文章链接:Multi-Agent Consensus Using Both Current and Outdated States



% Multi-Agent Consensus Using Both Current and Outdated States
% Author: JCGUY
% date:2021-12-9
% 加入过时信息
% fig4
clc%% 初始化参数值
Xt(:,1) = [4 2 0 -2]';
U(:,1) = [0,0,0,0]';
L = [1.8 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6;-0.6 1.8 -0.6 -0.6;-0.6 -0.6 1.8 -0.6;-0.6 -0.6 -0.6 1.8];% 时滞
T = 0.12;
% 更改时滞格式,matlab 数组索引必须为正整数或逻辑值
T = 12;%通信时滞
% 为了防止开始收敛前无状态,扩充收敛前的状态,将数组扩充50个
t = 0;
for i = 1:50Xt(:, i+1) = Xt(:, i);U(:, i+1) = U(:, i);t(:, i+1) = t(:, i)+0.01;
endtBegin = 0;
tEnd   = 2;
dt     = 0.01;
times  = (tEnd - tBegin)/dt;
time   = 1;%% 迭代收敛 计算
while (time <= times)% 时间记录t(1, time+50) = tBegin + dt * time + 49*0.01;% 控制输入分别为U(:,time+50)=-L*(Xt(:,time+50)+Xt(:,time+50-T));% 状态更新为            Xt(:,time+51) = Xt(:,time+50)+U(:,time+50)*dt;time  = time + 1;
end%% 绘图
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,Xt(1,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % x1
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,Xt(2,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % x2
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,Xt(3,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % x3
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,Xt(4,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % x4
title('Position Trajectory');
legend("x_1", "x_2", "x_3", "x_4");
grid on; box on;subplot(1,2,2)
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,U(1,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % v1
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,U(2,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % v2
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,U(3,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % v3
plot(t(1,51:250)-0.5,U(4,51:250),'linewidth',1.0); hold on % v4
title('INPUT Trajectory');
legend("U_1", "U_2", "U_3", "U_4");
grid on; box on;


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