
# Config file to monitor CHM processes, YAML format
# procTask DataFile Record fields:
#  Date Time Node Command PID PCPU VSZ(KB) RSS(KB) StartTime Info
# fileTask DataFile Record fields:
#  FileName CreateTime Size(KB) INFO
################################################################################common setting for monitor
logLevel: debug         # debug, info, warn, error, fatal, default: debug
logFile: monitor.log    # log filename, default: monitor.log
allProc: "ASM|asm|MGMT|mgmt|APX|apx|d\.bin|cssdagent|cssdmonitor|orarootagent.bin|oraagent.bin|scriptagent.bin|tnslsnr"
asmProc: "ASM|asm"
mgmtProc: "MGMT|mgmt"
apxProc: "APX|apx"
crsProc: "d\.bin|cssdagent|cssdmonitor|orarootagent.bin|oraagent.bin|scriptagent.bin|tnslsnr"# monitoring process settings
OCSSDProcTask:type: processTask     # processTask - process monitor task, fileTask - file monitor taskexec: true            # true - execute this task, false - don't execute this task, default trueprocess: ocssd.bin|ohasd.bin   # process name list to be monitored, seperated by '|', used by grep to selectnodes: [rws00fys, rws00fyt, rws00fyu, rws00fyv] #optioanl, default is local hostcheckInterval: 1      # interval seconds to check status, default: 1 secondsstatCount: 5          # count of checkInterval to statistic, default: 5cpuThreshold: 10      # cpu usage percent threshold, default: 10.0%memThreshold: 409600  # rss memory threshold, in KB, default: 400MBDataFile: procmonitor.datactions: ~# monitoring file settings: use regular expression to match filenames
OCSSDFileTask:type: fileTask        # processTask - process monitor task, fileTask - file monitor taskexec: true            # true - execute this task, false - don't execute this taskfile:                 # file to be monitored- '/u01/app/crsusr/diag/crs/<LOCAL_HOST>/crs/trace/ohasd[_0-9]*.trc'- '/u01/app/crsusr/diag/crs/<LOCAL_HOST>/crs/trace/ocssd[_0-9]*.trc'checkInterval: 60     # interval seconds to check status, default: 60 secondsstatCount: 5          # count of checkInterval to statistic, default: 5wrapTime: 600wrapCount: 20         # in wrapInterval seconds, no more than wrapCount files generatedDataFile: filemonitor.datactions: ~# monitoring process settings
CHAMProcTask:type: processTask     # processTask - process monitor task, fileTask - file monitor taskexec: false            # true - execute this task, false - don't execute this taskprocess: osysmond|ologgerd|mdb_pmon   # process name list to be monitored, seperated by '|', used by grep to selectnodes: [rws00fys, rws00fyt, rws00fyu, rws00fyv] #optioanl, default is local hostcheckInterval: 1      # interval seconds to check status, default: 1 secondsstatCount: 5          # count of checkInterval to statistic, default: 5cpuThreshold: 10      # cpu usage percent threshold, default: 10.0%memThreshold: 409600  # rss memory threshold, in KB, default: 400MBDataFile: procmonitor.datactions: ~CHAMFileTask:type: fileTask        # processTask - process monitor task, fileTask - file monitor taskexec: false            # true - execute this task, false - don't execute this taskfile:                 # file to be monitored- '/u01/app/crsusr/diag/crs/<LOCAL_HOST>/crs/trace/osysmond[_0-9]*.trc'- '/u01/app/crsusr/diag/crs/<LOCAL_HOST>/crs/trace/ologgerd[_0-9]*.trc'- '/u01/app/12.2.0/grid/crf/db/<LOCAL_HOST>/json/jsondump.log'checkInterval: 60     # interval seconds to check status, default: 60 secondsstatCount: 5          # count of checkInterval to statistic, default: 5wrapTime: 600wrapCount: 20         # in wrapInterval seconds, no more than wrapCount files generatedDataFile: filemonitor.datactions: ~


