
You have almost certainly encountered archived files at some point—ZIP, RAR, and so on. They look like a single file, but act a lot more like a package, letting people bundle and compress multiple files and folders into a single, smaller file. 7Z files work the same way, and are particular to the popular 7-Zip compression tool.

您几乎肯定可以在某个时候遇到存档文件-ZIP,RAR等。 它们看起来像一个文件,但行为却像一个包,使人们可以将多个文件和文件夹捆绑并压缩成一个较小的文件。 7Z文件的工作方式相同,并且是流行的7-Zip压缩工具所特有的。

什么是7Z文件? (What Is a 7Z file?)

7Z is the file extension used for an archived file created using 7-Zip, a free, open-source file compression tool. 7Z is similar to other archived formats, such as ZIP, RAR, and ISO, but uses a higher compression ratio, along with AES-256 encryption.

7Z是用于使用7-Zip(免费的开源文件压缩工具)创建的存档文件的文件扩展名 。 7Z与其他存档格式(例如ZIP ,RAR和ISO )相似,但使用更高的压缩率以及AES-256 加密 。

7Z files make it easy to send and download files from the internet and help free up space on your hard drive with their high compression rate used when archiving. They also support ridiculous file sizes—theoretically up to 16 billion GB!

7Z文件使您可以轻松地从Internet发送和下载文件,并通过在归档时使用高压缩率来帮助释放硬盘驱动器上的空间。 它们还支持可笑的文件大小-理论上高达160亿GB!

7-Zip is one of the more popular compression tools out there, but most people use it to open or create ZIP files rather than using the more proprietary 7Z files. The main reason for this is compatibility. Pretty much every system out there has a way to open ZIP files, and using 7Z files means people actually need to install 7-Zip or another third-party app that supports them to work with the files.

7-Zip是目前比较流行的压缩工具之一,但是大多数人使用它来打开或创建ZIP文件,而不是使用专有的7Z文件。 这样做的主要原因是兼容性。 几乎每个系统都可以打开ZIP文件,而使用7Z文件意味着人们实际上需要安装7-Zip或另一个支持它们的第三方应用程序来处理文件。

Still, it’s a solid compression format.


如何打开7Z文件? (How Do I Open a 7Z file?)

While most operating systems have a built-in way to work with ZIP files (and some other compression formats, like ISO), they don’t have a built-in option for 7Z files.

虽然大多数操作系统都有内置的方式来处理ZIP文件(以及其他一些压缩格式,例如ISO ),但它们没有内置的7Z文件选项。

If you’re using Windows, the best way to open one you’ve received is to use the free, open-source 7-Zip tool. It also happens to be our favorite compression tool on Windows, even if you’re just using it for ZIP, ISO, RAR, or other compression formats.

如果您使用的是Windows,则打开已收到的最好的方法是使用免费的开源7-Zip工具。 即使您只是将其用于ZIP,ISO,RAR或其他压缩格式,它也恰恰是Windows上我们最喜欢的压缩工具。

On macOS, The Unarchiver is a great tool (also free) that handles lots of compression formats, including 7Z.

在macOS上, Unarchiver是一款出色的工具(也是免费的),可以处理多种压缩格式,包括7Z 。

On Linux, you can find various 7-Zip packages for various distros at the bottom of the main 7-Zip download page.

在Linux上,您可以在7-Zip 主下载页面的底部找到各种发行版的7-Zip软件包。

And if these tools don’t suit you, there are many other third-party apps that can handle 7Z files for both macOS and Windows.


在Windows中使用7-Zip打开7Z文件 (Opening a 7Z File Using 7-Zip in Windows)

We’re going to look at opening 7Z files on Windows here, but if you’re running macOS, you can check out our full guide on opening 7Z and other archive files on macOS.


Opening a file using 7-Zip is extremely easy and can be completed in as little as two steps.


After downloading and installing 7-Zip, navigate to the file you want to open. Right-click the file, point to the “7-Zip” submenu, and then click the “Open Archive” command.

下载并安装7-Zip之后 ,导航到要打开的文件。 用鼠标右键单击该文件,指向“ 7-Zip”子菜单,然后单击“打开存档”命令。

This opens 7-zip and displays the contents of the archive. From here, you can extract the contents to another location on your hard drive using the “Extract” button at the top. Or, if there are only a few files you need from the archive, you can just drag and drop them into a File Explorer window.

这将打开7-zip,并显示存档的内容。 在这里,您可以使用顶部的“提取”按钮将内容提取到硬盘驱动器上的另一个位置。 或者,如果存档中只需要几个文件,则可以将它们拖放到“文件资源管理器”窗口中。

Choose a new location for the file(s) to go and click “OK”.


使用Web应用程序提取7Z文件 (Extract 7Z Files Using A Web App)

If you only have a couple archives to extract, downloading software might not be for you. Luckily, there’s a good online service you can use. They don’t store any of your files, and delete them within minutes of extracting them.

如果您只提取几个档案,则可能不适合下载软件。 幸运的是,您可以使用良好的在线服务。 它们不存储您的任何文件,而是在提取文件后的几分钟内将其删除。

Head to B1 Free Archiver, and on the home page, click the big “Click Here” button.

转到B1 Free Archiver ,然后在主页上单击“ Click Here”大按钮。

In the popup window, navigate to the 7Z file on your computer, and then click the “Open” button.


The site starts the extraction.


After extraction is complete, you’ll see a list of all the files and folders inside the 7Z file. You can download any of the files to your computer and view any images from the website using the icons to the right.

提取完成后,您将看到7Z文件中所有文件和文件夹的列表。 您可以使用右侧的图标将任何文件下载到计算机上,并从网站上查看任何图像。

Whatever OS you’re using, 7Z files are able to be extracted with many third-party software choices or using online applications.





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