1. The deflection, rotational angle, bending moment and shear force at any point in the beam are obtained by Lemke method.


2. Park Lemke gear pump motor is a kind of parts for cranes.


3. General elastic contact problems are resulted in quadratic programming. With Lemke algorithm, we find Complementary Basic Feasible Solution (CBFS) as the Kuhn-Tucker point for quadratic programming and certificate their equivalence. Several applied problems are solved with Lemke algorithm in the paper.


4. Lemke-Howson algorithm give the simplex solution, the classical Lemke-Howson algorithm may not only find the pure strategy Nash equilibrium, but also find the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium.


5. The Lemke method is one of the most regularity methods to solve the linear complementarity problem.


6. According to the principle of branch and bound algorithm for linear integer programming and the Lemke algorithm for quadratic programming, this thesis shows a branch and bound algorithm and a program of the algorithm with the Matlab programming language for solving the model.


7. The sequence linear program method is adopted for optimum design of concrete gravity dams with broad joints. The linear program problem is solved by Lemke algorithm.


8. Fitting results by Lemke optimization algorithm are better, avoiding local optimum and costing less time;


9. The contact problem of laminated beam is formed as linear complementarity problem to overcome irrational results from traditional analytical solution, and the general solving process based on the lemke algorithm is established.


10. There are some methods to solve the Nash equilibrium, sush as elimination method, streak plate method, arrow point method and Lemke-Howson algorithm.


11. This paper discussed the parallel computing of the analysis of elasto plastic structures, sensitivity analysis, and the Lemke algorithm of quadratic programming.


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