mybaits 中没有else要用chose when otherwise 代替

详情可以参考此文章:mybatis if-else(写法)


<select id="searchCorpList" parameterType="java.lang.String"resultType="com.pccwhkt.ump.portal.umportal.sys.user.bean.SearchCorpResultBean">select CORP_ACC_ID, CORP_ID, CORP_ACC_NAME CORP_NAME, STATUS, TYPEfrom UMG_CORP_ACC<if test="corp_id != null and corp_id != ''">where LOCATE(#{corp_id}, CORP_ID)>0</if><if test="corp_name != null and corp_name != ''"><choose><when test="corp_id != null and corp_id != ''">and LOCATE(#{corp_name}, CORP_ACC_NAME)>0</when><otherwise>where LOCATE(#{corp_name}, CORP_ACC_NAME)>0</otherwise></choose></if><if test="status != null and status != ''"><choose><when test="(corp_id != null and corp_id != '') or (corp_name != null and corp_name != '')">and LOCATE(#{status}, STATUS)>0</when><otherwise>where LOCATE(#{status}, STATUS)>0</otherwise></choose></if><if test="type != null and type != ''"><choose><when test="(corp_id != null and corp_id != '') or (corp_name != null and corp_name != '') or (status != null and status != '')">and LOCATE(#{type}, TYPE)>0</when><otherwise>where LOCATE(#{type}, TYPE)>0</otherwise></choose></if></select>

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