LS1012ARDB - How to reflash u-boot / RCW via built in Kinetis CMSIS-DAP

由 Dieter Kiermaier 于 2017-1-18 提出的问题
最新回复由Adrian Stoica于2017-1-20提供 
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Hello community,

please can you let me know, how I may reflash the u-boot / RCW on a LS1012A RDB without a CW Tap?

As there is a Kinetis with JTAG firmware on the board I wonder if there is way to use this?

Many thanks,



Adrian Stoica 2017-1-18 上午3:22

Re-flashing is possible using cmsis-dap, but make sure a valid RCW is available. Otherwise, only using CWTAP you can restore the board.

Also, note that cmsis-dap is very slow.


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  • Dieter Kiermaier@ Adrian Stoica 在 2017-1-18 下午2:02

    Hi Adrian,

    many thanks for your support - that helped. Is there any further documentation how to configure a RCW / pinmux for LS1012A / ARMv8 devices and use them as default for own boards? Or in other words, what is "best practice" to make hardware adaptions - old fashioned way via dt adaptions or CW?

    Many thanks,


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    • Adrian Stoica @ Dieter Kiermaier 在 2017-1-19 上午3:31

      Old fashion is ok, but using CW and QCVS (PBL tool and PinMux tool) it will be better. Take a look on for a short description of QCVS suite. Note that PBL and PinMux tools are free of charge.


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  • Sabine Schnabeltier@ Adrian Stoica 在 2017-1-19 下午7:40

    Hi Adrian,

    Also, note that cmsis-dap is very slow.

    Can you compare the speeds of the CMSIS-DAP to the CWTAP? Are there some additional things you can do with the CWTAP that you cannot do with the CMSIS-DAP?

    I need to make an argument to my manager in order to make the purchase.

    Thanks, Sabine

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    • Adrian Stoica @ Sabine Schnabeltier 在 2017-1-20 上午12:30

      cmsis-dap is several times low speed than cwtap (5 to 10 times slow). This and the fact that over cmsis-dap rcw override is not possible is the difference between cmsis-dap and cwtap.


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