#!/usr/bin/env python"""
This script runs a sequence of commands on a remote host using SSH, it will monitor assigned
processes, it will report a warning if the process reboot or quit, or CPU/MEMORY exceed assigned
It also perform some simple system health checks such as open file descriptors number,
port status and memory usage etc."""import sys
import os
import platform
import time
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import getopt
import getpass
import logging
import traceback
import subprocess
import yaml
import socket
import signal
import time
import threading
import reglobal LOGGER, OS_NAMETIME_OUT                    = 20
DEFAULT_LOGFILE             = "ractest.log";
DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL            = "debug"EXPR_NAME_ESC               = '\\'
EXPR_NAME_BEGIN             = '<'
EXPR_NAME_END               = '>'#platform.system()
SYSTEM_LINUX                = 'Linux'
SYSTEM_SOLARIS              = 'SunOS'
SYSTEM_WINDOWS              = 'Windows'
SYSTEM_MACOS                = 'Darwin'
SYSTEM_AIX                  = 'AIX'
SYSTEM_HPUX                 = 'HPUX'LOCAL_HOST                  = socket.gethostname().split(".")[0]g_bRunApplication           = Truedef findString(file_name, value):file1 = file(file_name, 'r')for line in file1:if value in line:return lineelse:return Nonedef find_in_list(array_list, value):index = []i = 0for l in array_list:if cmp(l, value) == 0:index.append(i)i = i + 1return index    def strpTimeDelta(strDayTime):'''translate a format string to a timedelta object.strDayTime: string, format: [days-][hour:]minutes:secondsreturn a timedelta object by format string'''listDayTime = strDayTime.split('-')if (len(listDayTime) > 1):nDays = int(listDayTime[0])listTime = listDayTime[1].split(':')else:nDays = 0listTime = listDayTime[0].split(':')if (len(listTime) > 2):nHour = int(listTime[0])nMin = int(listTime[1])nSec = int(listTime[2])else:nHour = 0nMin = int(listTime[0])nSec = int(listTime[1])return timedelta(days=nDays, hours=nHour, minutes=nMin, seconds=nSec)# Run command over ssh or in local shell
def runSSHOneCmd(host, command):if (host != LOCAL_HOST):ssh_cmd = "ssh %s %s" % (host, command)else:ssh_cmd = "%s" % (command)proc = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)output = proc.communicate()#print "runSSHOneCmd: %s\nOutput: \n%s" % (ssh_cmd, output[0])lines = output[0].split('\n')#remove blank lineif len(lines) > 1 and not lines[-1].split():lines.pop()return lines      def readPropertyFile(strFileName, sep='=', comment_char='#'):"""Read the file passed as parameter as a properties file."""dictProps = {}with open(strFileName, "rt") as fPorpFile:for strLine in fPorpFile:strLine = strLine.strip()if strLine and not strLine.startswith(comment_char):tupKeyValue = strLine.split(sep)strKey = tupKeyValue[0].strip()strValue = sep.join(tupKeyValue[1:]).strip().strip('"') dictProps[strKey] = strValue return dictPropsdef parseString(strExp, dict = None):"""Parse the expressions in strExp, find expression value in dict and replace the expression with the valueExample: if LOCAL_HOST = "rws00fys", /u01/app/crsusr/diag/<LOCAL_HOST>/... will be parsed as:/u01/app/crsusr/diag/rws00fys/..."""if (dict is None):dict = {"LOCAL_HOST":LOCAL_HOST}#print "parseString0: %s, dict=%s" % (strExp, dict)nNormal = 0strResult = ""# find the first begin marknBegin = strExp.find(EXPR_NAME_BEGIN, nNormal)while (nBegin >= 0):if (nBegin >= 0 and strExp[nBegin-1] == EXPR_NAME_ESC):# escape of begin markstrResult += strExp[nNormal:nBegin-1]   # add string before ESC to resultstrResult += EXPR_NAME_BEGIN            # add escaped EXPR_NAME_BEGIN to result#print "parseString1: RESULT=%s" % (strResult)nNormal = nBegin+1nBegin = strExp.find(EXPR_NAME_BEGIN, nNormal)continue;# find end marknName = nBegin+1strName = ""nEnd = strExp.find(EXPR_NAME_END, nName)while (nEnd > 0 and strExp[nEnd-1] == EXPR_NAME_ESC):# escape of end markstrName += strExp[nName:nEnd-1]         # add string before ESC to namestrName += EXPR_NAME_END                # add escaped EXPR_NAME_END to namenName = nEnd+1nEnd = strExp.find(EXPR_NAME_END, nName)if (nEnd < 0):break;strName += strExp[nName:nEnd]strName = strName.replace(EXPR_NAME_ESC+EXPR_NAME_BEGIN, EXPR_NAME_BEGIN)strName = strName.replace(EXPR_NAME_ESC+EXPR_NAME_END, EXPR_NAME_END)strResult += strExp[nNormal:nBegin]#print "parseString2: NAME=%s" % (strName)if (strName is not None and len(strName) > 0):if strName not in dict:#print "parseString: '%s' not found." % (strName)#strResult += EXPR_NAME_BEGIN + strName + EXPR_NAME_ENDstrResult += strNameelse:strResult += str(dict[strName])#print "parseString3: RESULT=%s" % (strResult)# find next begin marknNormal = nEnd+1nBegin = strExp.find(EXPR_NAME_BEGIN, nNormal)# end of string parsestrResult += strExp[nNormal:]#print "parseString4: RESULT=%s" % (strResult)strResult = strResult.replace(EXPR_NAME_ESC+EXPR_NAME_BEGIN, EXPR_NAME_BEGIN)strResult = strResult.replace(EXPR_NAME_ESC+EXPR_NAME_END, EXPR_NAME_END)#print "parseString5: RESULT=%s" % (strResult)return strResultdef sigHandler(sig, frame):global g_bRunApplicationlogging.info("sigHandler: Caught signal: %s", sig)g_bRunApplication = Falselogging.info("sigHandler: g_bRunApplication: %s", g_bRunApplication)def exitWithUsage():print globals()['__doc__']os._exit(0)def initLogging(nLevel = logging.DEBUG, strLogFile = DEFAULT_LOGFILE):# create loggerstrScriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))#time_now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())#strLogFileName = os.path.join(strScriptDir, 'monitor_' + time_now + '.log')strLogFileName = os.path.join(strScriptDir, strLogFile)#strFmt = "%(asctime)-15s : %(levelname)s: %(filename)s-%(lineno)d: %(message)s"strFmt = "%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s: %(message)s"print "initLogging:\n filename = %s\n level = %d DEBUG=%d\n format = %s" % (strLogFileName, nLevel, logging.DEBUG, strFmt)logging.basicConfig(filename = strLogFileName, level = nLevel, format = strFmt)###############################################################################
# class RACAppBaseclass RACAppBase():def __init__(self):self.strLogFile = DEFAULT_LOGFILEself.nLogLevel = logging.DEBUGself.dictTask = {}def readConfig(self, strFileName):"""readConfig: read config items from config file file_nameconfig items:outFile:    log file name, default is DEFAULT_PROC_DATAFILEnodes:      node list to be monitored, if None, monitor local nodeprocess:    process command name list to be monitored, seperated by '|', can't be empty"""with open(strFileName, 'r') as stream:try:yamlObj = yaml.load(stream)except yaml.YAMLError as ex:print(ex)return False;self.strLogFile = yamlObj.get("logFile", DEFAULT_LOGFILE)strLogLevel = yamlObj.get("logLevel", DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL)if (strLogLevel == "info"):self.nLogLevel = logging.INFOelif (strLogLevel == "warn"):self.nLogLevel = logging.WARNelif (strLogLevel == "error"):self.nLogLevel = logging.ERRORelif (strLogLevel == "fatal"):self.nLogLevel = logging.FATALelse:self.nLogLevel = logging.DEBUGprint "Read Config file OK:\n logFile = %s\n logLevel = %s(%d)\n" % (self.strLogFile, strLogLevel, self.nLogLevel)return Truedef StartAllTasks(self):logging.info("Starting all tasks ...")logging.info("Start all tasks OK.")def StopAllTasks(self):logging.info("Stopping all tasks ...")logging.info("Stop all tasks OK.")#def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":#global g_bRunMonitorappTest = RACAppBase()#global g_bRunApplicationconfigFile = "process.yml"######################################################################## Parse the options, arguments, get ready, etc.######################################################################try:optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h?f:', ['help','h','?'])except Exception, e:print str(e)exitWithUsage()if len(args) > 1:exitWithUsage()options = dict(optlist)if [elem for elem in options if elem in ['-h','--h','-?','--?','--help']]:print "Help:"exitWithUsage()if '-f' in options:configFile = options['-f']#print "filename=", configFileif not configFile:print "The value of \'-f\' is empty, please enter a valid file name!!!"sys.exit(0)print "config file: %s" % (configFile)if not appTest.readConfig(configFile):print "Read config file '%s' failed!" % (configFile)sys.exit(-1)initLogging(appTest.nLogLevel, appTest.strLogFile)signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigHandler)signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigHandler)logging.info("Begin testing racutil.")appTest.StartAllTasks()while g_bRunApplication:time.sleep(0.5)appTest.StopAllTasks()logging.info("End test racutil.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #global g_bRunMonitor
    appTest = RACAppBase()

#global g_bRunApplication
    configFile = "process.yml"

    ## Parse the options, arguments, get ready, etc.
        optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h?f:', ['help','h','?'])
    except Exception, e:
        print str(e)
    if len(args) > 1:

options = dict(optlist)
    if [elem for elem in options if elem in ['-h','--h','-?','--?','--help']]:
        print "Help:"

if '-f' in options:
        configFile = options['-f']
        #print "filename=", configFile
        if not configFile:
            print "The value of \'-f\' is empty, please enter a valid file name!!!"

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