

在public String getTextFromTxt (String filePath) {String text = "";try {FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filePath);BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);String str = "";while ((str = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {text += str;}} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {System.out.println("Not found this file!");} catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("I/O Error!");}return text;}


public HashMap<Character, Integer> text2HashMap (String text) {HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {if (hashMap.containsKey(text.charAt(i))) {hashMap.put(text.charAt(i), hashMap.get(text.charAt(i))+1);} else {hashMap.put(text.charAt(i), 1);}}return hashMap;}


public HuffmanNode[] hashMap2HuffmanNode (HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap) {// 遍历hashmap,并构造nodelistHuffmanNode[] nodeList = new HuffmanNode[hashMap.size()*2-1];int i = 0;for(Map.Entry<Character, Integer> mm : hashMap.entrySet()) {nodeList[i++] = new HuffmanNode(mm.getValue(), mm.getKey());}// 初始化从i到最后的nodelistfor (int j = i; j < nodeList.length; j++) {nodeList[j] = new HuffmanNode(-1, '#');}return nodeList;}


Beauty. It' s a word that can build people up to the highest levels of confidence and drag them down just as quickly.
Standards of beauty have been noted for years, but the concept of it is so subjective that I find it hard to believe thatso many industries market themselves on those so called standards. As you travel the world, these standards actually change.
What might be considered the epitome of beauty in one country may be considered average or even ugly in another. And these
standards also change over time. Decades ago, the classic definition of "beautiful" was more curvaceous. This trended into a waifish
look. We have transitioned from that to what is considered "healthy" which places an emphasis on slim but muscular physique. We
all have our own opinions and we' re going to travel the globe and see just how diverse beauty really is. ITALY Italian women have long been
considered beautiful. But the standards are more or less based on taking care of themselves and maintaining a natural beauty. It’s about what
makes them feel good. They take care of themselves and maintain their skin and hair. Although they enjoy the sun, they do it responsibly and use
good sunscreen. Proper diet also helps maintain gorgeous skin and hair. Italians embrace life and enjoy all aspects of it. They believe in embracing
what comes. They are fit and comfortable with themselves. Italy shows that beauty is more than skin deep and truly embraces the diversity that is out there.
FRANCE France is known for being fashion forward, but when it comes to the standard of beauty, it’s all about natural beauty. French women tend toward
the clean, natural appearance instead of makeup. They actually prefer the bare, unmade up face that shows what they actually look like. They celebrate the
true beauty and embrace what they were born with. French women enjoy the quirky and distinct features without the use of contouring and makeup. They
go for a more understated look compared to Americans. French women are known to be glamorous and graceful at any age. They maintain a flawless
complexion throughout their lives. KOREA Korean women are admired the world over for their incredible skin. If you think of the standard for gorgeous
complexions, Korea ranks at the top. These women work very hard to maintain flawless, pale, porcelain skin. Their creamy, alabaster faces are used to sell
skin care all around the globe. This standard of beauty originates from a time when a pale complexion was a sign of wealth and social standing. Tan skin
was a sign of someone who had to work outside and couldn' t afford the luxury of skin care. They also place a high importance on more rounded eyes and
will even go through surgery to achieve what is considered ideal. GREAT BRITAIN The British have a flair for the understated elegance. This shows in practicallyevery aspect of their culture, including beauty. British women tend to prefer a more aristocratic look of slenderness, pale skin and maybe freckles. They tend to
