





using System;
using UnityEngine;public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
{public static int randomSeed;void Awake(){//让默认的随机数种子为当前的时间戳TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);randomSeed = (int)timeSpan.TotalSeconds;}



using LibNoise;
using LibNoise.Generator;
using Soultia.Util;
using UnityEngine;public class Terrain : MonoBehaviour
{//通过方块的世界坐标获取它的方块类型public static byte GetTerrainBlock(Vector3i worldPosition){//LibNoise噪音对象Perlin noise = new LibNoise.Generator.Perlin(1f, 1f, 1f, 8, GameManager.randomSeed, QualityMode.High);//为随机数指定种子,这样每次随机的都是同样的值
        Random.InitState(GameManager.randomSeed);//因为柏林噪音在(0,0)点是上下左右对称的,所以我们设置一个很远很远的地方作为新的(0,0)点Vector3 offset = new Vector3(Random.value * 100000, Random.value * 100000, Random.value * 100000);float noiseX = Mathf.Abs((worldPosition.x + offset.x) / 20);float noiseY = Mathf.Abs((worldPosition.y + offset.y) / 20);float noiseZ = Mathf.Abs((worldPosition.z + offset.z) / 20);double noiseValue = noise.GetValue(noiseX, noiseY, noiseZ);noiseValue += (20 - worldPosition.y) / 15f;noiseValue /= worldPosition.y / 5f;if (noiseValue > 0.5f){return 1;}return 0;}


using Soultia.Util;
using Soultia.Voxel;
using UnityEngine;public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
{//视线范围public int viewRange = 30;void Update(){for (float x = transform.position.x - Chunk.width * 3; x < transform.position.x + Chunk.width * 3; x += Chunk.width){for (float y = transform.position.y - Chunk.height * 3; y < transform.position.y + Chunk.height * 3; y += Chunk.height){//Y轴上是允许最大16个Chunk,方块高度最大是256if (y <= Chunk.height * 16 && y > 0){for (float z = transform.position.z - Chunk.width * 3; z < transform.position.z + Chunk.width * 3; z += Chunk.width){int xx = Chunk.width * Mathf.FloorToInt(x / Chunk.width);int yy = Chunk.height * Mathf.FloorToInt(y / Chunk.height);int zz = Chunk.width * Mathf.FloorToInt(z / Chunk.width);if (!Map.instance.ChunkExists(xx, yy, zz)){Map.instance.CreateChunk(new Vector3i(xx, yy, zz));}}}}}}




