tree structure

it represents life

long and long

the data structure i like相关推荐

  1. LeetCode Two Sum III - Data structure design

    原题链接在这里: 题目: Design and implement a ...

  2. leetcode 211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design Trie树

    题目链接 写一个数据结构, 支持两种操作. 加入一个字符串, 查找一个字符串是否存在.查找的时候, '.'可以代表任意一个字符. 显然是Trie树, 添加就是正常的添加, 查找的时候只要dfs查找就可 ...

  3. leetcode Add and Search Word - Data structure design

    我要在这里装个逼啦 class WordDictionary(object):def __init__(self):"""initialize your data str ...

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  5. 牛客小白月赛11:Rinne Loves Data Structure

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  6. HDU - 7072 Boring data structure problem 双端队列 + 思维

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  7. HDU - 6967 G I love data structure 线段树维护矩阵 + 细节

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