Software that works in Termux on a smartphone and tablet in Android and Chrome. Termux offers a wide range of software for your device.适用于Android和Chrome智能手机和平板电脑的Termux软件。 Termux为您的设备提供各种软件。

Development Environments/开发环境

Termux is a great software development environment.


Differences from Linux/与Linux的差异

There are several differences between Termux and a regular Linux distribution.



Edit, write and manipulate text and data files.


Graphical Environment/图形环境

Everything about using X Window System in Termux.

所有关于在Termux中使用X Window系统的一切。

Intents and Hooks

Use intents and hooks to access Termux from other apps.

使用intents 和钩子从其他应用程序访问Termux。

Package Management/包管理

Basic and advanced package and module management.


Package Tips/软件包指导

A list of manuals for packages that are tricky to install, like Metasploit Framework and Postgresql.

要安装的软件包的手册列表,如Metasploit Framework和Postgresql。

Remote Access/远程访问

Access your remote devices or the Termux itself.


Sharing Data/共享数据

Accessing files in the $HOME directory in other apps on device

访问设备上其他应用程序中$ HOME目录中的文件


A listing of some of the available shells in Termux.


Termux Software相关推荐

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  6. 微软职位内部推荐-Software Engineer II-News

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  7. 论文: Generating Software Test Data by Evolution---自己觉得很好的句子----(1)introduction

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  8. How to Rate a Software Developer

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  9. Comparative assessment of long-read error correction software applied to Nanopore RNA-sequencing dat

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