计算机科学与技术专业 毕业论文 外文翻译中英文对照精选


题   目: 生 姓 名: 导 教 师: 别:信息技术系 专业 、班级:计算机科学与技术专业 完 成 时 间:2010年11月10日

Web Address:.au/programme/fullpapers/1893/com1893.htm

Learning and development: A strategic human resource development plan


This Human Resource Development (HRD) Plan provides for a strategic approach to learning and development within AFMA. It provides a framework for the identification of corporate skill needs, both current and for the future, and for the identification and incorporation of the learning needs of individuals. The ultimate aim and vision is a workforce that has the skills and knowledge to undertake the tasks required of staff, and a workforce that is eager to learn new skills in order to be able to meet future challenges. In other words, AFMA aims to become a learning organization.

The 2000 Certified Agreement sets out AFMA's purpose and the principles when dealing with staff. The relevant principles are to:

attract and retain, develop and manage quality employees

maintain flexibility in balancing work and family commitments

meet diverse client needs

be accepting of change

give value for money within a cost recovery environment and within budgetary constraints

be an effective and efficient organization

foster and be committed to two way communication

A strategic HRD Plan will assist AFMA in achieving its purpose and pursuing its objectives as an organization - an organization that must demonstrate its value to government and industry, and ensure that the above values and principles are adhered to. HRD cannot achieve the principles by itself or in isolation from other human resource practices and policies - it is one of the foundations that an organization is built upon and not the only foundation. It must support AFMA's Corporate and Annual Operational Plans, be consistent with the Human Resources Plan and become an integral part of AFMA's business environment. This requires a commitment from all staff

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