初看这道题,想到纯暴力bfs , 但是套一个并查集优化 -1 的情况

但是要特判 出发点 与 目的点 重合的情况!!!!!! (score 10)

TLE&WA 代码:

#ifdef WIN32
#define AUTO "%I64d"
#define AUTO "%lld"
using namespace std;
#define smin(x,tmp) x=min(x,tmp)
#define smax(x,tmp) x=max(x,tmp)
const int maxn=35;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const int dx[]={0,-1,0,1,0};
const int dy[]={0,0,-1,0,1};//u l d r
int n,m,q;
int g[maxn][maxn];
struct Coord
{int x,y;bool operator == (const Coord t)const{return x==t.x&&y==t.y;}
Coord fa[maxn][maxn];
Coord find(int x,int y)
{if(fa[x][y]==(Coord){x,y}) return fa[x][y];else return fa[x][y]=find(fa[x][y].x,fa[x][y].y);
inline bool union_find(int x,int y,int i,int j)
{Coord t1=find(x,y),t2=find(i,j);if(t1==t2) return false;fa[t2.x][t2.y]=t1;return true;
inline void init()
{scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&q);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)scanf("%d",&g[i][j]),fa[i][j]=(Coord){i,j};for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)for(int d=1;d<=2;d++){int x=i+dx[d],y=j+dy[d];union_find(x,y,i,j);}
struct Status
{int ei,ej;int ci,cj;Status (const int e1,const int e2,const int c1,const int c2){ei=e1,ej=e2;ci=c1,cj=c2;}bool check(int di,int dj){return ci==di && cj==dj;}bool operator < (const Status t) const{if(ei^t.ei) return ei<t.ei;if(ej^t.ej) return ej<t.ej;if(ci^t.ci) return ci<t.ci;return cj<t.cj;}
int f[maxn][maxn][maxn][maxn];//no need to use map!!
int bfs(Status S,int di,int dj)
{if(S.ei == di && S.ej == dj) return 0;// must judge here!! same node!!queue <Status> que;que.push(S);f[S.ei][S.ej][S.ci][S.cj]=0;while(!que.empty()){Status u=que.front();que.pop();int x0=u.ei,y0=u.ej;for(int i=1;i<=4;i++){int x=x0+dx[i],y=y0+dy[i];if(!g[x][y]) continue;Status v=u;v.ei=x,v.ej=y;if(x==v.ci && y==v.cj) v.ci=u.ei,v.cj=u.ej;int cost=f[u.ei][u.ej][u.ci][u.cj]+1;if(v.check(di,dj)) return cost;if(!f[v.ei][v.ej][v.ci][v.cj] || f[v.ei][v.ej][v.ci][v.cj]>cost) f[v.ei][v.ej][v.ci][v.cj]=cost,que.push(v);}}return -1;
int main()
{freopen("puzzle.in","r",stdin);freopen("puzzle.out","w",stdout);init();while(q--){int e1,e2,c1,c2,d1,d2;scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&e1,&e2,&c1,&c2,&d1,&d2);if(find(e1,e2)==find(d1,d2)&&find(d1,d2)==find(c1,c2)) printf("%d\n",bfs(Status(e1,e2,c1,c2),d1,d2));else printf("-1\n");memset(f,0,sizeof(f));}return 0;

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可以用 n2 次 O(n2) 的 bfs() 预处理出所有相邻情况

step[i][j][k][h] 表示当前点在 (i,j) 空格点在当前点的 k 方向上 ,并且要把空格移动到 h 方向上的最小步数


然后查询时分成从初始空格点到出发点 以及 当前点到目的点的两段!!!


