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Your friends’ social media posts are making you spend more money, researchers say

American families don’t save money like they used to. Now, a team of American and Canadian economists have proposed a new explanation for the declining savings rate, one rooted in individual psychology. At its heart lies a simple observation: Personal spending is a lot more visible to others than not spending. Changes in the media landscape have made other people’s spending more visible than ever. That, in turn, is making all of us spend even more—and save even less.

Humans are social creatures, and we have a tendency to evaluate our own standing in life relative to how our friends and neighbors are doing. We want to keep up with the Joneses, and stay ahead of the Smiths. Because of this, when we see other people spending money we have a tendency to believe that we can—or should—be spending, too.

Fifty years ago, our frames of reference for our spending habits were relatively small. Now we have social media. Facebook lets us stay in touch with our rich college classmates who always seem to be on vacation. We can create and share detailed logs of the stuff we consume at places like Yelp and TripAdvisor.
50 年前,我们消费习惯的参照系相对较小。现在有了社交媒体,我们可以用 Facebook和有钱的大学同学保持联系,他们看上去天天都在度假;也可以在 Yelp 和 TripAdvisor 等网站上发表帖子,详细记录我们所消费的商品和服务。

The net effect of this saturation of consumptive media is that we’re bombarded every day with signals to consume, consume, consume. “People infer that low saving is a good idea,” as the authors put it.

“To decide if you’re overconsuming, make a special effort to notice when your friends do something that is frugal, such as having a staycation or holding on to their 15-year-old car,” Hirshleifer, one of the authors said. “If you’re going to compare yourself to others, try to make it realistic.”
报告作者之一赫什莱弗说:“想判断自己是否在过度消费,可以特别留心朋友们精打细算的做法,比如宅在家里度假,或者一辆车开了 15 年还坚持不换。如果你要和别人比,起码要比得现实一点。”

————— 文章来源 / 华盛顿邮报


n. 帖子,网站上公布的信息

  • 例句:I’m posting some photos. (v.)

be rooted in

  • 例句:His opinion is rooted in experience.
  • 相关词汇:root(n. 植物的根部)

n. 全景;局面

  • 例句:Giant cacti dominate the desert landscape.
  • 英文释义:a particular area of activity, especially its distinctive features

in turn

  • 英文释义:therefore; as a result
  • 例句:Stress causes your body to release chemicals, which in turn boost
    blood pressure.

n. 倾向;趋势

  • 搭配短语:a tendency to do sth.
  • 例句:For American college students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings.

n. 级别;地位,身份

  • 近义词:status
  • 搭配短语:someone of high standing.

keep up with the Joneses

  • 文化补充:这个表达来源于一个美国报纸的连载漫画系列,字面意思是“不要被琼斯一家落下”,略带讽刺意味。

frame of reference

  • reference 英文释义:the use of a source of information in order to ascertain something

n. 记录;(引申)帖子

  • 英文释义:a full written record of a journey, a period of time, or an event

net effect

  • 相关词汇:net(adj. 净得的;最终的)
  • net 搭配短语:net weight
  • 近义词:overall; ultimate

n. 饱和状态

adj. 关于消费的,被消费主义驱使的

  • 词性拓展:consumption (n.)
  • 相关词汇:consumerism(n. 消费主义); consumerist

v. 轰炸;(言语)围攻

  • 相关词汇:bomb(n. 炸弹)
  • 例句:The reporters bombarded the star with phone calls.

adj. 节俭的,节约的

  • 反义词:consumptive

n. 在家中(或附近)度假

  • 英文释义:a vacation that you spend at your home
  • 相关词汇:stay(v./n. 居留); vacation(n. 假期)

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