esm github地址。里面有详细介绍。


2、记住时间 使用 -q 命令过滤某端时间的数据进去。

esm  -s -q "time字段:[1624932000000 TO 1625464800000]"  -d -n username:password -x 索引  -w=5 -b=10 -c 10000


我只记得上周二做了迁移 具体的时间忘记了。从周二早0点开始,到现在所有的数据全部迁移一遍。重复数据会自动覆盖。


  -s, --source=                    source elasticsearch instance, ie: http://localhost:9200-q, --query=                     query against source elasticsearch instance, filter data before migrate, ie: name:medcl-d, --dest=                      destination elasticsearch instance, ie: http://localhost:9201-m, --source_auth=               basic auth of source elasticsearch instance, ie: user:pass-n, --dest_auth=                 basic auth of target elasticsearch instance, ie: user:pass-c, --count=                     number of documents at a time: ie "size" in the scroll request (10000)--buffer_count=              number of buffered documents in memory (100000)-w, --workers=                   concurrency number for bulk workers (1)-b, --bulk_size=                 bulk size in MB (5)-t, --time=                      scroll time (1m)--sliced_scroll_size=        size of sliced scroll, to make it work, the size should be > 1 (1)-f, --force                      delete destination index before copying-a, --all                        copy indexes starting with . and _--copy_settings              copy index settings from source--copy_mappings              copy index mappings from source--shards=                    set a number of shards on newly created indexes-x, --src_indexes=               indexes name to copy,support regex and comma separated list (_all)-y, --dest_index=                indexes name to save, allow only one indexname, original indexname will be used if not specified-u, --type_override=             override type name--green                      wait for both hosts cluster status to be green before dump. otherwise yellow is okay-v, --log=                       setting log level,options:trace,debug,info,warn,error (INFO)-o, --output_file=               output documents of source index into local file-i, --input_file=                indexing from local dump file--input_file_type=           the data type of input file, options: dump, json_line, json_array, log_line (dump)--source_proxy=              set proxy to source http connections, ie:                set proxy to target http connections, ie:                    refresh after migration finished--fields=                    filter source fields, comma separated, ie: col1,col2,col3,...--rename=                    rename source fields, comma separated, ie: _type:type, name:myname-l, --logstash_endpoint=         target logstash tcp endpoint, ie:  target logstash tcp endpoint was secured by TLS--repeat_times=              repeat the data from source N times to dest output, use align with parameter regenerate_id to amplify the data size-r, --regenerate_id              regenerate id for documents, this will override the exist document id in data source--compress                   use gzip to compress traffic-p, --sleep=                     sleep N seconds after finished a bulk request (-1)


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