

差分进化算法 DE-Differential Evolution




CEC2017 benchmark function调用接口

王勇:http://ist.csu.edu.cn/YongWang.htm   http://www.escience.cn/people/yongwang1/index.html;jsessionid=7CE276B8D77C7CE70AE2C2D2F8DF1A7A-n1

Rammohan Mallipeddi    Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan  Quan-Ke Pan  Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223921753_Differential_evolutionalgorithm_with_ensemble_of_parameters_and_mutation_trategies

  • DE算法-作者网站: http://www1.icsi.berkeley.edu/~storn/code.html
  • 维基百科资料库  : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_evolution



差分进化算法英文文献:《Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for Global Optimization over Continuous Spaces》、《Differential Evolution Algorithm With Strategy Adaptation for Global Numerical Optimization》



%根据文章《Differential Evolution Algorithm With Strategy Adaptation for Global Numerical Optimization》的算法:ALGORITHMIC DESCRIPTION OF DE
%@written by Zhan Qian,2015-5-24
%crossStrategy=1:binomial crossover
%crossStrategy=2:Exponential crossover
NP=50;%population size,种群规模
F=0.5;%scaling factor 缩放因子
CR=0.3;%crossover rate 交叉概率
%step1 初始化
%X represent population
%step2 mutation,crossover,selection
while Generation<maxIteration
%求bestXfor i=1:NPfitnessX(i)=testFun(X(i,:),FunIndex);%fitnessX表示X的适应值end[fitnessbestX,indexbestX]=min(fitnessX);bestX=X(indexbestX,:);%bestX表示最优值对应的位置
%step2.1 mutation
%产生为每一个个体Xi,G 产生一个变异向量Vi,G。 G代表进化代数V=mutation(X,bestX,F,mutationStrategy);%%
%step2.2 crossover
%crossStrategy=1:binomial crossover
%crossStrategy=2:Exponential crossover
%产生为每一个个体Xi,G 产生一个交叉向量Ui,G。 G代表进化代数U=crossover(X,V,CR,crossStrategy);
%step2.3 selectionfor i=1:NPfitnessU(i)=testFun(U(i,:),FunIndex);if fitnessU(i)<=fitnessX(i)X(i,:)=U(i,:);fitnessX(i)=fitnessU(i);if fitnessU(i)<fitnessbestXbestX=U(i,:);fitnessbestX=fitnessU(i);endendend
disp(strcat('the optimal value','=',optValue));
disp(strcat('the best location','=',Location));


%即:每产生的第 i 个新个体所用的随机选到的nrandI个旧个体不能是第 i 个旧个体。function V=mutation(X,bestX,F,mutationStrategy)
for i=1:NP%在[1 NP]中产生nrandI个互不相等的随机数,且与i皆不相等nrandI=5;r=randi([1,NP],1,nrandI);for j=1:nrandIequalr(j)=sum(r==r(j));endequali=sum(r==i);equalval=sum(equalr)+equali;while(equalval>nrandI) %若产生的随机数有相等的或与i相等的——需要重新生成随机数r=randi([1,NP],1,nrandI);for j=1:nrandIequalr(j)=sum(r==r(j));endequali=sum(r==i);equalval=sum(equalr)+equali;endswitch mutationStrategycase 1%mutationStrategy=1:DE/rand/1;V(i,:)=X(r(1),:)+F*(X(r(2),:)-X(r(3),:));case 2%mutationStrategy=2:DE/best/1;V(i,:)=bestX+F*(X(r(1),:)-X(r(2),:));case 3%mutationStrategy=3:DE/rand-to-best/1;V(i,:)=X(i,:)+F*(bestX-X(i,:))+F*(X(r(1),:)-X(r(2),:));case 4%mutationStrategy=4:DE/best/2;V(i,:)=bestX+F*(X(r(1),:)-X(r(2),:))+F*(X(r(3),:)-X(r(4),:));case 5%mutationStrategy=5:DE/rand/2;V(i,:)=X(r(1),:)+F*(X(r(2),:)-X(r(3),:))+F*(X(r(4),:)-X(r(5),:));otherwiseerror('没有所指定的变异策略,请重新设定mutationStrategy的值');endend


