一、实验名称:Array Implementation of min-Heaps

4. 熟练掌握最小堆的数据结构,结构的特点;
5. 能够实现最小堆的基本操作:如构造,插入,删除,初始化,回收内存等

A complete min-heap is a min-heap with the structure of a complete binary tree which can be stored using an array.

  1. Determine the array structures for a complete min-heap(以数组形式表示的树结构)
  2. Input a linear list of 20 random numbers, building a complete min-heap to store the numbers
  3. Implement POP and PUSH operations for the min-heaps.

四. 算法实现:
通过在堆的末尾添加或删除,插入和删除操作都首先修改堆以使其符合shape属性。然后,通过向上或向下遍历堆来恢复堆属性。两种操作都需要O(log n)时间。


所需的操作数仅取决于新元素必须满足堆属性的级别数。因此,插入操作的最坏情况时间复杂度为O(log n)。对于随机堆和重复插入,插入操作的平均情况复杂度为O(1)。



四. 程序清单(较为详细的注释):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MaxSize 100
typedef struct Hnode* MinHeap;
struct Hnode{int* data;int size;int Capacity;
int getRandomNum(){int RandomNum;RandomNum=rand();return  RandomNum;
/*Filter down and find the proper position of the node on the premise that all subtrees are the smallest heap.
The tree with this node as the root node is a smallest heap*/
void FixDown(MinHeap h,int index){int parent;int child;int temp=h->data[index];for(parent=index;parent*2<=h->size;parent=child){child=parent*2;if(child+1<=h->size&&h->data[child+1]<h->data[child])child++;if(h->data[child]<temp){h->data[parent]=h->data[child];}else break;}h->data[parent]=temp;
/*The idea of recursion is adopted to establish the minimum heap from bottom to top, which ensures
that the subtrees currently established are all the smallest heaps.*/
void BuildMinHeap(MinHeap h){int i;for(i=h->size/2;i>=1;i--){FixDown(h,i);}
//Determine whether the MinHeap is empty
int Empty(MinHeap h){return h->size==0;
//Return and delete the minimum value of the minimum heap (that is, the head node), and keep the tree as the minimum heap
/*Move the last node to the head node, and size--,
Because the subtrees are all the smallest heap at this time, filtering directly
down can ensure that the tree is still the smallest heap*/
int PopMinHeap(MinHeap h){if(Empty(h)){printf("The minimum heap is empty, and the popped -11111 is an invalid value\n");return -11111;}int result=h->data[1];h->data[1]=h->data[(h->size)--];//向下过滤FixDown(h,1);return result;
/*Insert node, keep minimum heap*/
void PushMinHeap(MinHeap h,int val){if(h->size==h->Capacity){printf("The minimum heap is full and element insertion is invalid\n");return;}h->data[++(h->size)]=val;//向上过滤int child=h->size;int parent;for(;child>1;child=parent){parent=child/2;if(h->data[parent]>val){h->data[child]=h->data[parent];}else{break;}}h->data[child]=val;
/*Request space for the MinHeap*/
MinHeap CreateMinHeap(int MinHeapSize){MinHeap h=(MinHeap)malloc(sizeof(MinHeap));h->data=(int*)malloc((MinHeapSize+1)*sizeof(int));h->size=0;h->Capacity=MinHeapSize;return h;
/*Free up space for MinHeap*/
void CleanMinHeap(MinHeap h){free(h->data);free(h);
int main()
{MinHeap h=CreateMinHeap(MaxSize);//Construct the MinHeap with a random array of 20 numbers, and pop the MinHeap number in turnprintf("Construct the MinHeap with a random array of 20 numbers\n");srand((unsigned)time(NULL));int i=1;printf("20 random numbers:\n");for(;i<=20;i++){h->data[i]=getRandomNum();printf("%d ",h->data[i]);h->size++;}printf("\n");BuildMinHeap(h);//After the minimum heap is established, pop the elementprintf("After the minimum heap is established, pop the element:\n");while(!Empty(h)){printf("%d ",PopMinHeap(h));}printf("\n");//Randomly insert 10 elementsint randNum;printf("10 random numbers inserted in sequence:\n");for(i=1;i<=10;i++){randNum=getRandomNum();printf("%d ",randNum);PushMinHeap(h,randNum);}printf("\n");//while the minimum heap is not empty, pop the elementprintf("After the insertion, pop the element:\n");while(!Empty(h)){printf("%d ",PopMinHeap(h));}printf("\n");CleanMinHeap(h);return 0;



  • 输入格式:

  • 输出格式:

  • 测试样例1:



    Construct the MinHeap with a random array of 20 numbers
    20 random numbers:
    25934 30979 23498 31152 11647 2301 29550 22606 11334 6914 30615 28013 5979 11444 21228 3691 28332 32284 17894 14376
    After the minimum heap is established, pop the element:
    2301 3691 5979 6914 11334 11444 11647 14376 17894 21228 22606 23498 25934 28013 28332 29550 30615 30979 31152 32284
    10 random numbers inserted in sequence:
    16559 5286 28109 18979 2294 28525 14307 31967 23812 20665
    After the insertion, pop the element:
    2294 5286 14307 16559 18979 20665 23812 28109 28525 31967
  • 测试样例2:



    Construct the MinHeap with a random array of 20 numbers
    20 random numbers:
    26012 26797 26254 18847 29821 31007 5944 17888 14396 23200 27065 29070 13024 15340 29552 26589 16604 15737 29064 21912
    After the minimum heap is established, pop the element:
    5944 13024 14396 15340 15737 16604 17888 18847 21912 23200 26012 26254 26589 26797 27065 29064 29070 29552 29821 31007
    10 random numbers inserted in sequence:
    28387 16381 28017 23489 25085 31792 1424 1400 1499 18387
    After the insertion, pop the element:
    1400 1424 1499 16381 18387 23489 25085 28017 28387 31792
  • 测试样例3:



    Construct the MinHeap with a random array of 20 numbers
    20 random numbers:
    26058 13435 14208 28054 10385 20445 16751 9674 16182 2663 24995 29686 28056 17613 12562 7179 31608 11546 21926 23578
    After the minimum heap is established, pop the element:
    2663 7179 9674 10385 11546 12562 13435 14208 16182 16751 17613 20445 21926 23578 24995 26058 28054 28056 29686 31608
    10 random numbers inserted in sequence:
    24364 3738 8848 23389 151 22775 4832 2683 10328 8866
    After the insertion, pop the element:
    151 2683 3738 4832 8848 8866 10328 22775 23389 24364
  • 测试样例4:




    Construct the MinHeap with a random array of 20 numbers
    20 random numbers:
    26133 31272 31868 24454 18244 12456 22801 7883 2733 25098 21593 30699 12962 4962 31462 12739 25829 9342 31264 7589
    After the minimum heap is established, pop the element:
    2733 4962 7589 7883 9342 12456 12739 12962 18244 21593 22801 24454 25098 25829 26133 30699 31264 31272 31462 31868
    10 random numbers inserted in sequence:
    24777 32119 26509 20885 8339 14983 3408 21176 10790 18970
    After the insertion, pop the element:
    3408 8339 10790 14983 18970 20885 21176 24777 26509 32119

最小堆的插入和删除操作都是在树的结构基础上建立的,每次的时间复杂度为O(log n)时间,
若算法需要n次插入,每次删除,则插入和删除总共的时间复杂度为O((n+m)log n);
构造有n个节点的最小堆,同理其时间复杂度为O(nlog n);

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