

一:wu china on july 6, 1965 was born in the chinese jilin changchun

speaks english, japanese, german can use the computer jobseniority for 11 years

in 1990 beijing university department of journalism graduation

from 1990 to 1996 december in shenzhen daily work

studied for a year from 1997 to 1998 in english bbc

in 1999 the repayment society news arranges close-stitches, isappointed director until now

wants to go to beijing 21st the century newspaper office torespond to a call for recruits

二:brief introduction:


sex: female

nationality: han

major: foreign trade transportation


address: no.6 alley3, north road,tiantan,jinggang,zhangjiagang

postal code:215633

email address:

education background:

graduation college: shanghai maritime faculty

department:foreign trade transportation (three years1997.9--1999.7)

other training courses:

with better abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

skillful at all kinds of softwares on windows.

working experiences:

administrative management (XX.5---present)suzhou shipment of the yangze river co. ltd.


planning for the market reserch

offering the prediction of market

finishing the summary reports

planning for the ad

editing for the ad

organizing parties,vacations

contacting with the local government

and other activities


after graduation, i have been working as an administrative management. i have gained rich exprience with a deeply understanding of administrative work.i am honest,careful and team work spirit. i have an open heart and good relationship with others. i have made a lot of friends. i am available for doing all kinds of administrative jobs.

please give me a chance and i will do my best to work for you.

i am looking forward to a fine reply.



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