

mkdir sources


tar -zxvf boa-0.94.13.tar.gz -C ../



2.1 根据目标机器性能特性进行配置


2.2 指定工具


2.3 生成(make)








strip boa

Makefile 文件的第25行的-g删除


首先输入make clean清理环境,然后再make编译


在运行前,我们需要先完成boa.conf文件的 备份 以及配置,关于配置我们需要注意以下几个点即可:

3.1 port


3.2 用户和组


3.3 ErrorLog和AccessLog

前者是 错误日志 ,后者是 访问日志 ,这个根据自己的喜好配置路径即可,个人建议在与sources同目录创建一个log文件夹,然后将这两个日志放入其中

3.4 DocumentRoot



# Boa v0.94 configuration file
# File format has not changed from 0.93
# File format has changed little from 0.92
# version changes are noted in the comments
# The Boa configuration file is parsed with a lex/yacc or flex/bison
# generated parser.  If it reports an error, the line number will be
# provided; it should be easy to spot.  The syntax of each of these
# rules is very simple, and they can occur in any order.  Where possible
# these directives mimic those of NCSA httpd 1.3; I saw no reason to
# introduce gratuitous differences.# $Id: boa.conf,v 1.25 2002/03/22 04:33:09 jnelson Exp $# The "ServerRoot" is not in this configuration file.  It can be compiled
# into the server (see defines.h) or specified on the command line with
# the -c option, for example:
# boa -c /usr/local/boa# Port: The port Boa runs on.  The default port for http servers is 80.
# If it is less than 1024, the server must be started as root.Port 80# Listen: the Internet address to bind(2) to.  If you leave it out,
# it takes the behavior before, which is to bind to all
# addresses (INADDR_ANY).  You only get one "Listen" directive,
# if you want service on multiple IP addresses, you have three choices:
#    1. Run boa without a "Listen" directive
#       a. All addresses are treated the same; makes sense if the addresses
#          are localhost, ppp, and eth0.
#       b. Use the VirtualHost directive below to point requests to different
#          files.  Should be good for a very large number of addresses (web
#          hosting clients).
#    2. Run one copy of boa per IP address, each has its own configuration
#       with a "Listen" directive.  No big deal up to a few tens of addresses.
#       Nice separation between clients.
# The name you provide gets run through inet_aton(3), so you have to use dotted
# quad notation.  This configuration is too important to trust some DNS.#Listen  User: The name or UID the server should run as.
# Group: The group name or GID the server should run as.User mangata
Group mangata# ServerAdmin: The email address where server problems should be sent.
# Note: this is not currently used, except as an environment variable
# for CGIs.#ServerAdmin root@localhost# ErrorLog: The location of the error log file. If this does not start
# with /, it is considered relative to the server root.
# Set to /dev/null if you don't want errors logged.
# If unset, defaults to /dev/stderr#ErrorLog /var/log/boa/error_log
ErrorLog /home/mangata/webpro/log/error_log
# Please NOTE: Sending the logs to a pipe ('|'), as shown below,
#  is somewhat experimental and might fail under heavy load.
# "Usual libc implementations of printf will stall the whole
#  process if the receiving end of a pipe stops reading."
#ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/cronolog --symlink=/var/log/boa/error_log /var/log/boa/error-%Y%m%d.log"# AccessLog: The location of the access log file. If this does not
# start with /, it is considered relative to the server root.
# Comment out or set to /dev/null (less effective) to disable
# Access logging.#AccessLog /var/log/boa/access_log
AccessLog /home/mangata/webpro/log/access_log
# Please NOTE: Sending the logs to a pipe ('|'), as shown below,
#  is somewhat experimental and might fail under heavy load.
# "Usual libc implementations of printf will stall the whole
#  process if the receiving end of a pipe stops reading."
#AccessLog  "|/usr/sbin/cronolog --symlink=/var/log/boa/access_log /var/log/boa/access-%Y%m%d.log"# UseLocaltime: Logical switch.  Uncomment to use localtime