using Soultia.Util;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;namespace Soultia.Voxel
{[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter))][RequireComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer))][RequireComponent(typeof(MeshCollider))]public class Chunk : MonoBehaviour{public static int width = 16;public static int height = 16;public byte[,,] blocks;public Vector3i position;private Mesh mesh;//面需要的点private List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>();//生成三边面时用到的vertices的indexprivate List<int> triangles = new List<int>();//所有的uv信息private List<Vector2> uv = new List<Vector2>();//uv贴图每行每列的宽度(0~1),这里我的贴图是32×32的,所以是1/32public static float textureOffset = 1 / 32f;//让UV稍微缩小一点,避免出现它旁边的贴图public static float shrinkSize = 0.001f;//当前Chunk是否正在生成中public static bool isWorking = false;private bool isFinished = false;void Start(){position = new Vector3i(this.transform.position);if (Map.instance.ChunkExists(position)){Debug.Log("此方块已存在" + position);Destroy(this);}else{Map.instance.chunks.Add(position, this.gameObject);this.name = "(" + position.x + "," + position.y + "," + position.z + ")";//StartFunction();
            }}void Update(){if (isWorking == false && isFinished == false){isFinished = true;StartFunction();}}void StartFunction(){isWorking = true;mesh = new Mesh();mesh.name = "Chunk";StartCoroutine(CreateMap());}IEnumerator CreateMap(){blocks = new byte[width, height, width];for (int x = 0; x < Chunk.width; x++){for (int y = 0; y < Chunk.height; y++){for (int z = 0; z < Chunk.width; z++){byte blockid = Terrain.GetTerrainBlock(new Vector3i(x, y, z) + position);if (blockid == 1 && Terrain.GetTerrainBlock(new Vector3i(x, y + 1, z) + position) == 0){blocks[x, y, z] = 2;}else{blocks[x, y, z] = Terrain.GetTerrainBlock(new Vector3i(x, y, z) + position);}}}}yield return null;StartCoroutine(CreateMesh());}IEnumerator CreateMesh(){vertices.Clear();triangles.Clear();//把所有面的点和面的索引添加进去for (int x = 0; x < Chunk.width; x++){for (int y = 0; y < Chunk.height; y++){for (int z = 0; z < Chunk.width; z++){//获取当前坐标的Block对象Block block = BlockList.GetBlock(this.blocks[x, y, z]);if (block == null) continue;if (IsBlockTransparent(x + 1, y, z)){AddFrontFace(x, y, z, block);}if (IsBlockTransparent(x - 1, y, z)){AddBackFace(x, y, z, block);}if (IsBlockTransparent(x, y, z + 1)){AddRightFace(x, y, z, block);}if (IsBlockTransparent(x, y, z - 1)){AddLeftFace(x, y, z, block);}if (IsBlockTransparent(x, y + 1, z)){AddTopFace(x, y, z, block);}if (IsBlockTransparent(x, y - 1, z)){AddBottomFace(x, y, z, block);}}}}//为点和index赋值mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();mesh.uv = uv.ToArray();//重新计算顶点和法线
            mesh.RecalculateBounds();mesh.RecalculateNormals();//将生成好的面赋值给组件this.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;this.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh;yield return null;isWorking = false;}//此坐标方块是否透明,Chunk中的局部坐标public bool IsBlockTransparent(int x, int y, int z){if (x >= width || y >= height || z >= width || x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0){return true;}else{//如果当前方块的id是0,那的确是透明的return this.blocks[x, y, z] == 0;}}//前面void AddFrontFace(int x, int y, int z, Block block){//第一个三角面triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);//第二个三角面triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);//添加4个点vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 0 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 0 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 1 + y, 0 + z));//添加UV坐标点,跟上面4个点循环的顺序一致uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureFrontX * textureOffset, block.textureFrontY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureFrontX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureFrontY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureFrontX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureFrontY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureFrontX * textureOffset, block.textureFrontY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));}//背面void AddBackFace(int x, int y, int z, Block block){//第一个三角面triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);//第二个三角面triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);//添加4个点vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 0 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 0 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 1 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z));//添加UV坐标点,跟上面4个点循环的顺序一致uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBackX * textureOffset, block.textureBackY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBackX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureBackY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBackX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureBackY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBackX * textureOffset, block.textureBackY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));}//右面void AddRightFace(int x, int y, int z, Block block){//第一个三角面triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);//第二个三角面triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);//添加4个点vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 0 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 0 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z));//添加UV坐标点,跟上面4个点循环的顺序一致uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureRightX * textureOffset, block.textureRightY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureRightX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureRightY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureRightX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureRightY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureRightX * textureOffset, block.textureRightY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));}//左面void AddLeftFace(int x, int y, int z, Block block){//第一个三角面triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);//第二个三角面triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);//添加4个点vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 0 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 0 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 1 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 1 + y, 0 + z));//添加UV坐标点,跟上面4个点循环的顺序一致uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureLeftX * textureOffset, block.textureLeftY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureLeftX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureLeftY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureLeftX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureLeftY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureLeftX * textureOffset, block.textureLeftY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));}//上面void AddTopFace(int x, int y, int z, Block block){//第一个三角面triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);//第二个三角面triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);//添加4个点vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 1 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 1 + y, 0 + z));//添加UV坐标点,跟上面4个点循环的顺序一致uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureTopX * textureOffset, block.textureTopY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureTopX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureTopY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureTopX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureTopY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureTopX * textureOffset, block.textureTopY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));}//下面void AddBottomFace(int x, int y, int z, Block block){//第一个三角面triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(0 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);//第二个三角面triangles.Add(3 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(2 + vertices.Count);triangles.Add(1 + vertices.Count);//添加4个点vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 0 + y, 0 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(-1 + x, 0 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 0 + y, 1 + z));vertices.Add(new Vector3(0 + x, 0 + y, 0 + z));//添加UV坐标点,跟上面4个点循环的顺序一致uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBottomX * textureOffset, block.textureBottomY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBottomX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureBottomY * textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBottomX * textureOffset + textureOffset, block.textureBottomY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(-shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));uv.Add(new Vector2(block.textureBottomX * textureOffset, block.textureBottomY * textureOffset + textureOffset) + new Vector2(shrinkSize, -shrinkSize));}}


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密码: hgar














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