1. should

1.should be 2.should keep 3.should learn 4.shouldn’t believe 5.should eat 6.shouldn’t smoke

7.should tell 8.should not play 9.shouldn’t read 10.shouldn’t drive 11.should, say

2. should 与 must

1.should 2.must 3.should 4.must 5.must 6.should 7.must 8.should

【情态动词练习题】should 与 must相关推荐

  1. 【情态动词练习题】 May 与 might

    1. May 1.Sarah may be ill 2.We may not go out. 3.It may not rain. 4.We may buy a car. 5.Joe may not ...

  2. 【情态动词练习题】Can / Could you

    1. Can / Could you 表 "请求" 1.give 2.tell 3.pass 4.clean 5.tell 6.drive 7.hold 8.babysit 9.l ...

  3. 【情态动词练习题】will 与 would

    1. Would like to 造句 1.I would like two tickets. 2.Would you like coffee? 3.I would like a black T-sh ...

  4. 【情态动词练习题】mustn‘t 和 don‘t have to

    1. mustn't 1.Mustn't light. 禁止玩火 2.Mustn't wash. 禁止在洗澡的地方洗盘子 3.Mustn't play. 不要放这么大声 4.Mustn't let. ...

  5. 【情态动词练习题】had to 和 will have to

    1. had to 和 will have to 1.翻译为有无必要. 1.Jack had to learn French. 2.Jack didn't have to play tennis. 3 ...

  6. 【情态动词练习题】can 和 could

    1. can 1.Can she walk? 2.What can he play? 3.Can he cook? 4.Can she speak Spanish? 5.How much can th ...

  7. 【情态动词练习题】Can I / We ... ?

    1. Can I / We - ? Could I 面向的对象通常为:长辈.老师.老板.陌生人 1.Can I borrow your pen? 2.Can I have a glass of wat ...

  8. 【情态动词练习题】may not 和 can‘t / might 的区别

    1. May not 和 can't 的区别 1.may not 2.can't 3.can't / may not 4.can't 5.can't 6.may not / can't 7.may n ...

  9. 【考研英语语法】情态动词

    习题 类型 练习题链接地址 1.初识情态动词 点击跳转 2.must 与 have to 点击跳转 3.mustn't 和 don't have to 点击跳转 4.had to 和 will hav ...


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