
You’ve probably heard the terms “post-production,” “post-processing,” or simply “post” about movies but they also apply—and are equally important—to photography. Let’s break down what they mean.

您可能已经听说过有关电影的“后期制作”,“后期处理”或只是“后期”一词,但它们也适用于摄影,并且同样重要。 让我们解释一下它们的意思。

The three terms—post-production, post-processing, and post—are, short of Hollywood movies, basically interchangeable. The “production” is what happens on set or location; it’s what you’re doing when you’re wandering around with your camera in your hand shooting photos or video. “Post-production,” then, is everything that happens after you’ve finished shooting, “post-processing” is all the processing that’s done after you’ve finished shooting, and “post” is an abbreviation for the two.

后期制作,后期处理和后期这三个术语是好莱坞电影的缩写,基本上可以互换。 “生产”是在场地或地点发生的事情; 当您用手中的相机四处游荡拍摄照片或视频时,这就是您正在做的事情。 因此,“后期制作”是指完成拍摄后发生的所有事情,“后期处理”是指完成拍摄后进行的所有处理,“后期处理”是两者的缩写。

什么是邮政? (What Is Post?)

So, we’ve established above that post is everything that happens after a shoot, but what does that entail? In most cases, it involves some (or all) of the following:

因此,我们已在该帖子上方确定了拍摄后发生的所有事情,但这意味着什么? 在大多数情况下,它涉及以下一些(或全部):

  • Importing all the material you’ve shot and backing it up.


  • Going through all the material you’ve shot and selecting the good stuff.


  • For videos, editing together all the different clips into a single movie.对于视频,将所有不同的剪辑一起编辑到单个电影中。
  • For videos, adding music and fixing any sound issues.对于视频,添加音乐并解决所有声音问题。
  • Correcting color, brightness, contrast, and other basic exposure settings.


  • Fixing any issues like crooked horizons, distortion, dust spots, or blemishes.


  • Applying any color toning or similar stylistic adjustments.


  • Prepping the photos or videos for export and printing, sharing, or posting them on the web.准备照片或视频以导出和打印,共享或发布到网络上。

How much post-processing is involved and how long it takes utterly depends on the project. A professionally shot short film will spend months in post-production with each step being done multiple times, on the other hand, I can process a few dozen photos in an hour—as long as I’m not doing any major retouching.

涉及多少后处理以及完全需要多长时间取决于项目。 专业拍摄的短片将花费数月的后期制作时间,每个步骤都要进行多次,另一方面,只要我不进行任何重大修饰,我就可以在一小时内处理几十张照片。

Here’s an example of an image I’ve taken through the steps above in about 20 minutes. Here’s what it looked like straight out of the camera (I also had another few similar photos that I rejected in post).

这是我在大约20分钟的时间内通过上述步骤拍摄的图像的示例。 这就是直接从相机看起来的样子(我还有另外几张类似的照片在发布后被我拒绝了)。

And here’s what it looks like after.


Note, the list above is far from a complete list of steps for post-production. There are essentially infinite things that you can do to a photo or movie in post—it just depends what you’re trying to achieve.

注意,上面的列表与后期制作步骤的完整列表相去甚远。 从本质上讲,您可以对照片或电影做无限的事情-这仅取决于您要实现的目标。

为什么后处理很重要 (Why Post-Processing Is Important)

Post-production is at least as important as the actual production. It’s a big part of making great work for a couple of reasons.

后期制作至少与实际制作同样重要。 出于以下几个原因,这是做出出色工作的重要组成部分。

Post is an opportunity to fix small issues you overlooked on location, correct color and exposure, and generally, just make sure your work looks good and professional. Digital cameras aren’t perfect, and they make a lot of assumptions about the world, so it’s your opportunity to adjust for them.

发布是解决您在位置,颜色和曝光方面被忽略的小问题的机会,通常,只要确保您的工作看起来不错且专业即可。 数码相机并不完美,它们会对世界做出很多假设,因此这是您适应它们的机会。

In post, you can put your stamp on your work. It’s your chance to make your photo of the same tourist spot everyone visits a little bit different. You can develop a consistent look, either for this piece of work or for all your work. For example, here are two of my ski photos. While shot more than a year apart, they’re edited to look part of the same collection.

在邮寄中,您可以在工作上盖章。 您可以借此机会在每个参观者都略有不同的地方拍摄同一张旅游景点的照片。 您可以为这件作品或所有作品开发出一致的外观。 例如,这是我的两张滑雪照片。 虽然拍摄间隔超过一年,但它们经过编辑后看起来属于同一系列。

Here’s the first.


And here’s the second.


Post-production also lets you prepare your work for different mediums. Facebook butchers any images you upload but there are steps you can take to minimize the quality loss. On the other hand, if you’re planning to print your work, you need to do completely different things.

后期制作还可以让您为不同的媒体准备作品。 Facebook会屠杀您上传的所有图像,但是您可以采取一些步骤来最大程度地减少质量损失。 另一方面,如果您打算打印工作,则需要做完全不同的事情。

While post-processing certainly gets a lot more attention now than it used to, it’s worth noting that it’s not new. All the great film photographers—and every movie director—spent at least as long in post-production as they did shooting.

尽管后处理现在肯定比以前受到了更多的关注,但值得注意的是它并不新鲜。 所有伟大的电影摄影师以及每位电影导演在后期制作中花费的时间至少与拍摄时一样。

您不能“在帖子中修复” (You Can’t “Fix It In Post”)

With all that said, post-production isn’t some magic bullet. You’ll never be able to fix major flaws with things like the composition in post. You still need to work hard on location to make sure you get the shots you want.

综上所述,后期制作并不是万灵丹。 您将永远无法使用后期撰写等功能修复主要缺陷。 您仍然需要努力确定位置,以确保获得所需的照片。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403254/what-is-post-production-or-post-processing-in-photography-and-videography/



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