#ifdef WIN32
#define AUTO "%I64d"
#define AUTO "%lld"
using namespace std;
#define smin(x,tmp) x=min(x,tmp)
#define smax(x,tmp) x=max(x,tmp)
const int maxn=35;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const int dx[]={-1,1,0,0};
const int dy[]={0,0,-1,1};//u d l r, u^1=d
int n,m,q;
int g[maxn][maxn];
int step[maxn][maxn][4][4];//i j, with the blank on the k side and l direction to move,but the blank node is to the opposite side, with which the target un moved!!
struct Coord
{int x,y;Coord (const int x0,const int y0) { x=x0;y=y0; }bool operator == (const Coord t) const{return x==t.x && y==t.y;}
inline bool inside(int x,int y)
{if(!g[x][y]) return false;return x>=1 && x<=n && y>=1 && y<=m ? true : false;
int d[maxn][maxn];//for bfs
int bfs(int si,int sj,int ti,int tj)
{if(!inside(si,sj) || !inside(ti,tj)) return INF;if(si==ti && sj==tj) return 0;queue <Coord> que;memset(d,0x3f,sizeof(d));d[si][sj]=0;que.push(Coord(si,sj));while(!que.empty()){int x0=que.front().x,y0=que.front().y;que.pop();for(int k=0;k^4;k++){int x=x0+dx[k],y=y0+dy[k];if(!inside(x,y)) continue;if(d[x][y]>d[x0][y0]+1){d[x][y]=d[x0][y0]+1;que.push(Coord(x,y));if(d[ti][tj]^INF) return d[ti][tj];}}}return INF;
inline void init()
{scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&q);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)scanf("%d",&g[i][j]);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)for(int j=1;j<=m;j++){int tmp=g[i][j];g[i][j]=0;// guarantee that no going though the target node!! BUT!!!!! MUST depend on its previous value!!!for(int k=0;k^4;k++)for(int l=0;l^4;l++)step[i][j][k][l]=bfs(i+dx[k],j+dy[k],i+dx[l],j+dy[l]);g[i][j]=tmp;//recovery
int ei,ej,si,sj,ti,tj;
int dis[maxn][maxn][4];//for spfa(generally), from the point of(si,sj), with the function of judge vis!!
bool inque[maxn][maxn][4];
struct Node
{int x,y;int k;Node (const int x0,const int y0,const int k0) { x=x0,y=y0,k=k0; }
int spfa(int si,int sj,int ti,int tj)
{queue <Node> que;for(int k=0;k^4;k++)if(inside(si+dx[k],sj+dy[k]))que.push(Node(si,sj,k)),inque[si][sj][k]=true;// status must be the STARTing Node not the blank space node!!!while(!que.empty()){int x0=que.front().x,y0=que.front().y,k0=que.front().k;que.pop();inque[x0][y0][k0]=false;for(int k=0;k^4;k++){int x=x0+dx[k],y=y0+dy[k];if(!inside(x,y)) continue;if(dis[x][y][k^1] > dis[x0][y0][k0] + step[x0][y0][k0][k] +1){dis[x][y][k^1] = dis[x0][y0][k0] + step[x0][y0][k0][k] +1; // last status to the current status, and +1 to make the blank space exhanged to the opposite position!!if(!inque[x][y][k^1]) que.push(Node(x,y,k^1)) , inque[x][y][k^1]=true;}}}int ans = INF;for(int k=0;k^4;k++)// dont hand damn!!
        smin(ans,dis[ti][tj][k]);return ans^INF?ans:-1;//no need to +1 coz the ti tj is already here!!
int work()
{scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&ei,&ej,&si,&sj,&ti,&tj);if(si==ti && sj==tj) return 0;if(!inside(si,sj) || !inside(ti,tj)) return INF;memset(dis,0x3f,sizeof(dis));int tmp=g[si][sj];g[si][sj]=0;// uncertain of its previous value!!for(int k=0;k^4;k++)if(g[si+dx[k]][sj+dy[k]]) dis[si][sj][k]=bfs(ei,ej,si+dx[k],sj+dy[k]);//from the start empty node to the START nodeg[si][sj]=tmp;return spfa(si,sj,ti,tj);
int main()
{freopen("puzzle.in","r",stdin);freopen("puzzle.out","w",stdout);init();while(q--)printf("%d\n",work());return 0;

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