1. had to 和 will have to

1.Jack had to learn French.
2.Jack didn’t have to play tennis.
3.Jack didn’t have to learn Russian.
4.Jack had to learn maths.
5.Jack didn’t have to learn music.
6.Jack had to play football.
7.Jack didn’t have to write poems.
8.Jack had to write stories.

2. 疑问句造句

1.Did you have to learn French at school?
2.Did Annie have to work last Saturday?
3.Did Adam have to pay for his lessons?
4.Did Tina have to take an exam last year?
5.Did Joe and Sue have to wait a long time for a train?
6.Did you have to show your passport at the airport?
7.Did the children have to walk home?
8.Did Peter have to cook supper?

3. 选词造句

1.will have to study
2.will have to get
3.will not have to go
4.Will, have to learn
5.will have to play

6.will have to ask 7.will not have to work 8.Will, have to get 9.will have to tell

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