
by BinHong Lee


如何在一台服务器上托管多个域名和项目 (How to host multiple domain names and projects on one server)

NGINX是一种神奇的工具 (NGINX is one magical tool)

I own multiple domain names, and each one hosts a different side project. For the longest time, everything that required ‘hosting’ was hosted on Heroku. But their free tier can be quite limited, it can also get costly quickly if you are paying for each separate project. So instead, I decided to explore putting all of them together using NGINX (recommended to me by Jane Manchun Wong).

我拥有多个域名,每个域名托管一个不同的副项目。 在最长的时间内,所有需要“托管”的内容都托管在Heroku上。 但是他们的免费套餐可能非常有限,如果您为每个单独的项目付费,它的价格也会很快上涨。 因此,我决定使用NGINX(由Jane Manchun Wong推荐给我)探索将它们全部组合在一起。

所需资源 (Required Resources)

虚拟专用服务器(VPS) (Virtual Private Server (VPS))

You’ll need a virtual server such as DigitalOcean or EC2 by AWS. Personally I uses Vultr (here’s the non-referral link) which costs me about $2.50 / month.

您将需要一个虚拟服务器,例如AWS的 DigitalOcean或EC2。 我个人使用Vultr (这是非推荐链接 ),每月费用约为2.50美元。

网站域名 (Domain Names)

You will need to register a few domain names. Assuming that you probably already have them, make sure your domain names are pointing at the name servers of your VPS. There should be a DNS section in your domain name service dashboard where you can select “custom DNS” or something similar. If you are not sure what the nameservers of your VPS are, you should be able to find that info easily through a simple search of “nameserver” + VPS service name.

您将需要注册一些域名。 假设您可能已经拥有它们,请确保您的域名指向VPS的名称服务器。 域名服务仪表板中应有一个DNS部分,您可以在其中选择“自定义DNS”或类似名称。 如果不确定VPS的名称服务器是什么,则应该可以通过简单地搜索“名称服务器” + VPS服务名称来轻松找到该信息。

设置NGINX (Setting up NGINX)

安装和基本设置 (Installation and basic setup)

Reference from How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

如何在Ubuntu 16.04上安装Nginx的参考

Run the following commands through SSH-ing into the VPS. It will install NGINX, set firewall rules allowing it, and set NGINX to autostart on boot.

通过SSH运行到VPS中运行以下命令。 它将安装NGINX,设置允许它的防火墙规则,并将NGINX设置为在启动时自动启动。

配置设置 (Configuration setup)

Reference from Host Multiple Domains on One Server/IP with Apache or nginx

使用Apache或nginx从一台服务器/ IP上的主机多个域进行引用

The default virtual.conf location should be at /etc/nginx/conf.d/virtual.conf. I recommend backing up the default file before making any changes. (If it doesn’t exist, you can just create it.) Edit the file to look something like the following:

默认的virtual.conf位置应位于/etc/nginx/conf.d/virtual.conf。 我建议在进行任何更改之前备份默认文件。 (如果不存在,则可以创建它。)编辑文件,使其类似于以下内容:

Here are a few things to look at:


  • server block — Each of these should represent each different domain or subdomain in use.


  • root — This is the location where the (HTML) files are loaded from.

    根目录 -这是(HTML)文件的加载位置。

  • server_name — (sub)domain name(s) that should load these specific files.


  • proxy_redirect — in cases where you are redirecting a specific subdomain to an active server, you will want to add this and put the IP location after it. (For local servers, either or http://localhost:port should work as intended.)

    proxy_redirect-在将特定子域重定向到活动服务器的情况下,您将要添加该地址并将IP位置放在其后。 (对于本地服务器, http: // :porthttp:// localhost:port应该可以正常工作。)

sudo systemctl restart nginx

After you are done, restart the server so the new configurations will be loaded and applied.


克隆和链接 (Cloning and linking)

Now remember, since you have your directory pointing at /opt/htdocs/websiteName, your initial thought might be to clone your projects into these folders. This can work, but it’s not ideal since many operations in these folders require root access to really do anything.

现在请记住,由于您的目录指向/ opt / htdocs / websiteName ,因此您最初的想法可能是将项目克隆到这些文件夹中。 这可以工作,但是不是理想的,因为这些文件夹中的许多操作都需要root访问权限才能真正执行任何操作。

Instead, you can clone them into your user folder or anywhere else like you normally would, and then create a soft link to connect the path to your repository folder. Something like this:

相反,您可以将它们克隆到您的用户文件夹中或像往常一样复制到其他任何位置,然后创建一个软链接以将路径连接到存储库文件夹。 像这样:

git clone git@github.com:binhonglee/binhonglee.github.io ~/websitesudo ln -s ~/website /opt/htdocs/binhong

Of course, when you are cloning a Node.js static site folder (ReactJS, Angular or Vue.js), you will want to install (npm install) and build (npm run-script build) them. Then link the ./build folder instead of the base level of the cloned repository. (Similarly for Jekyll sites, but use the ./_output folder instead.) As for active servers, just make sure your server is running on the same port as it is listed in the configuration file.

当然,当您克隆Node.js静态站点文件夹(ReactJS,Angular或Vue.js)时,您将需要安装( npm install )并构建( npm run-script build )。 然后,链接./build文件夹而不是克隆存储库的基本级别。 (与Jekyll站点类似,但是使用./_output文件夹。)对于活动服务器,只需确保服务器在配置文件中列出的端口上运行即可。

使用certbot设置HTTPS (Set up HTTPS with certbot)

Thanks to Let’s Encrypt, you can now get free and easy HTTPS certificates. With the introduction of certbot, everything just got even easier!

多亏了“让我们加密”,您现在可以获得免费和便捷的HTTPS证书。 随着certbot的推出,一切都变得更加轻松!

Reference from How To Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04

在Ubuntu 16.04上如何通过Let's Encrypt保护Nginx的参考

Just run the above for all your domain and subdomain names and certbot will take care of everything. If you were to renew the certs, you can run the following so the certbot will help you renew your SSL certificate.

只需为您的所有域名和子域名运行以上内容,certbot就会处理所有事情。 如果要续订证书,则可以运行以下命令,以便certbot可以帮助您续订SSL证书。

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

更新一切 (Updating everything)

Now that you have everything up and running, you might be thinking, well there seems to be an awful lot to remember if/when I need to update something. Unfortunately, that’s kinda true, but we can always make it easier by adding a script that does it for us.

现在您已启动并运行了所有内容,您可能会在想,好在我需要更新某些东西时似乎要记住很多事情。 不幸的是,这确实是正确的,但是我们总是可以通过添加可以为我们完成任务的脚本来使其变得更容易。

Here is how one would look:


Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

谢谢阅读! 如果您在下面的评论中有任何疑问,请告诉我。

关于我 (About me)

At the time of writing, I work at Apple Inc. in the role of Siri Language Engineer as an Independent Contractor through AdvantisGlobal. I spend a lot of my free time experimenting and building new things with technologies I find fun and interesting. Follow my exploration journey here or on GitHub.

在撰写本文时,我在Apple Inc.工作,是通过AdvantisGlobal作为Siri语言工程师的独立承包商。 我将大量的业余时间花在使用有趣且有趣的技术进行实验和构建新事物上。 在这里或在GitHub上跟随我的探索之旅。

其他参考 (Other References)

  • nginx proxy pass redirects ignore port on serverfault

    Nginx代理传递重定向忽略 serverfault上的 端口

  • Continue SSH background task/jobs when closing SSH on superuser


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-you-can-host-multiple-domain-names-and-projects-in-one-vps-7aed4f56e7a1/



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