book explains design patterns to be used for Concurrency, Performance, Distributed Systems, Session Management, Data Source Patterns, Object-relational behavioral patterns, Object-relational structural patterns, Web Presentation Patterns and much more.

    You can buy “Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture” book from below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)


    一旦您了解了以上两本书中介绍的设计模式知识,就可以阅读这本书。 它会将您的设计模式知识提高到一个新的水平,对于高级开发人员或架构师级别的设计师来说是一本好书。



    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  4. Design Patterns Explained

    This is more than just a book for design patterns. It covers Object Oriented design principles and UML. What are the flaws in object creation patterns and how to fix them using different design patterns? If you want to learn something by asking first WHY then this is the book for you. It’s less abstract than the GoF design patterns book and I love the way this book is written.

    You can get “Design Patterns Explained” book from below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)


    这不仅仅是一本有关设计模式的书。 它涵盖了面向对象的设计原理和UML。 对象创建模式的缺陷是什么?如何使用不同的设计模式修复它们? 如果您想先问为什么要学习一些东西,那么这本书很适合您。 它不像GoF设计模式书那么抽象,我喜欢这本书的编写方式。

    您可以从以下商店获得“ Design Patterns Explained”书。

    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  5. Applying UML and Patterns

    I haven’t read this book yet, but it’s in my TODO list. It has been recommended to me by my friends when I was discussing the good design pattern books.

    The best part about this book is the Case studies that put you through real-life programming scenarios. It covers UML, Object Oriented architecture, iterative development and design patterns to use in fixing design flaws in real life programming scenarios.

    You can get “Applying UML and Patterns” book from below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)


    我还没有读过这本书,但是它在我的TODO列表中。 当我讨论好的设计模式书时,我的朋友向我推荐了它。

    关于本书的最好的部分是案例研究,它使您进入了现实的编程场景。 它涵盖了UML,面向对象的体系结构,迭代开发和设计模式,可用于修复现实编程场景中的设计缺陷。

    您可以从以下商店获得“ Applying UML and Patterns”一书。

    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

All these books are highly praised and have great ratings and reviews. If you want a role of architect or become a super coder, then you should read these and learn about design patterns at a deeper level. If you think some other book must be part of this list, please let me know through comments and I would love to add those.

所有这些书都受到高度赞扬,并具有很高的评分和评论。 如果您想担任架构师或成为超级编码员,那么您应该阅读这些内容并从更深层次上了解设计模式。 如果您认为其他书籍必须包含在此列表中,请通过评论让我知道,我希望添加这些内容。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/7229/best-design-patterns-book



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