the installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again.

  • 事故始源
  • 系统环境
  • 解决方法


安装Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2019。运行安装包后弹出窗口,窗口显示the installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again.


win7 sp1 (大量补丁未打)(Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0)


最终解决方法:安装证书,VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority.cer,将证书导入到“受信任的根证书颁发机构”。



方法3(未成功):安装Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

未成功原因:显示无法连接,然后叫我检查网络状态 emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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