prefer comfortable and simple clothes that are more understated as well as a minimal look with makeup. British women also don' t worry as much about getting
older. The wrinkles and signs of age that other women struggle to hide don' t bother them. They view these changes as signs of maturity and wisdom. Britain certainly
has a healthier way to view standards of beauty at any age. BRAZIL Brazil is a land of exquisite beauty and it' s women live up to it. Unlike a lot of countries that
place an emphasis on slenderness, the Brazilians have a different idea in mind. They embraced the look of a more curvaceous body for years. Women were admired
for having muscular legs, wider hips and a large buttocks. Unfortunately, like so many other countries, the Western standards of beauty have started seeping into the
country and causing a shift toward thinner bodies with larger breasts. Hopefully, this unbelievably diverse and gorgeous country will start to enjoy it’s own unique stylesand looks. INDIA Clothing is a huge part of the Indian beauty culture. Women use henna, saris, and bindis to show femininity. These colourful adornments are a huge part
of celebrations such as weddings. For many years, a thin body was not considered to be beautiful or healthy. Standards were placed on a healthier body. But Western ideals
have started to show in India, bringing a slimming down. Indian women are known for their unbelievably gorgeous hair. Indian women spend a great deal of money on hairproducts and treatments to maintain the thick, glossy manes they are known for all over the world. AUSTRALIA Due to the endless sun that Australians are blessed with,
many of the women have a sun kissed look. They do practice a great deal of skin care due to the extreme levels of solar radiation that the country deals with. The heat
that Australia is known for tends to bring about a healthy, outdoors look that shows a fit and healthy body. This is hardly surprising from a country that is known for
outstanding beaches, diving and other water sports. IRAN For a culture that still embraces having women staying covered up, Iran is the country that leads the world in
rhinoplasty. It' s considered a sign of affluence and is almost expected. Women wear the bandages that cover their sculpted noses long after they are no longer necessary
and wear them proudly. There are even stories of people buying the bandages and wearing them even though they didn't get the surgery.
With women spending so much time veiled, they embrace the use of surgery on one of the few body parts that they can show.
But despite the strict laws in Iran, many women wear bright colours and have dyed hair underneath their veils as they try to balance between
fashion and cultural beliefs. ETHIOPIA Ethiopian women have a long standing practice that is linked to beauty and marriage. Girls in the Karo tribe receive scars
that are cut into their stomachs by the elders of the tribe. These are considered marks of beauty and desirability. Once the scars are placed, the girl is allowed to marry.
The girls accept this practice and feel it will attract a good husband for them so they can get married and start a family.
Many cultures have scarring as part of their history and place a great deal of emphasis on it. What may be considered extreme by some will be considered the epitome
of beauty by others. CHINA Due to changes in climate and political upheaval, a common trait that marked the women of Tibet in China is starting to become much more
rare. Tibetan women have long borne the pink cheeks of living high in the mountains and being exposed to the weather conditions there.
But, due to the prominence of Chinese influence in the media, Tibetan women are being held to the standards that have swept over china. These incredible women who
simply showed the naturally occurring colour from the lives they live are now being expected to maintain the pale flawless skin that has become the ideal for Asian women.
As you can see, beauty is truly subjective and diverse. Each country has their own take on what is considered ideal. But, if you can approach each place with an open mind,
you can enjoy the ideals of each and every place you visit. Enjoy the beauty in the environment and the people that live in it.


