
Implement int sqrt(int x).

Compute and return the square root of x.








class Solution {
public:int sqrt(int x) {double x0 = 1;double x_next = -(x0*x0 - x)/(2*x0) + x0;while(fabs(x0-x_next) > 0.00001){x0 = x_next;x_next = -(x0*x0 - x)/(2*x0) + x0;}return x0;}



class Solution {
public:int sqrt(int x) {long long low = 0;long long high = x;long long mid;while(low <= high){mid = (low+high)/2;long long result = mid*mid;if(result == x)return mid;else if(result > x)high = mid-1;elselow = mid+1;}return high;}


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