Having 24/7 professional monitoring of your security system might seem like a great way to keep your home safe and catch burglars in the act, but is it really? Or does it just provide a false sense of security on which you’re wasting a monthly fee?

对您的安全系统进行24/7专业监视似乎是确保房屋安全和防盗的好方法,但这是真的吗? 还是只是在浪费您的月租费而提供了一种错误的安全感?

First of all, 24/7 monitoring itself isn’t a bad thing, and I think that in the right circumstances, it can be beneficial for some. But it’s also something that you have to pay for every month, which can amount to hundreds of dollars every year.

首先,24/7全天候监控本身并不是一件坏事,我认为在适当的情况下,它对某些人可能会有所帮助。 但这也是您每月必须支付的费用,每年可能要花费数百美元。

“But Craig, you can’t put a price tag on security!” Yeah, but you can, and paying for 24/7 professional monitoring services just isn’t worth it most of the time.

“但是Craig,您不能在安全性上加价!” 是的,但是您可以,而且在大多数情况下花24/7的专业监控服务是不值得的。

窃贼通常在警察到达之前就消失了 (Burglars Are Usually Gone Before the Police Even Arrive)

Most security systems are set up to notify the professional monitoring service (not the police) when an intrusion is detected. When they receive that notification, the service then contacts you to confirm whether it’s real or not (most of the time, they’re false alarms). When they determine that it’s real (or if they can’t make a determination), they then make a call to the police. Then, you have to wait for police to arrive. Under ideal circumstances, a “fast” response time can be anywhere from 8-10 minutes.

大多数安全系统都设置为在检测到入侵时通知专业监视服务(而非警察)。 当他们收到该通知时,服务会与您联系以确认其是否真实(大多数情况下,它们是虚假警报)。 当他们确定这是真实的(或者他们无法做出决定)时,他们会报警。 然后,您必须等待警察到达。 在理想情况下,“快速”响应时间可以在8到10分钟之间 。

And that’s under ideal circumstances. Depending on where you live, how busy the police are, and what other types of events they’re responding to, that 8-10 minutes could be at least an hour.

那是在理想情况下。 根据您的住所,警察的繁忙程度以及他们正在响应的其他类型的事件,这8至10分钟可能至少需要一个小时。

By that point, the burglar will likely be long gone. In fact, the alarm is what most likely prevents the police from catching the burglar red handed in the first place, as it’s usually enough to stop most burglars in their tracks, or at least limit the amount of time they spend rummaging through your home.

到那时,防盗将可能早已消失。 实际上,警报很可能会阻止警察首先抓到防盗红色,因为通常这足以阻止大多数防盗步入正轨,或者至少限制了他们在家里翻箱倒柜的时间。

At that point, there’s really nothing the police can do except monitor the surrounding area for a bit and possibly locate the burglar if they’re lucky. Sure, the alarm may have scared the thief away, or at least kept them from stealing more than what they might have wanted, but at the end of the day, that thief is still out there on the loose.

那时,警察几乎无能为力,只能监视周围的地方,并在幸运的情况下找到盗贼。 当然,警报可能使小偷吓跑了,或者至少使他们没有偷到比他们想要的东西还多的东西,但是到了最后,小偷仍然在那儿。

大声的声音效果很好 (A Loud Noise Works Just Fine)

Of course, just because 24/7 professional monitoring isn’t really worth it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a security system at all. It’s always beneficial to have at least some form of security set up, but preferably one where you don’t have to continuously pay for it.

当然,仅仅因为24/7专业监视并不真正值得,并不意味着您根本就不需要安全系统。 至少设置某种形式的安全性总是有益的,但最好是不必持续为此付费的一种形式。

Most alarm systems can be used without paying for around-the-clock professional monitoring, and as mentioned above, that’s enough to ward off potential burglars most of the time, or at least limit the amount of time they spend in your home.


The SimpliSafe security system, for example, can be used without paying for professional monitoring. Granted, at that point it’s nothing more than a loud noise machine, but that’s all you need at the very basic level. In fact, a majority of burglars will stay away from a house just because of the presence of an alarm, as well as other things like randomized house lights.

例如,可以使用SimpliSafe安全系统 ,而无需支付专业监控费用。 诚然,到那时,它只不过是一台响亮的噪音机器,而这只是您最基本的需求。 实际上, 由于有警报器以及诸如随机照明灯之类的其他事物,大多数防盗贼都会远离房屋 。

Ideally, though, you should have security cameras set up in plain sight on the outside of your house if you want to cover your bases. This is one of the biggest deterrents for potential thieves, as being identified is the number one thing they want to avoid in the first place. And in the event you are burglarized, those cameras can be useful in filing out police reports and insurance claims.

不过,理想情况下,如果要掩盖基地,则应在房屋外部清晰可见地安装安全摄像机 。 这是对潜在盗贼的最大威慑力之一,因为首先要确定的是他们要避免的第一件事。 如果您被盗,那么这些摄像机可用于归档警察报告和保险索赔。

Image from Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

图片来自Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349239/is-247-professional-home-security-monitoring-worth-it/


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