
4 DFG-funded positions to study the plant microbiota


**The Department of Plant-Microbe Interactions at the The Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding
Research (MPIPZ) in Cologne, Germany**, invites applications for three PhD positions and one
postdoctoral position to investigate **community-level assembly of plant-microbe interactions, the
role of the plant immune system in shaping resident microbial consortia and to establish
computational pipelines for analysis of plant microbiota data**.

关于马普植物育种所更多信息,请访其主页: http://www.mpipz.mpg.de/en


  • 1 PhD position in the group of Jane Parker (in collaboration with Alga Zuccaro at Cologne
    University) is to investigate the **impact of Arabidopsis immunity programmes on root fungal
    endophyte colonization**;
  • 1 PhD position in the group of Kenichi Tsuda is to study the impact of **plant immunity on the
    functions of commensal bacteria and the plant microbiota**;
  • 1 PhD position in the group of Stéphane Hacquard is to carry out genome-resolved **fungal
    metatranscriptomics within synthetic fungal-bacterial communities colonizing plant roots**;
  • 1 postdoctoral position in the group of Ruben Garrido-Oter to develop computational
    approaches for the analysis of synthetic community sequencing data




In nature, the roots and leaves of healthy plants are intimately associated with diverse microbes,
including bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, viruses and protists, collectively called the plant microbiota.
Research in the department is aimed at understanding how plants influence the assembly and
function of the plant microbiota, how these microbes interact with each other and at elucidating
the impact of these microbial communities on plant physiology. The successful candidates will
conduct research within the scope of a DFG-funded Germany-wide Priority Programme (SPP
2125 ‘DECRyPT’). Twenty-five different laboratories are joining forces to generate fundamental
insights into the molecular mechanisms that govern plant microbiota establishment and
function. The successful candidates will apply pioneering reductionist approaches, involving
establishment of plant microbe culture collections and **reconstitution experiments to test the
impact of different microbial communities in nature and the role of plant immunity in
influencing microbiota establishment and function**. **Computational and genomic tools will be
applied** to plant microbiota data to guide hypothesis testing and the design of microbiota
reconstitution experiments.



We seek highly motivated applicants with an MSc degree (or equivalent) in genetics/molecular
biology/microbiology or bioinformatics. A background in plant science is not essential, but
candidates will be expected to demonstrate their strong interest in the field of plant-microbe

你能得到什么What we offer

  • 获得各种微生物组研究的技能培训
  • 享受马普研究生待遇
  • 科研写作与交流的专项训练

Successful candidates will take part in annual meetings and workshops organized by the Priority
Programme where they can network with the other programme members and receive training in
different aspects of plant microbiota research. In addition, the PhD students will enjoy all the
benefits of the MPIPZ Graduate School, including structured supervision and training in soft and
hard skills. Members of the Plant Microbe Interactions department also receive in-house training
in scientific writing and communication.



The positions are available immediately and successful candidates would be expected to start at
approximately the beginning of 2019. Funding is provided for an initial period of three years,
and salary and benefits are commensurate with public service organization rules (TVöD) – 65%
and 100% of E13 for the PhD and postdoctoral positions, respectively. The Max-Planck Society is
committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and
therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck
Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented
and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.



For specific questions concerning the respective projects please contact Jane Parker
(parker@mpipz.mpg.de), Kenichi Tsuda (tsuda@mpipz.mpg.de), Stéphane Hacquard
(hacquard@mpipz.mpg.de) or Ruben Garrido-Oter (garidoo@mpipz.mpg.de).


Please use our online application platform:


clearly specifying the position for which you are applying, and include a CV, publication list and
contact information for 3 references. The deadline for all four applications is September 10,


Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview in mid-October 2018.





  • 10000+: 菌群分析
    宝宝与猫狗 提DNA发Nature 实验分析谁对结果影响大 Cell微生物专刊 肠道指挥大脑
  • 系列教程:微生物组入门 Biostar 微生物组 宏基因组
  • 专业技能:生信宝典 学术图表 高分文章 不可或缺的人
  • 一文读懂:宏基因组 寄生虫益处 进化树
  • 必备技能:提问 搜索 Endnote
  • 文献阅读 热心肠 SemanticScholar Geenmedical
  • 扩增子分析:图表解读 分析流程 统计绘图
  • 16S功能预测 PICRUSt FAPROTAX Bugbase Tax4Fun
  • 在线工具:16S预测培养基 生信绘图
  • 科研经验:云笔记 云协作 公众号
  • 编程模板: Shell R Perl
  • 生物科普: 肠道细菌 人体上的生命 生命大跃进 细胞暗战 人体奥秘


为鼓励读者交流、快速解决科研困难,我们建立了“宏基因组”专业讨论群,目前己有国内外1800+ 一线科研人员加入。参与讨论,获得专业解答,欢迎分享此文至朋友圈,并扫码加主编好友带你入群,务必备注“姓名-单位-研究方向-职称/年级”。技术问题寻求帮助,首先阅读《如何优雅的提问》学习解决问题思路,仍末解决群内讨论,问题不私聊,帮助同行。




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