function U=crossover(X,V,CR,crossStrategy)
switch crossStrategy%crossStrategy=1:binomial crossovercase 1for i=1:NPjRand=randi([1,Dim]);%jRand∈[1,Dim]for j=1:Dimk=rand;if k<=CR||j==jRand %j==jRand是为了确保至少有一个U(i,j)=V(i,j)U(i,j)=V(i,j);elseU(i,j)=X(i,j);end     end    end%crossStrategy=2:Exponential crossovercase 2for i=1:NPj=randi([1,Dim]);%j∈[1,Dim]L=0;U(i,:)=X(i,:);k=rand;while(k<CR && L<Dim)U(i,j)=V(i,j);j=j+1;if(j>Dim)j=1;endL=L+1;endendotherwiseerror('没有所指定的交叉策略,请重新设定crossStrategy的值');


function y=testFun(x,index)
%  函数名            位置                   最优值
%1.Sphere             0                       0
%2.Camel             多个
switch indexcase 1 %Sphere函数y=sum(x.^2);case 2 %Camel函数,Dim只能取2if length(x)>2error('x的维度超出了2');endxx=x(1);yy=x(2);y=(4-2.1*xx^2+xx^4/3)*xx^2+xx*yy+(-4+4*yy^2)*yy^2;case 3 %Rosenbrock函数y=0;for i=2:length(x)y=y+100*(x(i)-x(i-1)^2)^2+(x(i-1)-1)^2;endotherwisedisp('no such function, please choose another');



点击打开链接 http://www1.osu.cz/~tvrdik/?page_id=18

Algorithms of global optimization and their applications (English)

Global Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms and their Application to Computational Statistics

Stochastic algorithms of global optimization

In 1993 we started to deal with stochastic algorithms of global optimization. We modified the Controlled Random Search algorithm (Price 1976) by randomizing the reflection in simplex. The modified CRS algorithm was applied to estimating parameters of non-linear regression models and also in the shape optimization problem. For the testing of the stochastic algorithms a set of fourteen difficult non-linear regression tasks was collected. This collection can be downloaded here, the description of the tasks and references are in the file nlmod14.pdf (zip), data in text format are in the file models.zip.

Differential Evolution:

Competitive Diferential Evolution for Constrained Problems – CEC 2010
Source code in Matlab       download readme.txt (source code zip)

Adaptive Diferential Evolution Algorithms, Handbook of Optimization, 2012
Source code in Matlab or C       download readmeHO.txt (source code zip)

Hybrid DE for Optimal Clustering 2015

Manuscript of paper      download asoc2014sub_tvkr

Matlab source code   readmeClust     download   clustan_b6e6rl_source

Matlab Program Library for Box-constrained Continuous Problems (including a new adaptive stochastic algorithm for the estimation of parameters
in nonlinear regression models)  here

Selected papers:

Tvrdík, J., Estimation of Regression Parameters by Controlled Random Search Algorithm (in Czech), In: Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G. (eds), Proceedings of ROBUST 94, 153-159, JČMF Praha, 1994, ISBN 80-7015-492-6

Křivý, I., Tvrdík, J., The Controlled Random Search Algorithm in Optimizing of Regression Models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 20, 229-234, 1995

Haslinger J., Jedelský D., Kozubek T., Tvrdík J., Genetic and Random Search Methods in Optimal Shape Design Problems, Journal of Global Optimizations 16, 109-131, 2000

Křivý I., Tvrdík J., Stochastic Algorithms in Estimating Regression Models, COMPSTAT 1996, Proceedings in Computational Statistics (ed. A. Prat), 325-330, Physica Verlag, 1996

Tvrdík, J., Křivý, I., Simple Evolutionary Heuristics for Global Optimization, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 30, 345-352, 1999
download allmut99.pdf (zip)

Křivý I., Tvrdík J., Krpec R.: Stochastic Algorithms in Nonlinear Regression, Comput. Statist, Data Anal. 33, 278-290, 2000

Mišík, L., Tvrdík, J., Křivý, I. : On Convergence of a Class of Stochastic Algorithms, In: Proceedings of ROBUST 2000 (J.Antoch a G. Dohnal eds), 198-209, JČMF Praha, 2001, ISBN 80-7015-792-5
download rob00new.pdf (zip)

Tvrdík, J., Křivý, I., Mišík, L., Evolutionary Algorithm with Competing Heuristics, In: Ošmera, P. (ed.) Proceedings of MENDEL 2001, 7th International Conference on Soft Computing, 58-64, Technical University, Brno, 2001,
download mendel01.pdf (zip)

Tvrdík, J., Mišík, L., Křivý, I., Competing Heuristics in Evolutionary Algorithms, 2nd Euro-International Symposium on Computational Intelligence June 16 – 19, 2002, Košice, Slovakia, published In SINCAK et al. Intelligent Technologies-Theory and Applications. Amsterdam, The Nethelands: IOS Press, 2002. 159-165.
download kos02cln.pdf (zip)

