


Trie is an ordered tree data structure that uses strings as keys. Unlike Binary Trees, Tries do not store keys associated with the node. The key is actually determined based on the position of the node on the tree. Any descendants of a node shares a common prefix of the key string associated with that node. Hence, trie is also called as Prefix Tree. The word "trie" comes from Retrieval, and it is pronounced as "try".

Trie是一种以字符串为键的有序树状数据结构,与二叉树不同的是, Trie并不会存储节点键值,节点键值是被节点在树状数据结构中的位置所决定的。一个特定节点的所有子孙的键值都有一个公共的前缀字符,所有Trie也被称为前缀树。 单词“Trie”来自于英文单词“Retrieve”,其发音与单词“Try”相同。

Since this data structure is a prefix tree, trie is commonly used in Dictionaries, Phone Directories and matching algorithms. Trie is best-suited for phone directory (any matching application for that matter) because it is very efficient in matching strings.


So I have decided to implement Trie myself in C#. I have created three classes:


  • Node: Represents a single tree node;
  • Node:树节点类;
  • NodeCollection: Represents the children of a node;
  • NodeCollection:树节点结合类;
  • Trie: Trie implementation to insert and search nodes.
  • Trie:Trie类实现了节点的查找以及插入操作。



Node: Node represents a basic tree node. Node implements both Depth First and Breadth First algorithms to search its children. It also contains its Parent node and Children node. Node has a key and a Value. Key contains the single character and the value has the actual value of the node. The actual key of the node will be determined by suffixing the single character to its parent's key. Node has a special property called IsTerminal. This property is set to true if the key or a value represents a complete string.


See the picture below:


NodeCollection: This class is a simple collection class which implements the IEnumerable interface for iteration operations. This class contains an internal List class of type Node. NodeCollection implements the standard list methods such as Add( ), Contains( ), Remove( ) etc.


Trie: This class implements the Trie algorithms such as Insert and Find methods.



//Inserts Names into the Trie data structure
public static Node InsertNode(string name, Node root)
    //Is name null?
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
        throw new ArgumentNullException("Null Key");

//set the index, start inserting characters
    int index = 1;

    string key;

//start with the root node
    Node currentNode = root;

//loop for all charecters in the name
    while (index <= name.Length)
        //get the key character
        key = name[index - 1].ToString();

//does the node with same key already exist?
        Node resultNode = currentNode.Children.GetNodeByKey(key);

//No, this is a new key
        if (resultNode == null)
            //Add a node
            Node newNode = new Node(key, name.Substring(0, index));

//If reached the last charaecter, this is a valid full name
            if (index == name.Length)
                newNode.IsTerminal = true;

//add the node to currentNode(i.e. Root node for the first time)

//set as the current node
            currentNode = newNode;
            //node already exist, set as tghe current node
            //and move to the next character in the name
            currentNode = resultNode;
        //move to the next character in the name
    //all done, return root node
    return root;

The Insert method inserts the string as one character at a time. It starts with the first character; if the first character doesn't already exist in the root node it adds a new node with the new character and returns the new node. Otherwise it returns the node with the fist character for adding remaining characters. It loops until it adds the entire string. Once it reaches the last character, it marks that node as a terminal node because this node represents a complete string in the tree hierarchy.


The Find methods is implemented by Depth First search algorithm. The tree is searched until the complete string is found. Below is the code.


//Find a node given the key("Jo")
public static bool Find(Node node, string key){

//Is key empty
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
        return true;//terminal Node

//get the first character
    string first = key.Substring(0, 1);

//get the tail: key - first character
    string tail = key.Substring(1);
    Node curNode = node.Children.GetNodeByKey(first);

//loop until you locate the key i.e. "Jo"
    if (curNode != null)
        return Find(curNode, tail);
        //not found, return false
        return false;

I've attached the entire source code above. The source code contains the Trie class library and a console application to test the Trie library. The console application loads a set of names (stored in names.txt in debug folder) in to the tree and provides options to run Depth First & Breadth First algorithm. The application also provides options for Directory Look-Up and Find option.


The class library can be further used to develop a web based phone directory. The data can also be stored on the client (it is too small) and the Trie can be implemented in JavaScript.


Happy Coding!




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