public static void main(String[] args) {HuffmanTree ht = new HuffmanTree();
//      路径根据自己的文件路径填写String filePath = "./src/English.txt";String text = ht.getTextFromTxt(filePath);
//      System.out.println(text);HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap = ht.text2HashMap(text);HuffmanNode[] nodeList = ht.hashMap2HuffmanNode(hashMap);ht.root = ht.buildHuffmanTree(nodeList, hashMap.size());ht.levelTraversal(); //       利用哈夫曼树进行编码String test = "Enjoy the beauty in the environment and";String Encode = ht.getEncodeofString(test);System.out.println("\n" + Encode);
//       利用哈夫曼树进行解码System.out.println(ht.getDecodeofCode(Encode));


7295 2969 4326 1421 1548 1903 2423 703 718 726 822 885 1018 1159 1264 350 353 354 364 408 414 419 466 498 520 540 619 171 179 204 215 230 236 241 279 303 316 99 105 106 109 110 120 138 141 148 168 46 53 54 66 70 78 82 86 21 25 26 28 35 35 37 41 12 14 14 14 16 19 20 21 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 1
Enjoy the beauty in the environment and



public class HuffmanNode {int weight;char c;HuffmanNode left;HuffmanNode right;
//  HuffmanNode parent;boolean isMin = false;// 构造函数public HuffmanNode (int weight, char c) {this.weight = weight;this.c = c;this.left = null;this.right = null;
//      this.parent = null;this.isMin = false;}
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Stack;public class HuffmanTree {HuffmanNode root;/** 构造函数*/public HuffmanTree () {root = null;}/** 从文件中读取文本并保存*/public String getTextFromTxt (String filePath) {String text = "";try {FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filePath);BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);String str = "";while ((str = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {text += str;}} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {System.out.println("Not found this file!");} catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("I/O Error!");}return text;}/** 得到文本的统计信息,存储在HashMap数据结构中*/public HashMap<Character, Integer> text2HashMap (String text) {HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {if (hashMap.containsKey(text.charAt(i))) {hashMap.put(text.charAt(i), hashMap.get(text.charAt(i))+1);} else {hashMap.put(text.charAt(i), 1);}}return hashMap;}/** 将hashmap转换成Huffman结点*/public HuffmanNode[] hashMap2HuffmanNode (HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap) {// 遍历hashmap,并构造nodelistHuffmanNode[] nodeList = new HuffmanNode[hashMap.size()*2-1];int i = 0;for(Map.Entry<Character, Integer> mm : hashMap.entrySet()) {nodeList[i++] = new HuffmanNode(mm.getValue(), mm.getKey());}// 初始化从i到最后的nodelistfor (int j = i; j < nodeList.length; j++) {nodeList[j] = new HuffmanNode(-1, '#');}return nodeList;}/** 根据Huffman结点构造HuffmanTree*/public HuffmanNode buildHuffmanTree (HuffmanNode[] nodeList, int length) {int len = nodeList.length - length;HuffmanNode parentNode = null;for (int i = 0; i <= len-1; i++) {int j;HuffmanNode min1 = new HuffmanNode(7500, '#');HuffmanNode min2 = new HuffmanNode(7500, '#');// 得到权重最小的两个Huffman结点int isMin1Flag = -1;int isMin2Flag = -1;for (int k = 0; k < length+i; k++) {if (!nodeList[k].isMin) {if ((nodeList[k].weight < min1.weight)) {min2 = min1;isMin2Flag = isMin1Flag;min1 = nodeList[k];isMin1Flag = k;} else if ((nodeList[k].weight <= min2.weight)) {min2 = nodeList[k];isMin2Flag = k;}}}nodeList[isMin1Flag].isMin = true;nodeList[isMin2Flag].isMin = true;// 创建新的结点并添加到Huffman数组的末尾parentNode = new HuffmanNode(min1.weight + min2.weight, '#');//min1.parent = parentNode;//min2.parent = parentNode;parentNode.left = min1;parentNode.right = min2;nodeList[length+i] = parentNode;}return parentNode;}/** 得到对应字符的编码*/public String getEncodeofString (String test) {String Encode = "";for (int n = 0; n < test.length(); n++) {Encode += getEncodeofCharacter(test.charAt(n));}return Encode;}public String getEncodeofCharacter (char c) {Stack<String> stack1 = new Stack<String>();Stack<HuffmanNode> stack2 = new Stack<HuffmanNode>();String code = "";// 使用类似于后序遍历哈夫曼树if (root == null) {return "";}HuffmanNode current = root;HuffmanNode preNode = null;while (current != null) {stack2.add(current);stack1.add("0");current = current.left;}// 多入栈了一个0,弹出栈stack1.pop();// 开始判断哈夫曼树结点中的字符是否是我们要查找的while (!stack2.isEmpty()) {current = stack2.pop();if (current.right == null || current.right == preNode) {preNode = current;if (current.c == c) {break;} else {stack1.pop();}} else {stack2.add(current);current = current.right;stack1.add("1");stack2.add(current);while (current.left != null) {stack2.add(current.left);stack1.add("0");current = current.left;}}}// 退出while循环while (!stack1.isEmpty()) {code = stack1.pop() + code;}return code;}/** 根据编码得到对应的字符串*/public String getDecodeofCode (String encode) {String decode = "";int len = encode.length();int i = 0;HuffmanNode current = root;while (i < len) {if (encode.charAt(i) == '1') {current = current.right;} else {current = current.left;}if (current.left == null && current.right == null) {decode += current.c + "";current = root;} i++;}return decode;}/** 使用层次遍历输出Huffman树*/public void levelTraversal () {if (root == null) {return;}Queue<HuffmanNode> queue = new LinkedList<HuffmanNode>();HuffmanNode current = root;queue.offer(current);while (!queue.isEmpty()) {current = queue.poll();System.out.print(current.weight + " ");if (current.left != null) {queue.offer(current.left);}if (current.right != null) {queue.offer(current.right);}}}/** 主函数测试Huffman树*/public static void main(String[] args) {HuffmanTree ht = new HuffmanTree();String filePath = "./src/English.txt";String text = ht.getTextFromTxt(filePath);HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap = ht.text2HashMap(text);HuffmanNode[] nodeList = ht.hashMap2HuffmanNode(hashMap);ht.root = ht.buildHuffmanTree(nodeList, hashMap.size());ht.levelTraversal();   //       利用哈夫曼树进行编码String test = "Enjoy the beauty in the environment and";String Encode = ht.getEncodeofString(test);System.out.println("\n" + Encode);
//       利用哈夫曼树进行解码System.out.println(ht.getDecodeofCode(Encode));}


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