Tvrdík, J., Křivý, I., Mišík, L., Evolutionary Algorithms with Competing Heuristics in Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT 2002, Proceedings in Computational Statistics (ed. Haerdle W., Roenz B.), 349-354, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg
download comp02.pdf (zip)

Tvrdík, J., Generalized controlled random search and competing heuristics. In MENDEL 2004, 10th Internetional Conference on Soft Computing (Matoušek R. and Ošmera P. eds). University of Technology, Brno, 2004. 228-233.
download mendel04.pdf

Tvrdík, J. Competition and Cooperation in Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comparative Study. In MENDEL 2005, 11th International Coference on Soft Computing. Brno : University of Technology, Brno, 2005. 108-113.
download mendel05.pdf       extended CD version men05_CD.pdf

Tvrdík, J., Křivý, I., Mišík, L., Adaptive population-based search: application to estimation of nonlinear regression parameters. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 52(2), 713-724 (2007)
download preprint CSDA-06SAS03e.pdf

Tvrdík, J. Competitive Differential Evolution. In MENDEL 2006, 12th International Coference on Soft Computing. Brno : University of Technology, Brno, 2006. 7-12.
download mendel06.pdf       extended CD version mendel06_CD.pdf

Tvrdík, J. Differential Evolution with Competitive Setting of its Control Parameters. TASK Quarterly 11, 169-179 (2007)
download reprint task07.pdf

Tvrdík, J. Adaptation in Differential Evolution: A Numerical Comparison. APPL SOFT COMPUT. 2009, 9, 1149-1155. ASOC2009_reprint.pdf

Tvrdík, J. Self-adaptive Variants of Differential Evolution with Exponential Crossover. Analele Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara.Seria Matematica-Informatica. 2009, 47, 151-168.
download reprint analele09.pdf

TVRDÍK, J., POLÁKOVÁ, R. Competitive Differential Evolution for Constrained Problems. 2010 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC). IEEE, 2010. s. 1632-1639.

POLÁKOVÁ, R., TVRDÍK, J. Various Mutation Strategies  in Enhanced  Competitive Differential Evolution for Constrained Optimization. 2011 IEEE Symposium on Differential Evolution. IEEE, 2011. s. 17-24. [2011-04-11]. ISBN 978-1-61284-070-3

TVRDÍK, J., KŘIVÝ, I. Hybrid Adaptive  Differential Evolution in  Partitional Clustering. MENDEL 2011 17th International Conference on Soft Computing. Brno: University of Technology, 2011. s. 1-8. [2011-06-15]. ISBN 978-80-214-4302-0                                                                                                                                                                               download preprint mendel11tvkr.pdf



Self-adaptive Algorithms for Global Optimization – MATLAB and C++ Library Including Parallel Implementation for Many Processors


The Matlab program library has been established in the frame of the project201/05/0284 of the Czech Grant Agency at University of Ostrava in 2006.The extension by C++ version comes from next period and the parallel versionof C++ library is the result of the project supported by the European RegionalDevelopment Fund in the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project(CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070)

Project team:

  • Josef Tvrdík, Department of Comp. Science, University of Ostrava,
  • Viktor Pavliska, Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling,University of Ostrava,
  • Radek Valášek, Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling,University of Ostrava,
  • Radka Poláková, Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling,University of Ostrava,
  • Hashim Habiballa, Department of Comp. Science, University of Ostrava,

The aim of this library is to make new self-adaptive stochastic algorithmsaccessible for potential users and facilitate the use of the self-adaptivealgorithms in practical problems. The self-adaptation of the algorithms meansthat the user need not set up their control parameters by preliminarytrial-and-error numerical experiment.

The library includes source codes of algorithms:

  • adaptive controlled random search (CRS) for the estimation of non-linear regression parameters (Matlab, non-parallel)
  • competitive-adaptive differential evolution (DE) for boundary-constrained global optimization (Matlab, non-parallel)
  • competitive-adaptive differential evolution (DE) for boundary-constrained global optimization (C++, non-parallel and/or parallel)

These programs are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify itunder the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the FreeSoftware Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) anylater version. The programs are distributed in the hope that they will beuseful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General PublicLicense for more details, http://www.fsf.org/.

