
motion主页: http://www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Motion

motion下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/projects/motion/files/motion%20-%203.2/

系统: Ubuntu 12.10
linux: 2.6.32
对于PC版本的直接apt-get install motion就可以的具体的使用方法参见 这里。
2.配置命令:./configure  --prefix=${PWD}/_install  --host=arm-linux --without-ffmpeg

3.接下来就是make  和 make install了。

4.make install后会在_install/bin/目录下产生motion可执行文件,拷贝到开发板上/root/motion目录下,并在同目录中建motion.conf内容如下:
# Minimal motion example config file provided by the
# Debian motion package - for basic webcam operation.
# You most certainly want to investigate
# /usr/share/doc/motion/examples/motion-dist.conf.gz
# for further configuration options. Also, refer to the
# motion man page and /usr/share/doc/motion/motion_guide.html
# for detailed information on configuration options.
daemon off
quiet on
locate on
# You may very well need to change this (check with 'dmesg'
# after plugging in your webcam).
videodevice /dev/video0
# Image size in pixels (valid range is camera dependent).
width 320
height 240
framerate 25
quality 85
auto_brightness off
# General threshold level and noise threshold
# level (for distinguishing between noise and motion).
threshold_tune off
threshold 4500
noise_level 64
# Initial brightness, contrast, hue (NTSC), and saturation.
# 0 = disabled (valid range 0-255).
brightness 0
contrast 0
saturation 0
hue 0
# Encode movies in real-time (install ffmpeg before enabling).
ffmpeg_cap_new on
# Codec to be used by ffmpeg for the video compression.
# Supported formats: mpeg4, msmpeg4.
ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4
# Target base directory for pictures and films (you may need
# to change this (or change its permissions) depending on
# which system user runs motion).
target_dir /root/motion/snapshots
# Define a port number (e.g. 8000) to enable the mini-http server.
# 0 = disabled.
webcam_port 8081
# Set to 'off' to allow anybody (not just localhost) to view the
# webcam via the mini-http server ( http://hostname:port).
webcam_localhost off
snapshot_interval 1
snapshot_filename snapshot
webcam_quality 50
webcam_maxrate 8
#on_event_start /root/motion/on_motion_detected
#on_event_end /root/motion/on_motion_end
gap 10
5.运行./motion -c motion.conf




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