# instead of UTC time
#UseLocaltime# VerboseCGILogs: this is just a logical switch.
#  It simply notes the start and stop times of cgis in the error log
# Comment out to disable.#VerboseCGILogs# ServerName: the name of this server that should be sent back to
# clients if different than that returned by gethostname + gethostbyname#ServerName www.your.org.here# VirtualHost: a logical switch.
# Comment out to disable.
# Given DocumentRoot /var/www, requests on interface 'A' or IP 'IP-A'
# become /var/www/IP-A.
# Example: http://localhost/ becomes /var/www/
# Not used until version  This "feature" also breaks commonlog
# output rules, it prepends the interface number to each access_log line.
# You are expected to fix that problem with a postprocessing script.#VirtualHost# DocumentRoot: The root directory of the HTML documents.
# Comment out to disable server non user files.DocumentRoot /home/mangata/webpro/www# UserDir: The name of the directory which is appended onto a user's home
# directory if a ~user request is recieved.UserDir public_html# DirectoryIndex: Name of the file to use as a pre-written HTML
# directory index.  Please MAKE AND USE THESE FILES.  On the
# fly creation of directory indexes can be _slow_.
# Comment out to always use DirectoryMakerDirectoryIndex index.html# DirectoryMaker: Name of program used to create a directory listing.
# Comment out to disable directory listings.  If both this and
# DirectoryIndex are commented out, accessing a directory will give
# an error (though accessing files in the directory are still ok).DirectoryMaker /usr/lib/boa/boa_indexer# DirectoryCache: If DirectoryIndex doesn't exist, and DirectoryMaker
# has been commented out, the the on-the-fly indexing of Boa can be used
# to generate indexes of directories. Be warned that the output is
# extremely minimal and can cause delays when slow disks are used.
# Note: The DirectoryCache must be writable by the same user/group that
# Boa runs as.# DirectoryCache /var/spool/boa/dircache# KeepAliveMax: Number of KeepAlive requests to allow per connection
# Comment out, or set to 0 to disable keepalive processingKeepAliveMax 1000# KeepAliveTimeout: seconds to wait before keepalive connection times outKeepAliveTimeout 10# MimeTypes: This is the file that is used to generate mime type pairs
# and Content-Type fields for boa.
# Set to /dev/null if you do not want to load a mime types file.
# Do *not* comment out (better use AddType!)MimeTypes /etc/mime.types# DefaultType: MIME type used if the file extension is unknown, or there
# is no file extension.DefaultType text/plain# CGIPath: The value of the $PATH environment variable given to CGI progs.CGIPath /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin# SinglePostLimit: The maximum allowable number of bytes in
# a single POST.  Default is normally 1MB.# AddType: adds types without editing mime.types
# Example: AddType type extension [extension ...]# Uncomment the next line if you want .cgi files to execute from anywhere
#AddType application/x-httpd-cgi cgi# Redirect, Alias, and ScriptAlias all have the same semantics -- they
# match the beginning of a request and take appropriate action.  Use
# Redirect for other servers, Alias for the same server, and ScriptAlias
# to enable directories for script execution.# Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in
# your server's namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the
# clients where to look for the relocated document.
# Example: Redirect /bar http://elsewhere/feh/bar# Aliases: Aliases one path to another.
# Example: Alias /path1/bar /path2/fooAlias /doc /usr/doc# ScriptAlias: Maps a virtual path to a directory for serving scripts
# Example: ScriptAlias /htbin/ /www/htbin/ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

我们继续在当前的目录/home/mangata/webpro/boa-0.94.13/src输入sudo ./boa此时我们的网页服务就能在后台运行了,我们可以随便写一个a.html文件然后放入/home/mangata/webpro/www目录中,然后访问ip(看自己是啥),我们再查看日志:



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