If you use a routine of this library, please, cite in your paper or report thisreference:

Tvrdík J., Pavliska V., Valášek, R., Poláková, R., Habiballa, H.(2014) Self-adaptive Algorithms forGlobal Optimization – MATLAB and C++ Library Including Parallel Implementationfor Many Processors, irafm.osu.cz/sago

Contact address for Matlab routines: josef.tvrdik@osu.cz, radka.polakova@osu.cz

Contact address for C++ routines: viktor.pavliska@osu.cz, radek.valasek@osu.cz



  1. 初始化

  2. 变异

  3. 交叉




全局最优点: ,


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  1. function DE(Gm,F0)
  2. t0 = cputime;
  3. %差分进化算法程序
  4. %F0是变异率 %Gm 最大迭代次数
  5. Gm = 10000;
  6. F0 = 0.5;
  7. Np = 100;
  8. CR = 0.9;  %交叉概率
  9. G= 1; %初始化代数
  10. D = 10; %所求问题的维数
  11. Gmin = zeros(1,Gm); %各代的最优值
  12. best_x = zeros(Gm,D); %各代的最优解
  13. value = zeros(1,Np);
  14. %产生初始种群
  15. %xmin = -10; xmax = 100;%带负数的下界
  16. xmin = -5.12;
  17. xmax = 5.12;
  18. function y = f(v)
  19. %Rastrigr 函数
  20. y = sum(v.^2 - 10.*cos(2.*pi.*v) + 10);
  21. end
  22. X0 = (xmax-xmin)*rand(Np,D) + xmin;  %产生Np个D维向量
  23. XG = X0;
  24. %%%%%%%%%%%%%----这里未做评价,不判断终止条件----%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  25. XG_next_1= zeros(Np,D); %初始化
  26. XG_next_2 = zeros(Np,D);
  27. XG_next = zeros(Np,D);
  28. while G <= Gm
  29. G
  30. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%----变异操作----%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  31. for i = 1:Np
  32. %产生j,k,p三个不同的数
  33. a = 1;
  34. b = Np;
  35. dx = randperm(b-a+1) + a- 1;
  36. j = dx(1);
  37. k = dx(2);
  38. p = dx(3);
  39. %要保证与i不同
  40. if j == i
  41. j  = dx(4);
  42. else if k == i
  43. k = dx(4);
  44. else if p == i
  45. p = dx(4);
  46. end
  47. end
  48. end
  49. %变异算子
  50. suanzi = exp(1-Gm/(Gm + 1-G));
  51. F = F0*2.^suanzi;
  52. %变异的个体来自三个随机父代
  53. son = XG(p,:) + F*(XG(j,:) - XG(k,:));
  54. for j = 1: D
  55. if son(1,j) >xmin  & son(1,j) < xmax %防止变异超出边界
  56. XG_next_1(i,j) = son(1,j);
  57. else
  58. XG_next_1(i,j) = (xmax - xmin)*rand(1) + xmin;
  59. end
  60. end
  61. end
  62. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%---交叉操作----%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  63. for i = 1: Np
  64. randx = randperm(D);% [1,2,3,...D]的随机序列
  65. for j = 1: D
  66. if rand > CR & randx(1) ~= j % CR = 0.9
  67. XG_next_2(i,j) = XG(i,j);
  68. else
  69. XG_next_2(i,j) = XG_next_1(i,j);
  70. end
  71. end
  72. end
  73. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%----选择操作---%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  74. for i = 1:Np
  75. if f(XG_next_2(i,:)) < f(XG(i,:))
  76. XG_next(i,:) = XG_next_2(i,:);
  77. else
  78. XG_next(i,:) = XG(i,:);
  79. end
  80. end
  81. %找出最小值
  82. for i = 1:Np
  83. value(i) = f(XG_next(i,:));
  84. end
  85. [value_min,pos_min] = min(value);
  86. %第G代中的目标函数的最小值
  87. Gmin(G) = value_min;
  88. %保存最优的个体
  89. best_x(G,:) = XG_next(pos_min,:);
  90. XG = XG_next;
  91. trace(G,1) = G;
  92. trace(G,2) = value_min;
  93. G = G + 1;
  94. end
  95. [value_min,pos_min] = min(Gmin);
  96. best_value = value_min
  97. best_vector =  best_x(pos_min,:)
  98. fprintf('DE所耗的时间为:%f \n',cputime - t0);
  99. %画出代数跟最优函数值之间的关系图
  100. plot(trace(:,1),trace(:,2));
  101. end



(1)基本参数的设置,包括NP, F, CR





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    标准差分进化算法 基本原理 差分进化算法(DE)起源于遗传算法(EA),也是一种基于种群进化的算法.通过对种群采取三种进化操作进行反复迭代使得算法的解趋于全局最优解.在所有的进化算法中,每种算法的个体 ...

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  3. matlab 思维进化算法,差分进化算法介绍及matlab实现

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  4. 差分进化算法原理及matlab代码实现

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