格式:DateTime.Compare(datetime1, datetime2)


string st1 = "12:13";
string st2 = "14:13";
DateTime t1 = Convert.ToDateTime(st1);
Console.WriteLine(t1);  //20186/6 下午 12:12:00
DateTime t2 = Convert.ToDateTime(st2);
Console.WriteLine(t2);  //20186/6 下午 02:14:00
DateTime t3 = DateTime.Now;
if (DateTime.Compare(t1, t2) > 0) Console.WriteLine(st1+">"+st2);
else if (DateTime.Compare(t1, t2) == 0) Console.WriteLine(st1+"="+st2);
else Console.WriteLine(st1+"<"+st2);if (DateTime.Compare(t1, t3) > 0) Console.WriteLine("\r\n"+st1 + ">" + t3.ToString());
else if (DateTime.Compare(t1, t3) == 0) Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + st1 + "=" + t3.ToString());
else Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + st1 + "<" + t3.ToString());


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